Chapter 35

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Jordan's POV

I sprinted towards the local sushi bar once I saw on twitter that BTS were going to be there. I was shaking as I reached the glass doors, frantically trying to calm myself down as I place my hands over the doors to peak through. I saw a crowd of people, my eyes scanned through to find Holly. when I spotted her and Taylor I yanked my phone out of my pocket and dialled her number. I watched her pick up as I hear a muffled faint voice "HELLO?" She tries to shout through the phone over the sea of screams and loud talking. "Holly you need to come and get me, the doors stuck because someone's leaning on it and it's all crowded an -and BTS is in there and holly help me" I plead and stutter. I watch her hang up and she pushes her way through the crowd, towards the glass door. Holly nudges the girl out the way and opens the door, enough for me to slid through. "Oh my god thanks" I said out of breath. "Yeah well what are bestfriends for" she chuckles. She grabs my hand as we both push through the crowd towards where Taylor was sitting. Luckily, their table was near to where the boys were standing so I had full view. I sat down silently as I watched them talk to fans and take pictures. I didn't take my eyes off them until Holly kicked my leg underneath the table. I wiped my head around in her direction, coming out of my trance. "Are you not going to go over there?" Taylor says looking at me confused. I gulped as I felt my throat become dry. ", I guess" I stutter as I try to contain myself and shakily stand up.

Holly's POV

"Are you not going to go over there?" Taylor asks Jordan confused as to why she'd not gotten up and gone over to the group. She stutters something that I didn't actually pay much attention to, as I watch her unnaturally pale body turn to stand up. Me and Taylor look at eachother with blank expressions as we watch her push herself through the crowd. Usually, Jordan's great at pushing through crowds, she'll get anyone to the front, you could count on it. But today.. Today she just wasn't with it, I know she's been dying to meet these guys, but why was she like this? She'd never acted this was before and I truly thought she'd collapse before she got to that table. We watch her get pushed to the back again and again and again. She looks back at us and shrugs her shoulders. As if to say "what can I do?"

Jordan's POV

I decided to wait behind the crowd because I was getting pushed back and then that way everyone's gone. It felt like an eternity waiting, standing around aimlessly. Finally, I only had 2 people in front of me. Girls, around 13/14. I hear them telling them how much they love them and how they have all of their albums. I zone out as I look at the boys. My eyes scan over them, each individually cute. Suddenly, my eyes stop. Fixed on a much shorter boy of the group. Park Jimin. The boy that I've literally obsessed and fangirled over for years. He's only a year older than me but I was still just as excited as a 7 year old on Christmas morning when it came to talking about him. His light brown hair laying perfectly messy over his forhead. I never understood how someone could be literally flawless. But seeing it face on I was frozen stiff. "Fuck" I thought to myself as it started to sink in. I swallowed hard as I try to look away, my throat feeling extremely dry, I feel myself starting to shake again. The two girls in front of me run off smiling and giggling. My legs suddenly having a mind of their own, decide to drive me forward, I try my hardest not to trip up, or embarrass myself as I walk towards the 7 boys by the counter.

Holly's point of view

I watched Jordan wonder around mindlessly as if the boys weren't there, clearly waiting for the crowd of people to disappear, she was really starting to worry me, but then I realised that she just wanted more time with them, so being the last person would be smart. Me and Taylor had finished eating about half an hour ago, but we were waiting for Jordan to meet the group of boys. "Why is she acting like that?" Taylor asked me, her eyes fixed firmly on Jordan's suddenly smaller form and shaky frame "I have no idea, it's worrying me to be honest" I replied my voice full of concern and confusion "I hope she isn't sick or passes out" Taylor said as she turned to me smiling "why are you smiling?" I asked her seriously "you're just so cute when you're worried, your face changes and scrunched up slightly and your bottom lip pokes out a little. It just makes me smile" she said chuckling slightly as she pecked my lips lightly before turning back to Jordan, I could feel the slight blush on my face and looked down for a minute, till Taylor slapped her hand to my thigh to get my attention "ouch" I started as I looked up "what was..." I went to finish, but stopped as I saw Jordan shakily walking towards to boys, all seven of them smiling at her, I could see she was really nervous right now, she kept playing with the sleeves of her jumper whilst she spoke to them, all of them laughing and conversing as if they'd been friends for years. The next thing I know they are all on their way over to mine and Taylor's table, Taylor looking at me her face confused and she looked extremely tired.

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