Chapter 14

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*the next day*
Holly's point of view

I hadn't seen or heard from Jordan all day and to be honest I was kind of worried, Taylor noticed this and told me not to worry, but even she knew that my gut feeling was probably right, I'd spent some of the night talking to Taylor about how I felt, I didn't know what to do and really needed advice

I came in and threw my bag down on the floor, kicked my shoes off and walked into the kitchen, Taylor was sitting with her back to me at the kitchen table, I walked over draped my arms around her neck and kissed her cheek "Hello" I sighed out "Hey babe. What's wrong?" She replied voice laced with concern, she pushed her chair out and I walked around her to curl up on her lap "This Jace guy that Jordan is dating, I don't like him" I replied, I was so concerned for Jordan and I hated it, I've never had a feeling like this before, usually I've gotten on with all the guys she's dated, but Jace, I don't know what it was but something screamed out to me about him, something I still can't quite put my finger on "Do you think that maybe you should give him a chance?" She replied whilst kissing my jawline and tracing tiny hearts and the small of my back "No, I've never had this feeling with any of her other boyfriends, just something about him seems off and I'm so worried for her" I replied back as my voice cracked. It was safe to say Jordan was the closest thing to a family member that I had, to lose her would kill me, she'd always been there and continued to, it hurt to think that she could be in danger, I could feel the lump in my throat grow as my eyes began to grow watery "hey hey, everything will be fine, we will go by her apartment tomorrow and surprise her. How about that? Sound good?" Taylor asked as she kissed my forehead and pulled me closer "yeah okay sure, I just don't see why she hasn't messaged me today" I replied, this did upset me a lot, I usually talk to her everyday.
"Hey how about we go to bed?" Taylor whispered into my ear, I could already feel myself falling asleep so I replied with a simple "Uhuh" next thing you know I'm being lifted up and walked to mine and Taylor's bedroom. We laid in bed tangled together as Taylor sang in a low raspy voice to try get me to sleep, she knew my favorite song and it was starting to work, as she sang softly running her hand through my hair, I could feel my eyes become heavier and close.

So now me and Taylor are en route to mine and Jordan's apartment, my hands were sweaty and I was starting to feel really sick, the kind of nervous sick you get before you perform in front of someone or go for an interview, one feeling that only ever brought no good my way. I must have zoned out because we had already arrived at my apartment, Taylor's hand rubbed my knee reassuringly as she was about to get out of the car "are you okay?" She concern covered her usual raspy voice and it actually calmed me slightly "I'm so scared, I don't even know why. What could have happened in a day?" I replied my voice barely a whisper "come on it can't be that bad, let's just go inside okay?" She replied whilst holding her hand out for me to get out of the car.
The walk up the driveway and stairs to our apartment was slow and agonizing, I felt sick more and more with each step taken, I felt like I was about to pass out, Taylor hand her hand wrapped securely around my waist to ensure I didn't fall, we reached the door and I searched through my bag for the key I had gotten 3 years ago when me and Jordan first got the apartment, a day that I'll always remember

We had been looking for an apartment for months, it was fair to say we had seen half of the town and were not satisfied with anything that we had seen.
Today we were going to yet another apartment, but I had a good feeling about this one, as we turned up in my car Jordan sighed and said "here we go another apartment for us to look around and be un pleased by" her voice monotone "hey give this place a chance I have a really good feeling" I replied I was feeling hopeful.
We made our way up the stairs, Jordan walking slowly with me about 3 stairs ahead, I was getting excited and started to move faster, until I fell and hit my shin off the carpeted stair, I screamed out in pain and I laid on the floor "oh my god, she this is what happens when you get too excited, I tell you not to run up the stairs all the time" Jordan said laughing at me whilst I laid on the floor in pain.
After the whole shenanigan we got the the apartment in one piece, the real estate lady took us around the apartment and told us everything we needed to know about it "Jordan this place is perfect for us. Don't you think?" I turned to my best friend hopeful that she'd say 'yes' in all honesty id fallen in love with the apartment and wanted it so badly "it's amazing, I really think this is the one" she replied, I jumped up excitedly and engulfed Jordan in a hug "Yay" next thing you know the keys are in my hand along with a piece of paper, the real estate agent already gone out the door "hey what's on the paper?" Jordan asked curiously "I don't know" I replied, I opened it to find a pretty funny note from the estate agent
"Here's my number, I thought you may want it...maybe sometime text or call me...I could use a friend, real estate is lonely if you know what I mean ;)"
I read aloud to Jordan, we laughed for at least 10 minutes and I threw the note into the trash, in all honesty id just gotten out of a relationship and wasn't ready for another, especially not a fuck buddy.

Taylor's point of view

I was starting to really worry about Holly, her movements were so slow and it scared me, it was safe to say I had fallen in love with her, I am in love with her, so seeing her so fragile is not something I was prepared for, she's usually the one to comfort me after I've read hate on twitter and cried my eyes out for hours, she made me feel so special and I couldn't ask for anyone else, I honestly saw myself with this girl for the rest of my life and unlike others I wasn't scared of it, I wanted to and I was excited for the life ahead of me
"Hey you okay?" I asked for the the sixty if time today, I was so worried about her, she was pale and looked like she'd just came out of hospital, as she fumbled around in her bag to find her key a scream came from the apartment, one that made Holly jump out of her skin, she dropped her bag and everything fell out, the keys in her hands as she smashed it into the lock unlocking it faster than id ever seen a door unlocked in my life, she barged through and even I was surprised by what I saw, I didn't know how to react, I wasn't scared, I didn't know how to feel, I ran in after Holly to the crying body laying on the living room floor, every light in the apartment off giving it an eerie vibe, I flicked the light switch of the living room to then be hit by what was actually in front of me, now I was officially scared and Holly, well she didn't look like she was even breathing, I ran to her side and she was pale white "Holly talk to me please, say something, anything" I said as I grabbed her shoulders and she turned to face me "Taylor" she replied her voice a raspy whisper of pain, she cried on my shoulder and I didn't know what I was too do.
I pulled myself together as my instincts started to come out and pull together, I put Holly in the sofa as I went to the kitchen to get disinfectant water and an ice pack, I came back with a full medical kit and then found myself on the floor next to the limp body on the floor. I started to clean her wounds and attend to a deep gash on her forehead, it was pretty bad and I didn't know if I should call an ambulance, 10 minutes later I had cleaned up the gashes and cuts on her and placed bandages and bandaids over them, I then lifted the body off the floor and laid her on the couch, Holly was now starting to come around and she helped me to ensure that Jordan was still breathing, neither of us said anything and neither of us knew what had happened in the last 24 hours but even I knew it had something to do with Jace and Holly was going to blow up eventually.

Guys I'm so so sorry that I haven't updated in so long, I've been so busy with school work and I just haven't had time to write anything, I will try my hardest to update more often but for now I hope you like this chapter and please tell me what you think, give me any ideas as to where you want the story to go and if you want any new characters involved.

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