Chapter 45

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*3 months later*

Taylor's POV

The tour was a huge success, 'Going to hell' sold tons of copies and it was one of the best selling albums. I was really happy about that and things had been going great. Well with my career, not so much with Holly I guess. We've argued a lot over the last month because of her being stressed out, management has been really hard on her and they have given her a deadline that she thinks she won't be able to reach because she can't get lyrics onto paper at the moment, I've tried helping her but she won't let me. It hurts to watch her like this and it really upsets and angers me when she takes things out on me.
I'm currently laying on the couch in our apartment looking through old pictures, I put my headphones in as I came to an old video of me and Holly, it was one that a fan had made with Holly's cover of 'You' that she sang to me to put things right. The video consisted of cute pictures and small cute video clips of us. I hadn't realized I was crying until I felt the pad of her thumb wiping my cheek, I looked at her and took my headphones out of my ears "are you okay?" She asked, concern filling her tone. This seemed to be a question we always asked each other lately after each argument, I was either asking her or she was asking me. Every time the question was asked it broke my heart coming from my own lips and hearing it from hers. "Yeah" I replied sniffling slightly and wiping my face with the sleeves of a plain black oversized jumper that was Holly's "are you sure? Why are you crying?" She pushed more, this was one of the good times, she showed more sympathy when she found me crying and felt bad for what she had done that she usually did without me crying, purely because she was so tied up with work that she didn't pay much attention to me. It hurt me a lot, but I guess I must have been like that to at some point, I'm not really to sure. I just hope it doesn't become a regular thing and she isn't always grouchy. "Taylor?" She asked looking at me her face now really concerned "sorry what?" I replied confused, I must have been caught in my train of thought "you kinda zoned out on me, I asked what made you cry?" She asked again, oh yeah I remember now, her being sympathetic "oh, just an old video made by a fan" I replied shaking it off as if it was nothing "can I watch it?" She asked hopefully, I sighed and handed her my phone taking the headphones out and pressing play, I walked into the kitchen to make a hot chocolate and stood there thinking again, I don't know how long I was stood there but it must have been a while cause next thing I know arms were snaking around my waist and a kiss was placed on my cheek. "Taylor. I know things have been rough lately, but I promise I'm trying I don't want to hurt you and I know I have and I'm so so sorry, I know why that video made you cry. I know you want things to go back the way they were and I promise that I'm gonna sort this out" she told me as she grabbed my hand that had the promise ring she'd given me on, she spun it around my finger slightly and she looked at me "I promise" the significance of her playing with the ring on my finger made her words seem that much truer, but I didn't know if things were going to really change or not and I wasn't really sure if I could deal with much more of this.

Holly's POV

I'd called Jordan and asked her for some advice, she knew me better than anyone and told me that I should go and see a councillor to help me with my stress. So I called up my old therapist and asked her if she could spare me some time for some appointments, luckily she could and I was extremely happy. I grabbed my leather jacket and threw it on after arranging to meet her at the small coffee shop down the road from mine and Taylor's apartment. I walked into the living area and kissed Taylor goodbye telling her I loved her and that id be back a little later on. I knew she wasn't happy nor impressed with the fact that I hadn't told her where I was going and left so abruptly, but this was for her benefit just as much as mine. I ran down to the car and and climbed in fast, driving down to the coffee shop. I walked inside and ordered a strawberries and cream frappe and took a seat in a booth that I knew no one would come and eavesdrop on my conversation, I waited for about two minutes when she walked into the shop "Alice" I called to her and waved, she walked over and we had a little hug "it's been a while" I spoke as I gestured her to the seat across from me and took my own seat. "It has. So what seems to be the problem? From when we left off things were great" she said sympathetically "I've been signed to a record label and well I don't know ive got this deadline for my first album and I don't want to disappoint, but it's messing up my love life, I've been lashing out a lot lately and it's been really effecting things. I just don't want to ruin this relationship. I need your help, advice and guidance" I told Alice truthfully, I needed her guidance and help badly right now to help me make things right with Taylor.
"Holly you need I spread yourself out, ask her to help you, she'll be understanding of how stressed you are. I do watch the news you know, I know what's going on. Just please don't snap at her anymore, you've got a great relationship, you're known as a power couple in this industry and I can tell you love her" Alice told me, I knew what she meant and I understood what she was talking about, but I didn't know how to not lash out at Taylor "what do I do to stop snapping and lashing out at her?" I asked my tone desperate, I really wanted to make this work between me and Taylor and I know if I lose her than I may lose myself. "Try going to the gym or take up boxing, get a hobby that you can do when you're feeling like that" Alice told me, her advice made so much sense and was so simple that I was surprised I couldn't just figure that out myself.
My phone rang and I looked at the caller ID "it's Taylor I need to answer this" I told Alice and signaled my figure for one second.

(A/N H-Holly and T-Taylor)

H-Hey love. What's up?
T-When are you coming home?
H-I shouldn't be too much longer, why what's wrong?
T-Nothing, I just wanted to see you. I miss spending time with you
H-Oh, I'll be home in the next ten minutes okay. I miss you to
T-Okay see you soon. Love you
H-See you soon and I love you too

I hung up the phone and looked at Alice, she nodded at me and started to get up, I followed suit. "Sorry to cut it so short" I apologized to Alice as I walked her to her car "not at all a problem, I'm just so glad that you're looking well and doing good for yourself" she replied sincerely "now get yourself home to that girlfriend of yours, don't keep her waiting" Alice demanded and laughed as she pushed me away from her and got into her car "call me if you need anything" she called from the window and drove off from the coffee shop parking lot. I laughed to myself and got into my own car driving back to the apartment. I grabbed some Daisies on the way home. I parked in the parking lot and grabbed the flowers getting out of my car and locking the door behind me. I walked into the block and unlocked our apartment door. "Taylor? I'm home" I called out as I walked in closing the door behind me and taking my jacket off. I didn't get a reply and walked into our bedroom, what I found was probably the most adorable thing ever, Taylor was asleep on the bed hugging my favorite oversized black jumper with the words "everyone knows I'm a lesbian" across the front of it in white. She looked so adorable and I immediately got my phone out to take a picture of her. After snapping a shot I went towards her and leant down next to her kissing her forehead. She stirred slightly and I smiled when she moaned slightly as she stretched herself out. "Wake up love" I whispered to her "no I want to sleep, come sleep with me" she demanded "you look so adorable hugging my jumper and sleeping curled up" I told her as I got up to put her flowers into a vase with water. I then came back into the room to get changed and crawled into bed next to Taylor, she instantly curled into my side and I felt overwhelmed with emotion and I started to silently cry. Taylor had thankfully already fallen asleep and so she didn't ask me if I was okay or not. I spent most of the night crying at all the things id done wrong with Taylor the past couple of weeks, it's been so hard and still she stays and it makes me emotional. I eventually cried myself to sleep for a couple of hours.

3rd persons POV

Holly only slept for a few hours, Taylor woke up and saw tear stains on Holly's cheek and immediately felt an aching in her chest. She hated seeing Holly this way but she just honestly didn't know how to help her. "I love you" she whispered to the half awake girl, Holly pretended to be asleep so she didn't have to face her reality for a little while longer. "Please let me help you sort things out, just let me in. I promise I'm not going to hurt you, you mean too much to me for that" Taylor continued and this made Holly's chest ache too, the both of them were hurting each other and neither knew what to do to help the other. It was just a cycle that they kept on going through, Holly opened her eyes and felt Taylor's tears dropping onto the crook of her neck and sliding down her chest. Holly was crying herself and immediately wrapped her arms around Taylor tightly and protectively. "I'll try" she whispered "I love you too" Holly replied sincerely and truthfully, her voice full of love and pain at her girlfriends hurting.
The pair spent the day in bed talking about future plan and trying to figure things out.

How everything started (taylor momsen girlxgirl)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora