Chapter 43

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Holly's POV

The plane journey was boring, we weren't on it for as long as the first flight of the tour, but I still hated it. Jordan had fallen asleep curled up in her chair, she was still really upset about Jimin leaving, but me and Jimin have planned a surprise for her next year, I know you're thinking it's probably ages away, but it's a big surprise and she'll love it, besides she will see him again before that. I just hope she doesn't let this get to her too much, it's boring when she's like this, but I understand and I'm just giving her space. Taylor fell asleep too, she was laying on me and seemed very comfortable, her hair had covered her face and she had one of her arms draped over my torso while the other was somewhere underneath her. I however stayed awake, I had already started writing songs for my album and was just trying to finish the second one. "We will be landing in about five minutes time. Passengers please put your seat belts on. I'm your pilot and I hope you had a nice flight." The pilot have us instructions and that was my cue to wake the two sleeping girls, I shook Taylor lightly "Taylor wake up, we're landing" I said as I moved her hair slightly and kissed her forehead "mmm" she replied as she sat up slowly and looked at me with tired eyes "put your seat belt on" I told her as I turned to Jordan, shaking her shoulder lightly I told her to wake up as well "okay" she replied as she sat up to. "Put your belt on" I said before turning to my own and putting it on. We felt the plane start to land I I hated this part, Taylor gripped my hand knowing I didn't like it and I held hers tight in return. A couple seconds later we landed and everyone started to leave the plane. I was getting extremely bored as I moved through the line of zombie like passengers at an exceedingly slow pace that was agonizing. Finally we got into the airport and went to the luggage area to collect our suitcases, it just seemed that right now everything was moving slower than normal.

Finally we got our bags and we walked outside, finding a chauffeur and following him to a very nice black car with blacked out windows. We packed our bags into the back and climbed in. The drive to the hotel was faster than any of the other processes today and I was thankful, all I wanted to do was sleep. We pulled up outside of the hotel and took our luggage inside, standing in the hotel lobby I walked over to the receptionist and signed us in. Our room was on the top floor again and so we got in the elevator and made our way up.

Taylor's POV

We walked into the room that was ours and it was pretty big, two bedrooms with double beds, a kitchen that was huge, a living room with a big tv and obviously ensuite bathrooms. Me and Holly went into our room to unpack some stuff and Jordan went to hers. Mine and Holly's room was amazing, there was black oak draws and a black oak wardrobe, with a kingsize bed that was covered with white bedding. The walls a shade of cream that was nicely lit by the small lamp on the bedside table. Holly put her bag at one side of the room and walked outside of the balcony door. The view that we had was amazing and the balcony had a beautiful lounging set. She took in the view and sighed contently, I was watching her from the door for a few minutes before I decided to walk over and wrap my arms around her torso "hey" she said as she turned herself around in my arms to face me, I moved my arms around her neck and hers hung loosely around my torso, her hands resting on the small of my back. "Are you okay?" I asked, watching her sigh heavily before nodding "what's wrong?" I pushed further, knowing something was bugging her "I'm just tired" she replied simply "so am I, it's late and we should probably get to sleep" I replied as I removed my hands from her neck taking her hand and guiding her inside, I closed the door behind us and walked towards the bed. Letting go of Holly's hand I started to strip down to my under wear and then I got into bed, Holly however put sweats on and a plain tshirt. She crawled into bed and I instantly curled up to her, she had one arm underneath my neck that was resting on my back as she grazed her fingers along my spine. Her other had was resting on my stomach and she drew small circles softly on my skin causing it to tingle under her touch. I laid my head on her chest and draped my arm over the waistline of her sweats, her stomach exposed from where her top had risen slightly from getting under the covers, my other hand was drawing odd patterns on her hip and I felt goosebumps grow every time I grazed her hip with a new pattern. We laid like this for a good ten minutes before I felt her breathing even out and I knew she was asleep, so I closed my eyes and started to fall asleep myself.

(4 hours later---still Taylor's POV)

I woke up because I felt Holly moving underneath me, I was praying that it wasn't a nightmare as she hadn't been having them for a while now and it had been really nice seeing that she was sleeping much better.

I open my eyes sluggishly to see her emerge from underneath the covers and get up. "Holly?" I yawn rubbing my eyes. "Don't worry love I'm just going to the toilet" she chuckled as she walked off. I smiled as I closed my eyes, returning back to my peaceful slumber.

I woke up without the warmth of Holly next to me. I turned around to find her side of the bed made. "Holly?" I called out as i rose out of bed onto my feet. I put on one of her hoodies and made my way into the kitchen to find Holly cooking breakfast. I smiled to myself and walked towards her. I snaked my arms around her waist and kissed her temple "morning". She jumped, nearly causing the bacon to go flying. "TAYLOR!" She exclaimed slightly laughing but with some annoyance to her voice. "Oh sorry" I said slightly taken back. Holly turned back to her cooking and sighed. I awkwardly walked into the living room to find Jordan watching tv. I watched her to see if she would say anything. I sighed and laid down on the couch opposite her.

Holly's POV

I carried on cooking after Taylor left the room. I felt bad for snapping at her but I don't know, I guess I'm just not in a good mood today. This whole album business is pretty stressful too, her out of anyone should understand. "Breakfast!" I called out to the two girls. I placed the plates down on the glass table as i saw Taylor from the corner of my eye walk in. I sat down and so did she. I was going to say something as Jordan sat down, silencing me again.

It was quiet while we ate. It's never quiet with us. I felt awkward and I could see the other two did. I looked over and found Jordan hardly eating. I sighed as I stood up, taking my finished plate with me. I dumped my plate on the side and walked towards mine and Taylor's room.

Taylor's POV

After Holly left the tension in he air decreased a little. I mean, Jordan still wasn't talking but.. I got up and put my plate on top of Holly's. I quietly walked into our room and saw Holly on her phone. She saw me and sat up instantly. "Taylor I'm sorry I snapped at you" she blurted out, concern washed all over her face. "It's fine" I said sitting next to her on the bed. I felt Holly pull me in for a hug. I placed my arms around her neck and we stayed in the embrace for a while. I was still slightly shocked she snapped at me and I guess it had really upset me, I know she's stressed because of the whole album thing, but she doesn't need to take that out of me. I pulled away from the hug and went and got in the shower, I guess you could say that I'm actually slightly mad at her for snapping at me. I was in the shower for quite a while just thinking about whether it was a good idea for Holly to get signed or not, ever since it happened she's been in a bad mood because she's stressed and 'tired'. It's all well and good her apologizing, but that's not changing things. I sighed to myself and got out of the shower, drying myself off and getting dressed into my black leather like skinny jeans and a plain white tshirt with baggy grey jumper that was Holly's. I walked out of the bathroom and found Holly sat on the bed dressed in a dark blue button up shirt with black skinny jeans and a pair of white converse, she was bowed down with her head in her hands and I actually felt bad for her. She snapped at me, but here I was being the one that felt bad. "Holly?" I questioned, she never replied leaving the air thick enough to cut with a knife "Holly?" I asked again, this time more firmly "yeah?" She questioned back turning to look at me as if she hadn't heard me the first time.

Holly's POV

I messed up big time, I shouldn't have snapped at her and now she's mad at me. I don't even know what to do, I feel like such an idiot. "Holly?" I was pulled out of my thoughts by Taylor's harsh tone "yeah?" I asked, I looked at her with a slight questioning look. "Don't pretend you didn't hear me" she spat harshly at me, my face furrowed in confusion and my chest ached at her tone "I didn't Taylor honestly, I was so stuck in thought I didn't even realize you'd called me" I replied defensively "that's all you seem to be doing lately, you're snapping at me and lying to me and you're always thinking" she snapped back, her voice rising "it's not my fault. This is what I do okay? This is how I deal with things, if you don't like it then just leave me alone" I snapped back my own voice now rising, full of anger "you know what fine. But don't come running to me in the next five minutes because you feel bad" she shouted back, her tone venomous. Great way to go Holly you've really fucked up now.

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