Chapter 21

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Jordan's point of view

Its now the early hours of the morning and I still haven't slept, the doctors allowed me to get out if bed and walk around, I spent most of the night sat at the window watching the sun creep up on the night as it slowly started to brighten outside, I was stupid for being so mad at Holly, honestly I'm scared, I know she is too and I know Taylor is, we all need each other and the only one really holding on is Holly, you can see the withdrawal on Taylor's face and in her eyes, she's breaking and barely managing to hold on, scared that she's going to lose the one person who she loves most, Holly on the other hand, she's showing just how strong she can be, but mentally and emotionally everything is eating away at her and I know she's scared, I decided to text her upon knowing she'd be awake not able to sleep for the recurring nightmare that haunts her sleep, Taylor had told me all about it whilst Holly went and made the phone call to the police. About an hour after they had left I received another text, this one more threatening

"If the police find out about this, your little friend won't be able to protect you, she can't protect all of you, not if she's clinging to life in a hospital bed. Watch yourselves"

I had become exceedingly scared and I was now becoming paranoid, I prayed the police could do something straight away, before anyone could get hurt dodging a huge bullet.

"Holly I'm sorry, I shouldn't of been so mad, I'm just scared. I got another text it's worse than the first. Please be here early tomorrow" I texted out, I was shaking slightly as I pressed the send button, I locked my phone and sat in silence for a few minutes before receiving a reply from Holly

"It's fine. I'm sorry I reacted that way, I'll be sure to be there as soon as me and Taylor are ready, we will be early! Don't worry nothing is going to happen I promise" I felt slightly reassured by my best friends reply, but at the same time something nagged at me and I had one of the worst feelings in the world. After sitting and killing my brain over thinking every possible scenario that could possibly become a reality I finally decided that as dawn approached faster I needed to get some rest or id be exhausted for the rest of the day. I clambered back into the hospital bed wrapping myself up tightly in my blanket, I closed my eyes tightly and found the darkness of sleep id wish would succumb me, as I fell into a deep slumber of painful memories and sleepless hours.

No ones point of view

The day creeped through the curtains of Holly's and Taylor's bedroom window, burning onto Taylor's exposed shoulder, the space next to her on the bed empty and cold, barely even consumed the night before as Holly had spent a high majority of the night sat on the balcony, letting the breeze of the night calm her and conquer her thoughts. She sat alone as the crisp morning air brushed over her skin and the sunlight kissed her skin completion illuminating her features perfectly defining her jaw, she was facing away from the door as Taylor admired the way that her light hair laid over her shoulders, the natural highlights on blonde taking a shine from the light of the sun, her fair unblemished skin exposed, Taylor walked over and wrapped her arms around Holly's neck kissing her cheek lightly, proceeding to rest her chin onto her shoulder, she sighed as she noticed the dark circles that consumed Holly's eyes, her features becoming saddened and a from taking over her face as she realized her girlfriend had not slept and was surely exhausted "Holly. Why didn't you sleep?" She asked as if it wasn't obvious to her, she knew Holly had nightmares, but she didn't expect that they would keep her awake all night "couldn't sleep, wasn't tired, I just didn't want to sleep, I couldn't let myself fall into the darkness of my own mind and let the nightmares wake me up" Holly hated them, she hated feeling so much pain, but in the same sense she loved to sleep and over the past two days she had missed that, her nights restless, lonely and dark, scenarios of thoughts that weren't close to reality unwillingly coming to life at night, it made her want to cry, but she wouldn't, her eyes to tired to let out a waterfall of emotion. Taylor sat herself on Holly's lap as her arms rested on her neck Holly's instinctively wrapping securely around her waist, granting a safety that Taylor now knew all too well, an array of warmth and happiness bursting through her. Holly rest her head on Taylor's as she nuzzled her head into Holly's chest, a sigh escaped her mouth, it wasn't a content one more of an exasperated sigh, her body exhausted and painful to move, her limbs just barely managing to be consistently working with their lack of rest. Taylor let a silent tear roll down her face as she heard the sigh, knowing that she couldn't help her girlfriend or grant her the sleep that she needed, a feeling of sadness and worry overcoming her, she wanted for Holly to be able to sleep peacefully, she wanted the nightmares to stop, she could see the chunk that it took out of her, breaking her heart at the sight of how broken she seemed, her whole personal deteriorating as her glow started to retreat and dim, the sparkle in her eye that Taylor had fallen in love with no longer there, instead her eyes dull and darkened framed with dark circles that had grown under her eyes, her smile now forced and replaced with that of a saddened expression instead, Taylor studied Holly silently almost as if she was studying a drawing or painting, Holly was like a piece of art, intriguing admirable and also fragile to touch, scared in case she'd break her, but also drawn to her energy like it was the one thing keeping her alive. Holly looked down and caught her girlfriends gaze in her own, their eyes locking together firmly, talking to each other the words that neither wanted to express aloud, Taylor leant up to connect their lips, but it wasn't a hungry kiss, it was one more of a reassurance, that she'd always be there that leaving wasn't an option and that Holly would always have her in need be. This caused Holly to smile into the kiss returning the same emotion and more, the meaning so deep that neither of them wanted to leave the moment in front of them as they pulled away, connecting their foreheads and just admiring each other's eyes, as cliche as it sounds, the moment was perfect, the sunlight, the scenery surrounding them and the people in it, almost like something from a romantic movie.

"We should really get ready, we need to go to the hospital, Jordan got another text and the police will be there soon enough" Holly whispered out and she tapped Taylor's thigh signaling her to get up, they both walked back into the bedroom Taylor closing the door behind them to stop anyone getting in whilst we were out. We got ready into casual clothes, Holly in light blue high waisted jeans and a black and white stripped long sleeve crop top, Taylor was dressed in black skinny jeans and a plain white top, both of them putting on a pair of low cut converse, Holly's outfit accompanied by a black beanie. They headed out of their apartment and made their way towards the car, they got inside and put their belts on, repeating the same actions that had become so familiar since the day Holly had been let of the hospital and Jordan admitted for two weeks.

Taylor's point of view

We sat in Jordan's hospital room in our usual seats, Jordan had handed Holly her phone to read the message and Holly grew anxious, her body had tensed and for the first time in the the past couple of days you could actually see the one emotion she had not let into sight of anyone, she was scared and she showed it, she bit her bottom lip and stood up, her hands fiddling together mindlessly as she paced back and forth by the window, her features changing more and more, her eyes fixated on the ground, her eyes growing increasingly worried at the message. I grabbed Jordan's phone from her hand and read the message, finally understanding the worry that had taken over Holly, understanding why she had grown so scared and anxious, it dawned on me now that this was serious, it was growing into a bigger situation as the days went by and it insinuated more and more pain and worry into Holly's mind, as she tore away at herself. I stood to my feet and walked to her pacing figure, I stopped in front of her and embraced her tightly, she stopped and stood still in my arms before finally returning the action with much force grasping my shirt in the ball of her hands and they became fists, I noticed her close her eyes and just breath heavily into my neck.

Holly's point of view

Nothing seemed to be getting better and everything just seemed to become more and more hopeless, no matter what action was taken, no matter what I done, I had a strong pulsating feeling inside of my stomach that made me feel nauseous, something was stirring inside me, I sighed in and breathed heavily taking in Taylor's scent in an attempt to calm me, only sending half of my worry into a cave in my mind, I returned to my chair as Taylor slowly opened her arms to let go of our embrace. I sat silently collecting my thoughts, but was interrupted when a knock sounded and the door opened revealing two police officers, their uniforms dark suits, both of the men of slim build, tall with dark skin tones, they entered the room slowly and stood at the bottom of the bed "I'm officer Brad and this is my partner Justin" spoke the taller one spoke, his voice deep and professional, indicating his authority in the situation, I stood to my feet "Hi, I'm Holly" I spoke boldly as I took both their hands shaking them firmly "This is Taylor and this is Jordan" I spoke again pointing to each individual, Taylor stood masking my movements and shaking both the men's hands, Jordan let out a small wave from her hospital bed.

"Right let's get down to business" said Justin suddenly finding his voice after id caught him staring at Jordan, his confidence seemingly grown as she smiled warmly at him, his own smile growing.

How everything started (taylor momsen girlxgirl)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum