Chapter 39

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Jordan's POV

"HOLLY!!" I screamed out my best friends name as I ran into the kitchen area of the hotel "what! What's wrong?" Holly shouted back as she jumped up from her seat startling Taylor in the process, I couldn't calm myself down "he has just asked me on a date" I replied my voice full of excitement "oh my god really?" She replied her own voice taking on a slight tint of excitement. "Yes and now I need to get ready" I said my voice full of excitement, I didn't even know what to say or do with myself "let's go then" Holly and Taylor replied in unison as they both grabbed my hands and pulled me to my room in the hotel.

After hours of looking Jordan finally settled on ripped black skinny jeans and a grey top with her vans. A knock came from the door and Holly called out to me "he better have brung some flowers or food for me" I smiled at her stupidity as to the fact she thought my date would bring her food "talk shit get hit bitch" I called back, remembering the old saying from school. I heard Holly's loud laughter coming from the room as she made her way out with Taylor, the two of them going back to the kitchen.

I opened the door and Jimin was stood there in tight black skinny jeans with his brown timberlands and a white tank top, his was occupied by a snapback. He looked hot! "You look great" Jimin said to me as he handed me a giant daisy and I smiled "thank you" I could feel a slight blush on my face. He shot me one of his cute eye smiles and linked his arm with mine as we walked out the door.

Holly's POV

Me and Taylor were peaking behind the kitchen door like sneaky kids watching to two kids awkwardly converse the two of us being the eldest out of the four. It was funny because Jordan was always protective over me and who I dated, the amount of heartbreaks I had endured in the past, you could say she became my guardian in relationships, but all my hard falls ended up sprouting into something beautiful and here I am with Taylor, but that's off topic, now I'm stood here being the protective one, but Jimin seemed genuine and I really liked him. He treated her nicely to, but after Jace I know I need to be careful.

Me and Taylor saw Jimin and Jordan off then went back to the kitchen "so what do you wanna do?" I asked Taylor resuming the spot I was originally sat in. "I don't know. It's up to you" Taylor replied sitting on my lap and nuzzling her head into my neck "are you tied love?" I asked her, she nodded lightly and I picked her up bridal style walking to the bedroom, we laid together as I rubbed circles on her back I soon realised that she had fallen asleep and so I got up, wrote a note and left the hotel. I wanted to go down to the town and do a bit of shopping.

Taylor's POV

I don't know how long I slept for, but I do know I fell asleep with Holly and now she's gone. A little disorientated I turned around a confused look plastered on my face, I found a piece of paper on the bedside cabinet and picked it up. I looked at the front and saw handwriting, but I didn't know who's it was until I opened it

'Sorry I left you love, I've gone down to the town to do some late shopping, I shouldn't be too long, don't miss me too much. I love you.

Love Holly x'

I smiled at how thoughtful she was to leave me a note, also how nice her handwriting was. I grabbed my phone and texted her 'how long have you been gone? I liked the note by the way, thank you and I love you too' I finished writing the text out, I then locked my phone and put it in my pocket as I got up and went to kitchen a grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, I turned to the kitchen side and saw a little note, I was confused, but picked it up anyway

'I hope you like this x'

It was simple, but I now recognised it to be Holly's hand writing, I looked down at the side and saw a small box, I picked it up and opened it, a ring was inside it, just a small plain simple one with a small black heart engraved on the front, I examined it and on the inside it read 'you have my heart, I love you' I couldn't help but well up at this, my eyes filled with tears and I turned around after hearing her clear her throat, I found her stood there with a tulip, a huge grin on her face "what is this for?" I choked slightly as the lump in my throat grew, a few tears sliding down my cheek, she stepped forward frowning and wiping my face with her thumb, she gave me the tulip and took the ring in her hands "Taylor this isn't a proposal okay, although one day I will propose to you, but this is a promise ring, I want to promise you that you have me fully, every part of me and I want to promise you that I love you and I never want to change you for anyone and that although we may fight and argue I want to be with you forever, well for as long as I live, I have honestly never felt this way about anyone, but with you everything just seems so right. You're so beautiful and talented and I never want you to change, I also never want you to leave me and I never want to leave you. So will you take this promise ring?" She finished as she offered it to me, I couldn't speak, I was now fully crying and I just couldn't stop, this had never happened to me before, so I replied the only way I could, I took the ring put it on my finger and grabbed her face pulling it to mine and connecting our lips passionately, I put everything into it as she placed her hands on my hips gripping hard and pulling our hips together as she pushed me against the counter, her hands made their way to my butt and squeezed it slightly, I moaned into her mouth and she darted her tongue into mine, the kiss was really heated and when we finally pulled away out chests were rising and falling rapidly, I found it hard to suck in a lot of oxygen to catch my breath, but eventually I got my breathing under control. "So does that mean yes?" She smirked at me, I nodded rapidly and hugged her tightly, nuzzling my head into the crook of her neck, she chuckled and put her arms around me protectively. "Are you going to speak to me?" She asked slightly as she pushed me away from her and kissed my forehead whilst going in the fridge to grab and juice pouch. "Well you took me by surprise, more than that but I have no words for what you've just done for me" I replied, I was still shocked and didn't know what to do. "Just tell me you love me" she started as she pierced her juice and started drinking it "but that doesn't seem like enough" I replied frowning slightly "you could always show me" she replied devilishly with a smirk as she wiggled her eyebrows, finishing her juice she through the carton in the bin, before she could do anything else I grabbed her hand and dragged her to the bedroom.

------------(3 hours later)----------------

3rd persons POV

Holly and Taylor were sat on the couch watching late night television, the clock ticking and Jordan and Jimin still hadn't returned, that and Jordan hadn't texted or called. Holly was growing slightly worried, but tried not to stress, trusting Jimin completely. Taylor was now thinking about a gift for Holly, she was so frustrated cause she felt that she couldn't do what Holly had done, but she knew that she had a softer side that she'd have to bring out, the only thing she could think of doing was getting we a promise ring, but hers would have 'you're my everything, I love you' with a heart the same as hers engraved on the front. So she decided that she would do that tomorrow, but decided to give it to her at the last show they were both to play in LA, in front of all the fans. She also contemplated singing a song for her, but which one she'd have to figure out. "You okay love?" Holly asked, unsure of Taylor's reply "yeah, just thinking" she replied looking up at Holly and giving her a chaste kiss. At that moment Jimin and Jordan walked into the room, Jordan had the biggest smile on her face and so did Jimin, both their eyes sparkling, you could tell that they liked each other, no matter how stupid you are you could see it. "How was your date?" Holly asked Jordan smirking as her friend blushed slightly "good thank you" Jimin replied as he sat on the couch next to the already occupied one "what did you do?" Taylor asked looking at Jimin whilst playing with Holly's fingers mindlessly. "Well I took Jordan to the fair. We went to dinner and beach" Jimin replied, his English was pretty good, but he had an odd grammar mistake or would miss out words, Holly nodded and Jordan came and sat next to Jimin, he instantly intertwined their hands and Jordan smiled "so you had a good time?" Holly asked Jordan, trying to embarrass her, Jordan smiled and replied "yeah, it looks like you did too. Did you give it to her? Cause well you have sex hair" Holly's and Taylor's mouths dropped open and Jimin and Jordan started laughing, Holly grabbed the nearest thing to her and threw it at Jordan, which happened to be a pillow, but it hit Jimin instead which fuelled their laughter more. Holly got up and walked into the bedroom as Taylor Jordan and Jimin sat laughing, but what happened next was not expected, Holly had a nerf gun and came out shooting Jordan in the head "stop laughing you little shit" she shouted, Jordan ran to her bedroom and grabbed her nerf gun shooting Holly in the forehead and laughing "talk shit get hit. Shoot me get shot bitch" Jordan replied as she ran to the kitchen, Taylor and Jimin were in hysterics and could barely breathe. "Taylor go and get the other gun from out room, it's in the suitcase, you're on my team" Holly called to her girlfriend laughing as she hit Jordan in the neck with her next bullet. Taylor jumped up running to the bedroom and coming out shooting Jimin in the back of the head "ouch" he called out laughing "Jimin I have one on the bed I'm my room go get it" he ran inside and came out shooting Holly right in the nose with his first shot. Next thing you know a giant nerf war had started in the hotel living room, both couples hiding behind the couches and standing to shoot.

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