Chapter 16

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Taylor's point of view

The next few hours went by in a blur, I couldn't quite recite back the events that occurred because I didn't know surely myself, I was numb with worry and in all honesty I was scared, she was only shot in the shoulder but she lost so much blood, the doctors assured me that she would be fine, but I couldn't stop the nauseous feeling I felt in the pit of my stomach...a hand gripped my shoulder slightly and shook me from my thoughts

"Miss.Momsen, you can go and see her now, the bullet has been removed and she is on the way to recovery." The doctor smiled to me

"Thank you" I replied having to think about each word as it came from my mouth, almost as if my brain had stopped functioning, the doctor told me the directions and I made my way to Holly's hospital room briskly passing each patients room scared to turn my head, I didn't want to see any condition that anyone was in, scared I may see a child or something that would scar me for life, I kept my vision forward and focused on getting to her room before I collapsed, I got to her door and walked straight in, now I guess you're expecting Jordan to be here, but the truth is, she was in the hospital too, she was in another ward as she had a broken rib, the hospital wanted to keep her in and make sure her recovery is full, turns out she took such a blow to the head that she can't remember the events from that day at all, they were surprised she didn't have anything critically wrong with her brain, her skull had been slightly cracked and so they had to sort that out, I had visited her and assured Holly would as soon as she could.

I stood in the doorway awkwardly contemplating whether or not to enter, she was sleeping and I didn't want to wake her, I walked in slightly and closed the door behind me, I stood and admired the peace on her face as she slept, after such a painful experience, walking in and seeing your best friend on the floor covered in blood, not knowing whether she was dead or alive, I don't think I've ever seen Holly so fragile or broken, I think that's why I was so scared, it was true that I felt safe whenever I was with her, I felt as though nothing could hurt me, so to see her that way, I felt scared and vulnerable, I just wish I had of protected her better from him, but he's gone now, for good.

I made my way across to the visitors chair and sat down, the doctor said that the antibiotics would be wearing off soon and she would wake up, I looked her over noticing the big bandage that now covered her shoulder, the hospital gown that only just covered her, a hole that revealed her perfectly tanned hip, her hair spread across her pillow perfectly as some of it draped over her shoulders resting in her chest as it rose slowly, her breathing was even and spaced out, her lips sealed together in a tight line not an emotion present on her face, the hospital sheets laid over her stiffly, they were practically paper and couldn't have been warm at all, I noted this for Jordan as I knew she'd be in for at least 2 weeks maybe longer and would need a warmer blanket and better clothes. I reached out to Holly's limp hand that laid delicately beside her and held it in my own, intertwining out fingers playing about with them mindlessly whilst rubbing small circles on the back on her hand, it was warm, yet the room so cold, I loved this quality that she had, no matter how cold a place she was still so warm, as I watched my hand with hers she began to stir, I looked up and saw she had woken up "hey" she said, her voice groggy and rasped from a lack of fluids, I smiled and looked her in the eyes for a second locking eyes with her "hey, how you doing?" I asked her softly smiling and squeezing her hand, to this she smiled and returned the gesture "I'm in a bit of pain on my shoulder, but I'm good other than that" her voice was still rasped, I got up and grabbed a bottle of water for her from the table that sat at the side of her bed "here drink some of this" I said handing her the water with it's cap off to prevent any strain in her shoulder, she drank at least half the bottle before deciding she was contently rehydrated and handed me the bottle back "thank you" she said, still a slight rasp to her voice but it would go away soon enough. I screwed the cap back onto the bottle and resumed my first position.

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