Chapter 32

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3rd person point of view

The rest of the concert went by pretty fast, almost like a blur to Taylor, Holly was beyond pleased with the reactions she'd got from the fans and had even been asked by numerous fans to sign things for them, this made her smile and almost forget the ever growing sense of fear at what had happened the previous night, not sure of what had been the cause of herself being stuck in the dream, in her mind and what it was that had stopped her from waking up for a longer period of time than any other nightmare she'd had. Time passed by as Holly sat in Taylor's dressing room waiting for her so they could both leave, Jordan having left early due to her lack of sleep and still fatigue state that had overcome her from jet-lag, the small girl almost falling asleep as she'd called a taxi to get back to the hotel and catch some needed sleep. "Babe come on, I'm tired" Holly called into the back of the dressing room where Taylor had disappeared to "just give me a sec" Taylor replied, the sound muffled as if she was in another room or had her mouth slightly covered, a few seconds later Taylor appeared with her hands behind her back "are you ready?" Holly asked patiently as she noticed her girlfriends presence "yep" Taylor replied rocking back and forth slightly on her heels, her hands still firmly behind her back "what have you got?" Holly queried, confused by Taylor's actions "well" Taylor started off slowly "I kind of decided that I would get you a little something to say congratulations for the show and well done. The performance was great, your voice is amazing and I would love to re-record the song as a duet with you, but here is a token of my love" she finished looking at Holly to see her reaction, the younger girl smiling brightly "awh babe. You didn't have to" she finally said "but I wanted to" Taylor replied bash fully "you always give me things and show me how much you love me, I wanted to return that" she continued "but I already know. You don't have to show me, you don't even have to say it, you prove it in little gestures much like this one. I'm not the only one who gives gifts and stuff, you do it to" Holly replied "but anyways, can I have it now?" She questioned, the excitement taking her over and making her want the gift really badly "well" Taylor started before removing one hand from behind her back and pointing to her lips, Holly immediately walked over to Taylor wrapping her arms around her torso and pulling her close as she connected their lips in a small, but sweet and passionate kiss. Taylor smiled brightly at Holly before handing her the small gift that she had brought earlier and wrapped in a neon blue colored wrapping paper "what are you waiting for? Open it" Taylor said laughing slightly as Holly admired the color, her obsession with neon things a tad unhealthy, but never the less quite amusing. Holly looked up at Taylor quickly before gazing back down at the gift and started to unwrap it, she ripped it off delicately and smiled at the box in front of her, now Taylor hadn't really had any trouble getting these, but she knew they'd mean a lot to Holly "please open the box. This is killing me" Taylor pleaded as Holly slowly opened the small black box to find a bracelet that had a charm on it "Taylor what have you done?" Holly asked laughing slightly at her girlfriends romantic gesture "nothing just read the inscription" Taylor replied anxiously, Holly read aloud what Taylor had gotten put on the bracelets charm, a small heart pendant "always and forever" Holly gushed "I love you so much" she said as she placed the bracelet around her wrist smiling as it sat nicely.

Taylor's point of view

"I love you too" I replied the grin on my face growing, stretching up to my eyes, I loved giving her small gifts like this because she showed so much appreciation for it. She kissed my cheek quickly as she grabbed my hand and dragged me out to the car. We both got in and buckled our seat-belts "so where do you wanna go?" Holly asked as she turned to me as she finished and turned the key in the ignition and started up the car. "Can we go to Taco Bell? We haven't had tacos since well..." She trailed off as she looked at Holly with hopeful eyes "yeah sure, well bring Jordan some food back to, I doubt she's eaten" she replied as she headed towards Taco Bell and going to drive through to avoid any unnecessary dramas. We drove through and ordered our usual and got Jordan the same, we paid for the food and left making our way back to the hotel, when we got there we were surprised to find a huge crowd of fans outside "fuck" Holly cursed as she hit the steering wheel "go around the back" I said to her calmly noticing her anger and frustration at the fact we had been found "okay" she replied calming down slightly but clearly still angered, so we went around the back and got out the car, we both were slightly shocked that we could still hear the screams of fans causing us to hurry in through the back door of the hotel and going into the lift finally getting back to our hotel room. We walked in and Holly went straight to the kitchen with the food "Jordan!" She called loudly "we brought you food" she finished, Jordan emerged from her room rubbing her eyes to get the sleep out of them "what'd you get?" She asked as she yawned. "We my friend have tacos" Holly replied smiling a wide goofy grin in Jordan's direction to which me and her both giggled at. "What's so funny?" She asked feigning confusion "nothing" me and Jordan both replied still laughing slightly "well then" she turned to us both "let's eat" she said whilst placing plates of tacos on the table, we both eagerly sat down and dug into our food Holly joining us seconds later her own hunger taking her over.

Holly's point of view

As time went by I grew more and more scared of going to bed, not really wanting my mind to take over my body the way it had the night before, but it was becoming harder and harder for me to keep my eyes opening, my fatigue and jet-lag practically killing any chance of me staying awake, my limbs ached do much and I had a headache from being awake so much. "Let's go to bed, I'm so tired" Taylor whispered from her position next to me on the sofa, we were currently sat watching a movie that had come on, I was not actually paying attention to it, my mind to far off in thought. "Erm sure" I replied quietly, Jordan had already gone to bed still tired from the flight here, so me and Taylor didn't want to wake her and tried to be as quiet as possible, Taylor got up and held her hand out for me to take, I smiled weakly and took it turning to tv off with the remote and throwing it back on the sofa as we walked into our room, both of us getting changed into our usual pajamas. I laid in the bed Taylor next to me curled up to my side her hand resting lazily across my torso and her other one played with my my right hand my left currently under my head to keep it up, she started tracing small circles on my abdomen like usual, only this didn't make me want to sleep, I sighed out heavily as Taylor turned to look at me resting her chin on my chest "babe what's wrong? You've been guilt and you seem stressed" Taylor finally asked the question I knew she'd been dying to since dinner "I'm scared" I replied truthfully "of what?" She pushed on as if it wasn't obvious "my own mind, I couldn't escape it last night, what if tonight is worse? What if I go to sleep and I can't wake up?" I spoke quietly my voice cracking and leaking nervousness "that won't happen, please try and sleep, I can see that you're exhausted" she replied her hand caressing my cheek "but Taylor, I'm scared" I replied my voice cracking again making me curse under my breath "if you want to cry then do it" Taylor said seriously "what harm could it do?" She asked as she sat up a little more pushing herself up to my lips and planting a soft chaste kiss there in which I returned feeling myself melt into her as she laid on top of me, my body sinking a little further into the mattress below me, I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance that she happily granted as I put my left hand on the small of her back whilst the right played with the hairs on the back of her neck at the bottom of her skull, Taylor's left hand resting on my cheek whilst the other rested on my hip, one of her legs resting between mine. The kiss became very heated and I felt my body becoming very tired. Taylor pulled away biting my bottom lip and pulling it lightly with her, this caused a small moan to leave my mouth. We laid looking at each other for a few seconds before a yawn escaped my lips and Taylor smirked slightly before rolling off me and taking her previous position and cuddled into my side as she laid on my chest "now go to sleep" she demanded as she traced little circles on my abdomen, causing me to become even more tired, falling into a deep and dark sleep.

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