Chapter 36

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3rd person point of view

The three girls sat with the boys for nearly two hours before Holly and Taylor decided to head home, Jordan choosing to stay behind and continue talking with the boys, her and Jimin seeming very cosy and close with each other. Taylor and Holly didn't mind that Jordan didn't come with them and said she'd meet them at the arena for the next concert.

After leaving the restaurant the girls made their way over to the parking lot, Holly opened the passenger door for Taylor to get in and closed it behind her before walking around the car and to the drivers seat, closing the door behind her and turning to Taylor.

Before Holly could speak Taylor grabbed her face and smacked their lips together, Holly was slightly shocked at first, but then melted into the kiss. Holly pulled away first, slightly red in the face and breathless "what was that for?" She asked Taylor a smirk playing on her lips as she saw Taylor was blushing "I just wanted to kiss you" she replied smiling "so Taylor..." Holly started as she started the car and pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road "yeah?" Taylor asked, her voice slightly worried about what Holly was going to ask next "are you okay?" She asked her voice concerned, Taylor's face eased over with confusion "yeah I'm fine why?" She replied questioning Holly's sudden concern, Holly made a face and frowned slightly, but wasn't sure if she wanted to push it.

Taylor's point of view

"Nothing. It doesn't matter" Holly muttered to herself, displeased with my answer "Holly what's going on?" I asked my tone laced with annoyance, she turned to glance at me her face frowning as she did so, I couldn't help but feel she was hiding something from me, but when she didn't reply I turned to the window and didn't look at her throughout the rest of the journey to the hotel.

We pulled into the hotel parking lot and I got out as soon as we'd stopped, and started walking briskly to the entrance, I was still ignoring Holly and was actually really annoyed at her, she should just talk to me! "Taylor!" She shouted to me as she ran to catch up to me, I didn't reply, I just kept walking. "Taylor stop" she said as she grabbed my arm lightly, but hard enough to stop me carrying on, she spun me around and I looked at the ground with my arms crossed, refusing to look at her "what's wrong? What did I do?" She asked, her voice laced with pain and concern at my actions, still I didn't reply, I just watched my feet. "Taylor please I can't do anything unless you tell me what's wrong?" She asked again, this time it was softer, I was still watching my feet and hadn't realized I'd started crying until I felt the pad of her thumb wiping my cheek and her arms wrapping around me securely, I wrapped my arms around her torso and cuddled my face into her chest, I was crying really hard now and I wasn't too sure why. "What's wrong love?" Holly asked soothingly and softly as she kissed the top of my head "I...I..." I stuttered out, but I couldn't speak properly "let's go inside and I'll make you some hot chocolate" she said to me as she gestured for me to get on her back, why she was giving me a piggyback ride I'll never know, but it was nice.

Holly carried me all the way to the elevator and into the room before stopping in the kitchen and putting me down, I perched myself on the counter next to the kettle whilst Holly made us some hot chocolate, it smelt amazing and I loved it when she made it for me. She finished making it and passed me the mug, it was too hot to drink from yet so I left it sat next to me to cool down. Holly took a sip from her mug before placing it on the side and pushing herself from the desktop making her way to me, she stood between my legs and placed her left hand on the counter as she intertwined her right hand with my left, rubbing the back of it with her thumb, she seemed to contemplate what she was going to say next, biting her lip and then looking into my eyes "Taylor what's wrong with you?" She asked her eyes were said and tired, her tone was something I'd never heard from her, I can't even describe it, she just seemed so broken. I mean I haven't said much to her and well, I did leave her in the parking lot and just walked off "I don't know" I replied, only half truthfully, I was tired and it was hurting me watching her go through all the things she was right now "please don't lie to me" Holly replied, her eyes glaring into me, her tone becoming slightly demanding "Holly look, I'm hurting. This is painful watching you go through this, it hurts me so much because this isn't who I feel in love with, Holly so much has happened and so much is happening and I can't keep up with it and I'm so tired, I can't sleep cause I'm scared probably just as scared as you are for if you're gonna have a nightmare and fall into a coma or not be able to escape your own mind. Holly I'm scared I'm going to lose you" I replied honestly, I couldn't keep it in anymore, she sighed and I hugged her "Taylor listen" Holly started off, I nodded my head in the crook of her neck with my arms wrapped around her "this is gonna be hard, but we are going to get through it. No relationship is all rainbows and unicorns, they're never perfect and never will be, there's always going to be ups and downs it's natural, but Taylor I love you and you're never gonna lose me okay? I can't stress that enough, now I want you too sleep because you're so tired and you have a show in a few hours, so have a nap, I'll wake you up in about 2 hours then we can head to the venue okay?" She replied, the truth in her words hitting me hard and causing me to cry again, I moved my head up to look at her and connected our lips passionately. We pulled apart and I smiled at her, a genuine smile as a smirk spread across her face, she picked me up from the counter as I swung my legs around her torso and nuzzled my head into her neck, wrapping my arms securely around her as she carried me into the bedroom, she tried to put me down but I wouldn't let go "please stay with me" I whispered into her ear "okay" she replied patiently as she laid down with me still around her I just laid on top. We laid together as she stroked my hair and sang lightly to me, I could feel my eyes becoming heavy and eventually sleep took me over, but not like the last couple of nights, it was a peaceful slumber.

A/N please read

I know people hate these, but you all need to know that I won't be updating too regularly because I have school and exams, but once I've done them I will update more regularly...thank you for reading and don't forget to fan, vote and comment anything you want to happen

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