Chapter 15

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Jordan's point of view

I woke up on my apartment couch with a massive headache, I reached up to touch my forehead and felt a bandage on it, I had no idea what had happened, I tried to sit up to find that I had a really bad pain in my ribs, I laid back down and tried again this time much slower, I managed to lay myself against the arm of the couch and looked around, the light was on and Holly and Taylor were curled together on the floor, Holly was sleeping and Taylor was just watching her, it was cute, they were cute together and I hoped Holly wouldn't get hurt, something that has happened to many times, Taylor looked over to me and realised I had woken up "hey how are you feeling?" She asked concern dripping from her voice "I'm in a lot of pain and so confused as to what happened to me and why you guys are here" I replied in a confused whisper, it hurt me to talk, at that point Holly stirred in her sleep and then woke up, she let out a moan and looked up at Taylor who was still looking at me, she then turned herself to look at me, as se done this I realised that she had been crying a lot, she must have cried to sleep cause her cheeks were swollen and she had bloodshot red eyes that were still slightly closed "oh my god Jordan are you okay?" She said in one breath as she jumped up and ran to my side "yeah I'm just in a bit of pain" I replied.

*2 hours later still Jordan's POV*

We had sat together for two hours now and neither of us knew who had done this to me, I couldn't remember, I didn't even remember what had happened, Holly was growing more and more angry by the minute and Taylor's attempts to calm her down were now starting to fail "Holly calm down, I'm sure we will find out, but we need to phone the police" I said to her sternly so she would listen "okay fine" she replied, she had given up and was now sat on Taylor's lap and not pacing back and forth in front of me which made me nervous, Holly wasn't violent, but if you got her mad no one ever knew when she would explode or what she would do when she did.

Holly's point of view

I was beyond relieved when Jordan woke up and was okay, I had a good idea as to who was behind all this, but I didn't want to hurt or upset Jordan, I knew it had something to do with Jace, he just seems so familiar, something about him just really gets me to double think "Taylor can we talk in the kitchen?" I said to her hinting it was important "erm yeah sure" she replied whilst getting up "why can't I know?" Jordan said, I know she'll be pissed at me but I just can't tell her how I feel about Jace "we are just going to discuss what is going to happen with the police" I replied calmly "oh okay" she said back as she resumed texting on her phone. Me and Taylor walked into the kitchen "I really think this has something to do with Jace" I said pissed off and matter of factly "I really don't like the sound of this guy, he sounds so familiar too, like I know him from somewhere, but I can't think of where" she replied sounding agitated "what do you mean?" I said back my voice confused "well I knew this guy called Jace about 4 years ago, he put me in a bad place, was abusive, I didn't think I would have anyone better because of him, you're the first person I've been with in 4 years, I've been so scared to have a relationship, but you're the best thing that's ever happened to me and I love you" she said, her voice cracking here and there, it made me smile and I engulfed her in a warm embrace "I love you too, I promise nothing bad will ever happen to you again" I whispered into her ear.

Next thing I know the door bell rings, me and Taylor both go to the door hand in hand and as I open it thinking it was the police, Jace appears in the door way "hey" he said cooly, I was so angry I was gonna rip his face off, the cheek of him, Taylor grabbed my hand really tight, I knew something was wrong when she backed away and hid behind me, Jace had a sinister look on his face, then everything clicked, that's why he sounded so familiar, I remember in the news, Taylor had been beaten up by some guy in a club, his name was Jace, I never knew that they dated though, Taylor likes to keep things out of the public eye and does so really well. I let go of Taylor's hand and lunged at Jace smashing my fist into his nose hearing a loud crack and thud as we both fell to the floor, next thing I know Taylor is pulling me off of him, he gets up and yells in my face "what the fuck was that for?!" I stood my ground and replied with a low sinister "you deserved it" he looked kind of shocked but then pushed past me and into my apartment, I followed in close behind him and asked him to leave, but of course he was with Jordan and well, she was pissed I had punched him and pissed I asked him to leave "Jordan, he's no good, it's his fault you're like this" I replied angrily "no it's not Holly, Jace just got here, id know what my own boyfriend is like, he wouldn't do this" she sounded beyond angry and I didn't know how to take that, Taylor was clinging to me and stood behind me, she wouldn't move and I hated seeing her so scared "Jordan this guy is abusive, I've always had a funny feeling about him and I don't like him at all, he's the guy that beat Taylor 4 years ago in that club, remember me telling you about it?" I replied back confidently, I wasn't scared of him and was ready to kill him for this "It's true" Taylor said quietly from behind me, Jace was now standing in the corner his face void of emotion, I didn't know what would happen next, but I had a bad feeling and soon realised that he had an object in his hand, but not any old object.

Taylor's point of view

Jace stood in the dark holding a gun point it towards Holly, right now I was beyond scared, I gripped Holly's shirt really tight, I didn't know what to do, I closed my eyes and for someone who sings about the devil, a rock singer, just me you may think this is insane and not right, but I prayed, I prayed that the police would show up right now and just shoot him. I heard not one but two gun shots and felt my heart sink on my chest, I could feel blood on my hand and realised he had shot her shoulder, she screamed in pain and dropped to her knees, I looked to see Jace on the floor bleeding from his head, I then turned to find the police behind me, what the hell did I miss when I was praying? I thought to myself, I didn't even hear them come in, but I was grateful, I knelt down by Holly's side and applied pressure to her wound, she was crying in pain and tbh I didn't blame her "everything is gonna be alright we will take you to the hospital and you'll be good as new" I reassured her, I was also trying to convince myself "I know, it just fucking hurts" she replied through clenched teeth, Jordan was sat on the couch in complete and utter shock, I don't think she knew what to do, she just watched her now ex boyfriend and her best friend get shot, the police moved in along with paramedics, Jace's body was bagged up and Holly was put on a stretcher to be taken and treated, Jordan was also because of the condition she was in, the paramedics believe she had a broken rib and wanted to treat that nasty gash on her forehead, I of course rode in the ambulance with Holly, just reassuring her and kissing her forehead every now and then.

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