Chapter 29

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3rd person point of view

The three girls settled into their hotel in LA nicely, they ordered room service and ate a load of food, Holly complaining that she was still hungry, but her requests for more food being ignored "babe we have eaten, you don't want to be sick do you?" Taylor laughed out, meanwhile Holly was fake crying "okay, fine. But you owe me" Holly replied winking at Taylor, this caused her to blush a crimson red and Holly chuckled in reply. They were all buzzing for the first concert tomorrow night, but with their jet lag catching up with them and all three become overly fatigued they decided to go to bed, Jordan fell asleep first, the small girl being so tired she thought she'd die. Taylor and Holly laid together talking.

Taylor's point of view

"Are you excited about performing tomorrow?" I asked Holly, my own excitement leaking from my voice "yeah, but I'm really nervous, what if they don't like me?" She replied, her voice unsure, I could tell she was nervous, it's not something she's really portrayed to me before, but I could still tell "why wouldn't they like you? You're amazing, and I love you, my fans are happy if I'm happy" I replied confidently, it was true and my fans loved Holly, I nearly never got anyone giving hate to Holly which I was extremely grateful for "I guess, plus they've never shown me any hate before, so I don't see why they'd hate me now" she replied suddenly finding a slight array of confidence, I got up and straddled her sides pinning her arms above her head "Taylor, what are you..." I cut her off and started to tickle her, she was down and I thought it'd be funny, so I did it. "Taylor" she breathed out still squealing "p...pp...please" she stuttered, I was now chuckling to myself at her attempt "st...stop" she finally said, I stopped and watched her as she took her hand from my grip and placed it over her chest "I can barely breathe" she huffed out "you should've told me to stop" I replied smirking "I did" she spat out fast, this just made me laugh more and before I knew it she was leaning over me my legs wrapped around her torso as she'd flung me over, her eyes went dark, as our eyes locked and we stayed like that a few seconds before I pulled her head down forcefully and crashed our lips together, both of them moving in sync, it felt like I hadn't kissed her in ages, when yet it was just about an hour ago, she slid her tongue across my bottom lip asking for entry which I accepted straight away, her tongue darting into my mouth and exploring it, our tongues battling together for the usual fight for dominance, hers winning as usual, I pulled away biting her bottom lip and pulling it playfully as I let go and we both breathed heavily, our chests moving rapidly. "What was that for?" I breathed out "what I can't kiss my girlfriend without having a reason anymore?" She questioned back "not like that you can't" I replied, my breathing still slightly out of pace "hmm, well then I won't kiss you like that anymore" she teased, I looked into her eyes and saw they had turned a dark green colour, my breathing hitched in my throat as she leant down to my ear, her hot breath exceeding down my neck, her right hand tracing up my side and raising my top in the process, the feeling of her fingers on my skin making me shiver and paralysing me "or, I could kiss you like that for another reason" she breathed out seductively into my ear as she kissed the skin in my neck just below my ear lightly, this arrayed a new sensation in my stomach as I wrapped my legs tighter around her torso and placed one hand on her butt cheek and moved my head back to give her more space. "I love you" I breathed out slowly as a low moan left my lips, she lifted her head up and brought her lips back to mine hungrily, her kiss passionate.

Holly's point of view

I didn't want to go too far because I didn't want to have sex in a hotel when my bestfriend was sleeping next door, it'd be kind of weird, so I stopped what I was doing, pecked her lips and rolled off of her and into my side, I watched we in amusement as she looked at me her eyes a mixture of shock and lust "why'd you stop?" She asked, her voice showing she was shocked "I don't really want to have sex when my bestfriend is sleeping next door" I replied stroking a strand of hair to the side of her face "oh right" she replied, the realisation suddenly appearing on her face, I laughed lightly and Taylor beamed a smile "well let's go to sleep then, you're gonna need it for tomorrow" Taylor yawned out, but the truth was I wasn't even tired, I was so excited I just couldn't sleep "I'm not tired" I replied honestly "well I am so you need to sleep" she laughed out as we took our usual sleeping position and she traced circles along my abdomen like she always did, her other hand across my chest whilst I played with her hand and fingers like I always did "I love you too" I said as I kissed her forehead, I felt her smile into my chest, proceeding to lift up her head and rest her chin on my chest "I love you more" she smiled at me "not possible" I smiled back, I was truly happy right now and nothing could take that away from me, not even the growing headache I had or the growing pain in my right shoulder, I remembered I hadn't taken my medication today and went to get up "where are you going?" Taylor asked from her position on the bed grabbing hold of my hand as I turned to the door "I need to take my medication" I started "I haven't taken it today and I have a massive headache that's getting worse, plus my shoulder is killing me" I finished as she got up still holding my hand and followed me to the kitchen "you don't have to come with me" I said to her as we started out of the bedroom door and into the kitchen, I had put my medication in there earlier, but completely forgot to take it.

3rd person point of view

Holly took her medication and her and Taylor went back to bed, they were now both exhausted and found themselves falling asleep as soon as their heads had hit their pillows, cuddled together to keep each other warm and well because they always did, the pair found it weird to share a bed without cuddling, or to sleep in a bed without the other, the sensation now foreign to the pair considering how they had become so used to each other's embrace. It was safe to say that Holly's nightmares had died down and she barely ever had one, but tonight, the nerves and stress that had overcome her mind for the following day, the thought of her performing had given her brain all kinds of problems and this caused it to use the darkest part of it's imagination and she found herself waking up within an hour of being asleep thrashing about and screaming, startling Taylor and causing her to jump into action grabbing Holly's hand and pinning them above her head as she straddled her hips to stop her from hitting her head on anything or hurting herself "Holly!!" She yelled at her thrashing girlfriend, her face was pained as she screamed louder and louder each time Taylor called her name, this was the longest it had taken Taylor to wake her up and she was beginning to get scared, thinking the worst and that her girlfriend had fallen into a coma, considering she hadn't taken her medication when she was supposed to and had missed it by a few hours, Holly's screams had woken Jordan and she came running in and turned to light on to find the scene in front of her, it scared her seeing her best friend still asleep and screaming violently as she thrashed around Taylor's grip, the small girl finding it hard to keep her still, tears streamed down Holly's face along with cold sweat that ran down her forehead, Taylor was repeatedly screaming her name and willing her to wake up, Jordan ran to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of cold water going back into the hotel room and throwing it over her best friends face "holy shit" Holly shouted as she flew up into a sitting position and bumping into Taylor, her head hitting her chest hard and winding the small girl, Taylor stood fast and tried to catch her breath, Holly jumped up to aid her girlfriend "bend down and touch your toes" she said, her voice coming out so rasped and hoarse it burned when she spoke, Taylor done what she said and regained herself before standing back up straight and taking Holly into a tight embrace snaking her arms around her torso and resting her head against her chest, Holly repeating what Taylor had done wrapping her arms over Taylor's shoulders and resting them low on the small of her back "are you okay?" Jordan asked the two girls unsure of whether she should leave or not, her fatigue willing her to go back to sleep "we are fine, go back to sleep, you're gonna need it, you don't have to stay up with us" Holly replied, her face grimaced at the pain that it caused her to speak, she answered all of her friends worries and Jordan pondered leaving before deciding that she needed to go back to sleep or she'd be grouchy in the morning and for the day, so she left turning the light back off and closing the door behind her. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry" Holly whispered into Taylor's hair, her throat was on fire now "don't be silly, I'm fine, but you scared me. Why didn't you wake up?" She replied her voice scared and still shaky from being winded by Holly's sudden jolt "I don't know, I tried but my brain just wouldn't let me" she replied, she was so confused by why she couldn't will herself to wake up "are you okay? Maybe we should take you too the hospital" Taylor rushed as she went to get dressed, but Holly held her tight and wouldn't let her go "we don't need to go to the hospital, I don't know what happened but we don't have to go. Okay?" Holly said, her voice confident and not betraying that she was actually worried that it took her so long to wake up and how she couldn't escape her own mind, this frightened her, but she didn't want to worry Taylor.

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