Chapter 1

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Juliet's POV

I hear my alarm beeping. I groan. I get out of bed and sigh. First day of sophomore year. First day of hell. I head to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I brush my hair and untangle all my knots. I apply some foundation, concealer, and mascara. I get out of the bathroom and dig through my closet. I pull out my All Time Low shirt and black skinny jeans. I strip and put on my clothes. I go downstairs and see my big brother, Sean eating cereal. I ruffle his hair and get an apple.

"What up bro?" He smiled at me.

"Sis." He replied. I put on my black vans as I head out of the house and walk to school while eating my apple. I see a familiar car right next to me. The windows rolled down. It revealed the person I truly hate. He smirked at me.

"See you at school Juliet." He winked at me. The other three idiot boys laughed and they left. I gaged. Gross. Luke winked at me. I bite my apple and sighed.

I made it to school and I ran into my Algebra 2 class. I see all eyes on me as I awkwardly make my way to the available seat in the back of the room. Ms. Garcia smiled at me.

"Glad you made it Ms. Hall." I smiled back at her. She was one of the coolest teachers here and was my favorite. I hear snickering coming from the one and only, Luke Hemmings. He turns around in his seat and his eyes met mine.

"You forgot to zip up your jeans Ms. Hall." He smirks. I blush and look down and realize he wasn't lying. I quickly zip up my jeans and hear his laugh. I glare at him.

"Pervert." I gritted through my teeth.

"Slut." He says as the whole class laughs. I bite my lip and pay attention to Ms. Garcia. Ms. Garcia looks at me worriedly but continues her lesson. Throughout the class, I received glares. I have no clue why. Probably 'cause of that Hemmings bitch. Yeah. The class ended and I rushed out as soon as possible wishing that Luke and his gang won't catch up to me.

"Hey! Wait up slut!" I hear his voice yell. I keep walking and I feel myself getting pushed into a locker. He locks eyes with me and pressed my wrists against the locker securely. I winced in pain.

"I said wait up. God, you're such a pain in the ass. No wonder your mom commit suicide." He snickered.

"BITCH PLEASE. YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT MY MOM!" I yell at him and being a strong girl, I get out of his grasp and slap him hard in the face. I noticed a crowd was surrounding us. He grabbed his cheek and glared at me. He threw a punch in my stomach. I groaned and fell to the ground. He threw another one on my face and I felt blood in my mouth. I spit out the blood on his white vans.

"FUCK! YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT!" He smashed me into the locker and I see blood everywhere on my ground. I cough out blood and stare at his now red vans. I try to get up but he pulls me down. He kicked me in the stomach. I groan in pain. I felt wet tears streaming down my face.

"S-Stop. P-Please." I manage to say. He stops and looks at all the blood I've coughed out. He had a worried face on but quickly replaced it with a smirk.

"I would see a doctor if I were you." He kicks me once more in the stomach. More tears stream down my face as I feel myself gasping for breath. Right when he was about to leave, he looked at me and had a panicked face. I see him kneeling down to me and carried me in his arms. My eyes slowly close and I heard screams. I manage to hear a familiar voice yell



Luke's POV

Fuck. No. This wasn't supposed to happen. I was just suppose to punch her in the stomach and she was just suppose to like have a bruise or something. I went too far. Now Juliet is lying unconscious in my arms. The crowd surrounding me is probably like ' He's so bipolar'. No. I'm not. They haven't been through what I've been through. Right now, Cal, Mikey, and Ash are surrounding me. Ash had a worried look on his face and so did Cal. Mikey had an angry face.

"What the fuck did you do?" Ash asked. He had developed a liking for Juliet. It's odd. Whenever he mentions that, I get a feeling that makes me want to throw up. He deserves better, not a slut.

"I went... too far guys."


"YOU HAVENT GONE THROUGH WHAT IVE BEEN THROUGH MIKEY!!" I yelled back at him as I pushed him off of me.

"That's an excuse Luke, and you know it." He spit out and stormed away. Ash looked at me in disgust and went with Michael. Cal just looked at the ground. He always cares for people. I know he wants to ditch me too.

"Cal, just go." I say calmly. He doesn't hesitate and leaves. Fuck my life. Fuck all of this. I'm going to see Juliet.

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