Chapter 11

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Hey you! Yes, you in the blue shirt! Oh, it's not blue? Are you sure? Oops, I must be color blind. Anyways, I'm going to experiment and make this whole chapter in Luke's point of view. Continue reading...


*Warning: lots of swearing in this chapter*

Luke's POV

"Lucas? Lucas, honey!" Mum called. I groaned and buried my face into my pillow. I heard the door creak open and my bed dipped.

"Luke, you have to go to school." She said softly.

"I don't want to." I said my voice muffled in my pillow. I felt her comb my hair using her fingers.

"C'mon, I didn't pay for your education for nothing!" She said as she shook me.

"Fine." I groaned and got up from bed. Mum left my bedroom and I walked into the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I looked in the mirror and I didn't recognize myself. I had dark brown circles underneath my eyes and I was very pale. I sighed and spit out the toothpaste that was in my mouth. I wipe my face using a towel and rushed out of the bathroom and put on a white shirt with a smiley face on it and black skinny jeans. I went downstairs and slipped on my black vans. I grabbed my skateboard and right when I was about to head to school, I heard mum shout to me.

"Aren't you gonna eat anything?"

"No." I shouted back hopping on my skateboard and went to school. I saw Juliet smiling at Dale as he opened the door for her and he drove her to school in his own ca-

"Ow!" I said. I rubbed my forehead as I stared at the pole in front of me. I searched for my board and it was in the middle of the road. I ran up to get it but a car beat me to it. I watched as my board got crushed into pieces. The car stopped and a guy walked out of his car.

"Dude! I'm so sorry!" The guy apologized. That guy had to be Dale fucking Cougar.

"Yeah. Whatever." I huffed brushing my hair using my fingers.

"If you want, I'll drive you to school." Dale offered.

"No. No. I'll just walk to school." I refused and glanced at my messed my board before walking. Bloody hell. He fucking ran over my skateboard.

"WAIT!" I heard a familiar voice call. I turned around and met a pair of grey eyes.

"Ride with us. You'll be late." Juliet insisted. I sighed and walked towards the car and went inside. Dale started the car and I looked out of my window.

"I'm so sorry for running over your board. I'll get you a new one if you want me to?" Dale offered.

"Don't." I spat out. The car ride was filled with awkward silence and right when he parked in front of the school, I ran out not bothering to say 'thanks'. I rushed to my locker and took out some books and angrily slammed it shut.

"Woah, you okay?" Ashton asked.

"Does it fucking look like I'm okay?" I spat. Ashton frowned and I suddenly felt bad.

"Dude, I'm sorry. It's just this Juliet shit is driving me crazy." I said running my hands through my hair and leaning back in my locker.

"I get. Don't need to apologize. It's hard. I'm sorry."

"Thanks Ashton, you're the best." I smiled a little. He smiled back.

"See you at Music." He said before leaving.


"Mr. Hemmings! Don't sleep during class! You will have detention during lunch! Got that!" The teacher yelled at me. I nodded and went back to sleep. That fucking teacher ruined my dream of Juliet and I getting married.

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