Chapter 25

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Michael's POV

"So do you like Heartbreak Girl?" I questioned.

"Eh, it's alright. But my favorite would have to be Wherever You Are or Try Hard." Juliet said tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, I'd have to say the same thing." Casey sided with Juliet.

"Hey, have you guys seen us live?" Calum asked the two girls that were seated at the table.

"No." They said in unison.

"You guys should come to our band practice tomorrow." Ashton suggested.

"Sure." Juliet said sipping her orange juice.

"Uh, I'll be back." Luke muttered as he left the table. I still don't know why he was talking to Dale. I'll have to ask him. Wait, why not ask him now?

"Yeah, I'll be back too." I said leaving the table and following the way Luke went. I heard whispering and I slowly peeked in the hallway and saw Luke and Dale talking. What the fuck?

"So when will it happen?" Luke mumbled.

"After school." Dale responded.


"I'll tell you one more time; You will make Michael alone and Becky will come up and kiss him. That's when I bring Juliet and then BOOM heartbreak. She'll break up with him and she's all yours." Dale smirked. I widened my eyes and went back to the lunch room.

What the hell did I just hear?

Are they trying to break us apart? Well, we know that our plan worked. Luke is definitely jealous. But I'd never think that he'd be so desperate for Juliet that he'll ask Dale. At least my feelings for Juliet have gone away...I think. There's this really cute girl in my French class. She has awesome hair. And she's plays FIFA. How cool is that? But then there's Juliet...oh just shut up Mikey. Luke and Juliet should end up together. You can't ruin it.

I sat back in my seat next to Juliet and she noticed something was up.

"What?" She whispered to me.

"Nothing." I said. She raised an eyebrow at me but shook it off. A few minutes later Luke appeared and I looked at him suspiciously. He didn't seem to notice because he was staring at my girlfriend. Well...fake girlfriend that is. I'll just wait until school's over then I'll talk to him about his 'plan'.


"I need to go to my locker. Just wait he-"

"No, I'll come with you." I cut her off intertwining our hands. She looked confusedly at me before I dragged her to her locker. She dropped of her textbooks and closed her locker.

"MIKEY!" I heard a familiar voice shout. I rolled my eyes and turned around.

"Hey." He said catching his breath.

"I need to talk to you in private." He said looking at me in the eye. I nodded and kissed Juliet on the lips for a good five seconds before waving and saying goodbye. And I swear I saw her pinks turn into a faint pink. Cute. Luke and I walked outside the school.


"Luke." We both said in unison.

"You first." Luke insisted. I shrugged and nodded.

"Okay. Let me ask you a question, where's Becky? Isn't she suppose to like kiss me and Juliet and I are supposedly going to breakup? And then Juliet will be all yours? That's pathetic Luke. And so low." I bitterly laughed and shook my head. His face expression changed completely and it was replaced with regret.

"You're suppose to be my friend!" I yelled at him pushing him back.

"Well I wouldn't need to do this if you just laid off of Juliet! You fucking know I liked her!" He yelled back pushing me as well.

"Maybe I wouldn't be with her if you weren't such a dick to her!" I said through clenched teeth.

"I would be with her if you weren't stealing my girl!" He said glaring at me.

"She is not your girl." I said letting out a dry chuckle.

"She's not yours either." He said pushing me to the wall.

"Oh you fucking bit-" I cut myself off by throwing a punch at his jaw. He took his grip off of me and glared at me. He punched me in the stomach and I heard screaming. I instantly got pulled away from Luke. I squirmed in the person's grip and I glared at Luke. Luke got pulled away from Dale. I turned around and saw a worried Juliet watching the scene.

"Dude, calm down." Ashton said gripping my shoulders. He let his grip off of me and I wiped the blood trickling down my chin. I was suddenly in a hug and looked down to see Juliet hugging me really, really, tight.

"Oh you fucking idiot." She mumbled in my chest. I cracked a smile and wrapped my arms around her. I saw Luke staring at Juliet with hurt in his eyes. I softened at the sight. Damn it. Now I feel bad. I saw a tear trickle down his face before he stormed off. Now I really feel bad.

"Juliet." I said.

"Yeah?" She asked pulling away from the hug.

"I think we should break up." I muttered. She raised an eyebrow.

"But what about Lu-"

"Look, I think he learned his lesson." I said. She nodded slowly.

"Okay." She smiled. I smiled back. I cupped her face and pressed my lips on hers. She didn't kiss back until a few seconds later. I pulled away and sadly smiled at her. I'm going to miss this. I'm really going to miss this.


I feel sorry for Luke. Is that wrong?
Do you guys still think Luke's a dick? And too bad Michael and Juliet broke up.
Do you guys ship Luke and Juliet or Juliet and Michael??? Personally I think Mikey and Juliet would be really cute but Luke...
Okay, so I made another cover. Do you guys like it? Or do you prefer the old one better?? Thank you guys for everything!! I love each and everyone of you!!!!! xx

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