Chapter 8

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Juliet's POV

I rushed along the hallways of the school with Casey beside me. Right now, we are fucking late because Casey thought we wouldn't need an alarm clock...we had a sleep over. She was so wrong. I probably tripped more than five times this morning by getting ready. I didn't even have time to do my makeup. I just put on the first clothes I spotted which was black vans shirt and my grey skinny jeans. And I rushed a messy hair bun and wore my black vans. Casey just slipped on black skinny jeans and black converses. She kept her Cookie Monster shirt she was already wearing and ponytailed her blonde hair. Of course, we quickly brushed our teeth bumping into each other a few times as we went in and out of the bathroom. Note that there was only ONE bathroom. We skipped breakfast and pretty much rushed over here which brings us to what is happening right now.

"What class do you have?" I ask her as we ran.

"Um, Geography." She responds hesitantly.

"Crap. We have to go separate ways. See you at Drama!" I shouted running to Music class. I hear a faint 'bye' as I make it to my destination and open the door and see pairs of eyes staring at me.

"You're late Ms. Hall." Ms. Tina says eyeing me.

No shit Sherlock.

"Sorry, I slept in." I muttered as I took a seat next to Ashton. He offered a smile to me and I returned it. I glanced over to Luke across the room and froze as I saw the person who was sitting next to him. Serena. Fucking Serena. She's the most clingy girl in this school. And she is one of the many popular girls that hate me. We go way back. She was another one who bullied me other than Luke, Michael, Calum, and Ashton. She will annoy the hottest guys and go wherever they go until she gets what she wants. One of the many guys she wanted was Luke. Luke thought she was hot so they instantly became together when they were fifteen. But they both bullied me when I was thirteen. When they got together, they teamed up on me and I got sent to the hospital several times. I'm pretty sure I was dead for a second.

It sucked balls.

Everyday I wanted to end my life. But every time I would chicken out. I had no friends which made it worse. They all hated me for some reason. And my dad to finish me up for the day. He would beat me everyday after I came home from school. And I would always black out. This was my daily life back then...

1.Wake up with bruises and blood
2.Luke and gang beat the shit out of you/Serena and her slutty girly girls
3.Come home to meet the monster who will also beat the living shit out of you, literally

"Juliet? Hellooooo?" Ashton snapped his fingers in front of my face making me flinch and look at him.

"I said, are you going to the party tonight??" Ashton asked.

"Erm, party? What party?" I questioned.

"Dustin Reed. Duh." He said obviously.
Dustin Reed is a hot jock that threw parties occasionally and everyone would attend his parties, except for me of course.

"Oh, um-wait, I have a date tonight." I remembered.

I'm going out with Dale Cougar.


"Ooooh! Who's the lucky guy?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes.

"Dale Cougar."

"WHAT? You mean the hottest guy in the school?!" He jokes. I laughed and nodded.

"Ashton...are you gay?" I asked seriously.

"NO! Geez Juliet. That hurt." He said putting his hand to his heart.

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