Chapter 37

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Luke's POV

Suddenly Aleshia's lips were on mine and I instantly kissed back. I have no clue why. Well why not. Juliet clearly doesn't like me. She doesn't talk to me. I threw pebbles on her window. She doesn't talk to me. I waited outside her house until she came out, and note that it was pouring rain. I even got her flowers. And you know what happened? She still didn't talk to me. She only talked to me for like a few seconds because she had to or I would get sick.

After realizing she didn't like me back, I called Aleshia. She calls it 'dating'. I call it 'waiting until the girl I like, likes me back'. Huge difference. Pretty sad she turned me down. And those All Time Low tickets were a waste. Well, not really. Calum and Michael did beg me to give it to them. And I did. I gave it to them. I didn't go. Juliet didn't go. Sad. And are Juliet and Calum dating??? Like seriously, yesterday Calum got her a huge penguin stuffed animal. Like what the fuck?? I'm suppose to be winning her prizes like that. And Calum has a miniature one like that. I'm suppose to have that. They probably aren't dating. Well, I hope they aren't. Juliet can't date anyone but me. Yeah, yeah, I know. So selfish. But hey, I love her. And you can't say otherwise.

I suddenly felt a breeze past me and I opened my eyes and pushed Aleshia away from me. I saw Juliet storming out of the shop. I has utterly confused. I looked at the time and it was 11:31. Oh. It's her lunch break. Okay, I might have spied on her and over heard her boss saying that her lunch break is at 11:30. I did. I looked at Jack and he had a worried look on his face. Leaving Aleshia, I rushed over to Jack.

"What happened?" I asked. He looked at me and glared at me. He took off his apron.

"Why the fuck did you kiss her back?" He yelled tugging on the collar of my shirt.

"W-what do you mean?" I stammered.

"She's upset Luke! She likes you! It's so obvious!" He exclaimed releasing the grip on my collar and he ran out of the shop me following right behind him.

"Where did she go?" I questioned looking around.

"I have a bad feeling." He murmured going in his car and I went inside as well.

"You think she'll be at Casey's?" He asked starting the car and heading out of the parking lot.

"I don't know." I said nervously. I hope Juliet won't do anything stupid. He didn't reply as he quickly drove to Casey's place. We arrived and we rang the doorbell. A few seconds later Casey came out with Ashton behind her.

"Hi." She said confused as to why we were here.

"Where's Juliet?" We both said in unison.

"Why? What happened?" Ashton asked.

"Fucking Luke kissed another girl." Jack spat out. Their expressions changed from confused to worried.

"Shit! I think I know where she is." Casey said. "She's back at her home."

We all quickly drove to her place and the door was locked.

"Fuck." Jack cursed. I pushed them away and kicked the door open. They all looked at me in shock. "Stop staring. We need to go." I yelled running inside.

"Juliet!" I shouted. Silence filled the house. I went upstairs slowly while Michael was right behind me. We went in her bedroom and she was still nowhere to be found.

"Maybe she's not here." Michael said. I ignored his comment and looked around. I spotted a photo frame containing a picture of Juliet and Sean. I picked it up and examined it. I heard a gasp and I instantly put the frame down and turned around and saw Ashton standing in front of the bathroom door. I slowly went towards him and laying on the bathroom door was Juliet. The blood was scattered everywhere. Tears streamed down my face. I kneeled down to her.

"Juliet?" I whispered. I turned around and saw them behind me.

"Fucking call the ambulance!" I shouted at them through my tears. Jack nodded and took out his phone and shakily called them. Casey was standing tears freely streaming down her face. Ashton was biting his nails also crying. We were all crying. I looked back at Juliet and took her bloody arm in my hand. I shakily read what she wrote on herself.


I broke out sobbing. This is my fault.


"What happened?" Calum said running into the hospital.

"She cut herself." Casey cried. Calum had a sad expression on his face. He spotted me and it was replaced with a furious expression. He ran towards me and threw a punch at me.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" He yelled punching me repeatedly. I pushed him back and he fell on the ground. He growled and got up and was stopped before he could punch me again.

"STOP IT CALUM!" Michael shouted holding him back. Calum kept giving me glares as tears fell from his face. Michael comforted him as I was sitting on the cold ground hugging my knees, my back against the wall. With of course tears continuously running down my cheek.

The doctor came out and I immediately stood up and wiped away my tears.

"Okay, she will be fine. She just lost a lot of blood. We gave her donated blood and she should wake up in a couple days." He said.

"Couple days?" I questioned. He nodded.

"Yes." He replied.

"Can we see her?" Jack asked.

"Yes." He repeated. We all headed in the room. I looked at Juliet laying there in the bed. She was very pale. But she still looked at beautiful as ever. I didn't notice I was crying. Damn it. Man up Luke. I suddenly felt someone pat my back. I turned around and saw Jack.

"She really likes you Luke. She even told me herself." He said. I wanted to smile. She likes me. Wait, but she's still banned to see me. It will never work out. And mum banned me from seeing her. But I don't really obey her. But Juliet will obey her brother. It won't work. Everyone left the room leaving just Juliet and I. I sat on the chair and held her small hand in mine. I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"I love you."



Another sad chapter. And another long chapter. Okay, the next chapter will be the second to last. Thank you guys for everything. I wouldn't be here writing this stuff without you. I love you. xx

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