Chapter 7

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Hi! Well since it's the last day of school (YES!!!!!!) I wanted to give you a chapter. Your welcome :-). I'm way too nice. Well, here's the chapter!


Juliet's POV

It's been a week since Luke found out that I'm Juliet and we've been really close. We hang out everyday with the guys and they think we are a couple. Pssshhhh, never would we be a couple! Sure, he's freakin hot, but...nah. I'd want to stay best friends with him and I'm pretty sure his feelings are mutual. Plus, there's this really cute guy in my AP Biology class. Dale Cougar. He's really nice and funny! And I keep catching him staring at me in class!! He's really popular but he maintains a good personality and grades. I find it hot. Like really hot. And guess what? I finally got a friend that is a girl! Her name is Casey and she's a really pretty blonde with blue eyes and she works out daily and she's a dancer. And I'm just here with ugly ombré hair, boring grey eyes, and a championship in eating. What am I doing with my life???'s a Friday!! I'm already at school and I'm in my Algebra 2 class. I swear, I love Math but this class is so boring! All my teacher does is give us worksheets and expects us to understand and answer it. It's easy as shit to me but I'm not sure about the rest of my class. Just giving us worksheets defeats the whole purpose of being a teacher. You are suppose to actually teach, not anything else. Most teachers these days are really lazy. All they do is go on Facebook on their computers and I'm here like 'what the heck?'. Biatch.

I groaned and started working on the worksheet. On the last question, my lead was gone. I pressed on the top of my mechanical pencil until lead came out. During the process, I received many annoyed looks. Sorry, I need to finish this. When I pressed it about a million times and ticked off the whole class including the pet parrot, I came to a conclusion that there wasn't any lead left. Shit. I looked around and saw no one I knew except for Dale Cougar. Hell to da no. Yeah...again he's really smart and is also in the same class as me in Algebra 2. Forgot to tell you that. He's sitting right behind me. He caught me looking at him and looked up at me and smiled.

"Do you need help?" He asked sweetly.

"Erm, d-do you have any l-lead I could use?" I stuttered as I felt my cheeks heating up. He smiled at me with his adorable dimples and nodded. He took out a pack of 0.5 point lead and handed it to me. I took it and got out one. I handed it back to him but he shook his head refusing.

"Nah, keep it. I don't need it anyways. I use pens." He insisted pointing to his black gel pen that was in his hand.

"Oh, thanks." I smiled luckily not blushing that much. He grinned.

"No problem." He said and continuing to doodle on his notebook. I took a quick glance at it and I saw petals of a flower. And damn, was he good!! I quickly turned around in my seat before he catches me and plopped the lead in my pencil and clicked it and saw lead coming out. I smiled and wrote the answer to the last question. At last, I have finished this shit! I heard a chuckle behind me and turned around to see Dale smirking at me. I blushed and turned back around in my seat. Did I say that aloud?

"Yes." I heard someone reply behind me. I smacked my forehead. You fucking idiot. I heard him laugh and the bell rang meaning that this class was over!! I grabbed my stuff and raced out of the classroom.

"Freedom!" I yelled as I got out of the class. I felt a poke on my shoulder to find a pair of green eyes staring at me. He smiled and I smiled back at him.

"Hey, I was um wondering if you want to hang out sometime? Only if you want to though. You don't have to. I just would really be ha-"

"Sure! I would love that." I cut him off and he stood there blushing. I took out my black sharpie and grabbed his wrist and wrote my number along the side of his arm. He looked at me as I wrote it and put the cap back on my sharpie once I was done and smiled up at him.

Check Yes, Juliet || Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now