Chapter 30

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Juliet's POV

*Two days later*

I walked through the doors of the school and went into the busy hallways. I saw everyone giving me looks and people were murmuring all around the hall. A tear fell down my face as I kept a straight face and walked towards my locker. Someone blocked me from my locker and I saw Jess. The person that I really wasn't in the mood to see.

"Move." I said through gritted teeth.

"Wait, I-"

"I SAID MOVE!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry Juliet! I'm sorry!" She broke out crying in front of me. I looked at her confusedly but let her continue.

"I'm sorry for being a bitch to you. I'm really sorry! I regret it. Every single damn thing! The reason why I started bullying you because...I lost my brother." She said as her voice cracked. I softened.

"He was my best friend. My hero. And he also had leukemia. I'm so sorry Juliet. I know how it feels. Please, forgive me." I nodded and hugged her. She was clearly in shock and so was I. I needed someone who knew what I was going through. We both cried on each other's shoulders.

"I'm sorry too." I cried. She nodded.

"It's okay." She said pulling away from the hug.

"Friends?" She said pulling her hand out for me to shake. I smiled and nodded.

"Friends." I agreed and we shook hands. We both walked to music class together and it turns out, Jess loves All Time Low and Blink 182. Which is really surprising. I thought she was just about One Direction and Demi Lovato.

"Yeah. I love them! But no one knows that. I've liked them for a while now. And I really like Remembering Sunday. It's so sad, but a really good song." She said. I nodded furiously.

"Yaassss girl!!" I agreed . She laughed.

"And by the way, I lied. You have an amazing voice." She smiled.

"You too." I smiled back.

"Ms. Hall and Ms. Connors? You paying attention?" The teacher asked us.

"Yes." We both replied in unison. The teacher nodded his head and continued drawing on the board. We both looked at each other and giggled. I suddenly noticed someone staring at me. I looked to my right and saw Luke staring at me intently. When he saw me looking back he quickly turned away. I frowned. I feel really bad for Luke. I told him a hated him. I don't. And you should've seen his face...


"So what's up with Luke and you?" Jess asked.

"Yeah. Didn't you make up?" Casey questioned. Jess and Casey got along very well. Casey was hesitant but agreed on being friends with her. Now I have another friend that is a girl.

"Uh, it's complicated." I said. They just stared at me weirdly.

"You're guys are always on and off." Casey commented.

"Hot and cold." Jess added.

"Yes and we're no." We all sang in unison. We all laughed but I soon stopped realizing my brother has just died. I bit my lip to contain myself from crying. They looked at me worriedly.

"You know, the last thing I said to him was 'eat your vegetables!'" I chuckled dryly remembering that memory that was just four days ago. We got Chinese takeout for Sean and I gave him his food saying those words.

"I'm sorry Juliet." Casey said sadly putting her hand on my shoulder. I nodded and stared down at my plate of food.

"C'mon eat something." Jess begged.

"I'm not hungry." I said. They looked hesitantly at me before eating their own food. I felt stares on me and realized Michael and them were staring at us, mainly me. I turned away from them.

They remind me too much of my brother. Especially Michael.

I can't be with them. I'll just break out crying. And Luke...I-I just can't. The day was going so well until...that happened. And I feel so bad for yelling at Luke. It really wasn't his fault. I want to apologize but...I can't.

"Thank you guys. Thanks for being here for me." I slightly smiled at them. They smiled back at me.

"You would do the same for us." Casey said. True.

"Oh guys, can you come to the funeral tomorrow?" I asked them.

"Of course!" They replied. I smiled at them.

"You guys are absolutely the best friends I could've ever wished for." I said.

"Awwww. I'm gonna cry." Jess said wiping a fake tear. I shook my head and smiled.

"Yeah. I'm flattered." Casey joked.

"Wait, is tomorrow Friday?" I asked.

"Erm, yeah. Why?" Jess questioned.

"Um, nothing." I lied. Tomorrow was the day I was suppose to go to the All Time Low concert with Luke. I don't think he'll want to go with a bitch. And plus, I'm really not in the mood.

"Wait, you're suppose to go the All Time Low concert with Luke aren't you?" Casey said. I nodded slowly.

"Go! You should've seen his face when he got the tickets. He won it Juliet. He won it for you." Casey sadly smiled at me. Oh my god. Did you hear that? That's my heart breaking. Luke really doesn't deserve me. And I promised Sean that I would stay away from him.

I promised.


I can't believe she isn't going to the All Time Low concert. She's so fucking crazy!! It's All Time Low for god sake's!
Do you guys trust Jess?? I don't know, but she seems decent. I've already written all the chapters up to 34. So you'll get more updates. Thank you for reading!! I love you guys!! xx

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