Chapter 26

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Juliet's POV

"So what exactly happened again? I couldn't understand you."

"I told you, LukeandMichaelgotintoafightandMichaelbrokeupwithme." I explained really fast. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Slow down!" Sean said chuckling.

"Luke and Michael got into a fight and Michael broke up with me." I repeated. He nodded.

"They got into a fight? Wow. Wait, you were dating Michael?" He asked in a confused tone.

"Yeah...long story." I said.

"Oh, I was pretty sure that you liked Luke, but you like Michael?!" He exclaimed. I bit my lip and nodded.

"Yeah." I lied. He smirked at me but frowned realizing that he broke up with me.

"Why did he break up with you??" He questioned.

"Long story." I said once again. He put his arms behind his head and sighed.

"I have time." He smirked. I groaned and sat beside him on his hospital bed.

"So, uh, we-we weren't really-uh, we're still friends." I said faking a smile hoping he'll drop it.

"Aaannnddd?" He said making me continue. I took a deep breath in. Just tell him the truth. Maybe he'll understand. He has to understand. He's my brother. My only other sibling. He will understand.

"Okay, so I may have lied." I said. He nodded waiting for me to continue on with my story.

"Michael and I fake dated. It all started at my birthday party and we were playing truth or dare. Then a guy dared a girl to give a hickey to the person on their right. And that person supposedly was Luke. And then she kissed him. The thing was...he kissed her back. And let's just say she was not my friend. So Michael thought it would be good to get revenge on him so he decided we should fake date. I agreed and the purpose was to make Luke jealous. As you could guess, it worked. And supposedly Luke teamed up with Dale, my ex boyfriend, to break us apart. Michael overheard them talking so he knew about their plan. So when they were going to start their plan, Michael confronted Luke which leaded them to having a full on fight. But at the time I was talking with Ashton and we came on time to stop them from killing each other. And...something made Michael breakup with me. I'm not sure. He said Luke learned his lesson or something like that. When I was hugging him he was still in rage from having the fight, but suddenly his expression softened. I don't know why though. And that's pretty much it." I explained. He stared at nothing trying to process the information that I just told him. He looked back at me and tilted his head.

"Luke...Luke kissed your 'not friend'. Sooo, you thought getting revenge would help?" He questioned. I nodded slowly.

"No. That won't. And god, I know you like him. No matter what you say, you like him. And if he does all of these things to you, then he's not worth it. Don't fake a relationship with his friend. That will just made the situation worst. Didn't you know that? That's a cliche thing you would see in movies. And that's movies. Not everything ends in a happy ending. So I don't think Luke will suddenly realize what he did was wrong, unless he really likes you. Which by what you told me, it doesn't seem like it. Why can't you just like Michael? He's a good guy. He's cool. We're cool. You should like, like him. Not Luke. He's an arse." He said. I sighed and buried my face in my hands.

"Love makes you do weird things." I mumbled. I think he heard he because he gasped.

"YOU LOVE LUKE?!" He exclaimed making me jump in fright.

"I- uh, I-I don't know." I stuttered. He suddenly slapped me in the face playfully, I think.

"You can't love that arse!" He yelled widening his eyes. I wanted to laugh because he slapped me. In a funny way. He didn't do it purposely to hurt me. I guess he just wanted to slap some sense into me. Yeah. I needed that.

"I can't control it." I said. He slapped me again.

"Try!" He said. I closed my eyes and tried to get Luke out of my head.
Nope. Can't do it. He's everywhere on my mind.

"I can't." I sighed. He sighed as well.

"I just don't want you to get hurt." He said softly.

"And sorry for slapping you." He apologized.

"I deserved that." I admitted. He chuckled and hugged me. I hugged him back and rested my chin on his shoulder.

"I love you Jules." He said in my hair.

"I love you too." I smiled. We just say there and hugged for which seemed like minutes but it probably was just seconds in complete silence.

"You're still banned from seeing Luke." He said breaking the silence. I laughed and pulled away from the hug.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I said rolling my eyes.

"Sorry, not sorry." He said sheepishly. I slapped him on the shoulder playfully and he laughed. I rested my head on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around me.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Eh, fine I guess." He replied.

"You like it here? In the hospital?" I questioned.

"Hell no." He responded. We both laughed.

"I hope you get better." I said.

"Me too." He said. Suddenly my phone rang and it was dad.


"Hey. You wanna go out to eat for dinner? Then we'll get takeout for Sean."

"Oh yah, sure."

"Where are you? The hospital?"


"Okay, I'll pick you up in five minutes."

"M'kay, bye dad."

"Bye baby."

I hung up and put away my phone.

"Dad and I will be getting dinner. We will be back." I said hugging him.

"Okay. Be safe. Love you." He said pecking my cheek.

"Love you too." I said kissing his forehead and heading outside the hospital.



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