Chapter 13

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YASSS! ANOTHER UPDATE! YES I KNOW, IM AWESOME! But I JUST HAD TO BECAUSE today is the day that 5 Sauce's album is out!!!! OH MY GOD, IT IS SO GOOD!! YOU DONT KNOW HOW LONG IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS!! ANYWAYSS...this chapter is dedicated to the lovely @lulaforever_7. I just discovered her today and her story is flippin AMAZAYN! Good thing I discovered her story soon enough because she was going to delete it! It's a Lucas fanfic sooo please check it out and follow her! And I also dedicate this chapter to people who comment and vote for this book and actually read it. You know who you are;). Thank you guys so much! Now...on to the story.


Juliet's POV

"There's a guy to see you Juliet." That cake faced bitch smirked. I rolled my eyes. Why did I go to this party again? I'm only fourteen. I saw a pretty decent guy walking up to me.

"Hi, I'm Steve. Want a drink?" He asked as he held up a red solo cup in front of my face.

"Erm, no thanks." I said. How did fourteen year olds get beer? Like what the heck?? His eyes grew dark and he grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs. He put his hand over my mouth before I could scream for help. I could see Serena grinning evilly at me before Steve tossed me over his shoulder. I punched his back in hope he'll let go off me. We went inside a bedroom and he threw me on the bed. I scooted back as he smirked and took off his shirt.

"W-What are you doing?" I stuttered. He took off his pants and crawled in front of me.

"Well you see, someone payed me to do this and I need the money for my family. Sorry, but not sorry." He smirked as he pulled off my shirt with one move. I gasped and cover my boobs. Tears streamed down my face. He smirked.

"Bitch, be quiet and be still!" He shouted at me. I continued to cry as he took off all my clothes...

"JULIET!!" I hear someone yell. I wake up to see Sean beside me and a few tears strolling down my face. I noticed tear stains on mine. I enveloped him in a hug and sobbed on his shirt.

"Did you dream about Dad?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Then...who?" He asked. Sean knows about everything he needs to know about me but one thing...

"I-I, just wanna sleep." I lied. I did not want to sleep after remembering that. I bit my lip and he shook his head.

"You're not telling me something Jules. I may not have been the greatest brother to you since I abandoned you for five years. But I've taken another year to get to know you in a replacement of all the years I haven't been with you. I'm trying so hard...I don't want you to get hurt again. I let it happen once, but not this time. Just please, tell me." He said tears escaping his eyes as he squeezed my hand.

"I-I g-got r-raped." I sobbed. He frowned and we both sat there hugging and crying.

"When d-did that h-happen?" He sniffled.

"T-Two years a-ago." I cried. He shook his head and got up. He punched the wall which made a huge dent.

"I WASNT THERE TO PROTECT YOU!" He yelled as he punched it again.

"IM SO SORRY!" He sobbed throwing another punch and he fell on the ground with his face in his bloody hands. I got up and walked to him. I hugged him and he buried his face in my neck.

"It's alright Sean." I cooed. My tears have ran out by then.

"M-My hands hurt." He said.

"A-And-." He said before passing out.

"SEAN!" I yelled and suddenly my tears came back. I grabbed my phone and dialed a the ambulance.

"Hello, how m-"

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