Chapter 34

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Juliet's POV

"So he will be teaching you stuff." The guy said pointing to the person I met yesterday. He smirked at me and I glared at him. The guy left leaving us two.

"Hi." He whispered. I didn't reply to him.

"Just show me how to do it." I said. He nodded.

"So this is the cash register." He said pointing to the cashier.

"And this is how you open it." He said pressing a button. I rolled my eyes.

"I suppose you know how to work it?" He questioned. I nodded.

"I worked at a mart before." I told him. He nodded.

"Now, just call me if you need anything." He smiled slightly before going to the cash register right next to mine.

This will be a long day, I thought looking at all the customers.


Two Months later...

"Jack!!" I yelled.

"What?" He says popping out of nowhere.

"Were you even listening?" I asked running my fingers through my hair and plopping on the couch.

"Yeah. You like Luke but you are banned from ever seeing him from your brother that is gone." He said. I nodded.

"Well, Juliet if you really like him, you shouldn't really care if your brother banned you from seeing him. He really likes you because he didn't listen to his mum. I suggest you do the same." He suggested. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in a hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my forehead.

"I miss Sean." I sighed. He nodded.

So let me tell you what has happened these two months...

The guy who was an absolute dick, is now my best friend. Along the way of flirting with me, he somehow became my best friend and we are inseparable. I showed them to Jess, Casey, and the boys and they all think he's chill. Except of course, Luke. I don't think he likes Jack that much. I don't think he likes him at all! Plus, Luke changed his appearance. He got a lip piercing and sometimes he puts his hair in a quiff. And I changed. My waist long hair is gone and is now up to my boobs. And I died the tips of my hair pink. Michael approved of the look of course as his hair was now pink. Absolutely PINK. And they all dropped out of school to focus on their music career. And I saw them live finally! Let's just say they were absolutely amazing!! And Luke's voice...agh! I'm still in school and it's quiet as fuck without the four idiots. I miss them. But we always hang out.

Oh, and Mikey got a girlfriend!! Her name is Delilah and they got together a month ago. She dyed her hair to match Michael's and they are the pink duo. She's awesome. She's the other girl that is good at FIFA and COD besides me. She joined Casey, Jess, and I. I'm very happy now. And I have a big sister now. Amy. The girlfriend of my brother. She takes care of me and I live with her now. She's so cool. I love her like a sister. Now I know why Sean loved her. So, my life is pretty much better now. And I occasionally go to my brother's grave and talk to him about what's going on. So, it's all good. Except the fact that I'm deeply in love with Luke Hemmings and I can't be with him. It sucks.

"Cal just texted me. They said we're going to go to an arcade." Jack said pulling away from the hug. I nodded and we both headed outside and Jack started the car. He drives me places. I'm too lazy to drive now he's here. What's the use of driving when you have someone that can drive for you anywhere?

"We are here." He announced parking at a huge arcade. I grinned and got out of the car and dragged him inside. Hmmm, where are they?

"Juliet!!" I heard my name being called. I turned around and saw Calum running towards me. Oh no. Suddenly I was tackled to the ground and Calum was on top and was hugging me to death.

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