Chapter 35

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Juliet's POV

"YESS!! GET 'EM CAL!! HIT IT!!" I yelled at Calum as he played to game. Time was up and we received 60 tickets. We grinned and high fived each other.

"Next one." Calum said as we walked towards Dance Dance Revolution. I smirked.

"Just telling you, I'm really good at dancing." I said stepping on the board. Calum looked at me.

"Really?" He smirked. I nodded.

"What song?" I questioned him as I scanned the options.

"Oh, let's do some Bieber." He smiled. I rolled my eyes and agreed. We settled down for the famous 'Baby' by Justin Beiber. He pressed the button and the game started. I looked at the screen and my feet automatically pressed the arrows on the board. I glanced at Calum and his eyes were glued on me with a grin plastered on his face. I couldn't help but laugh and smile. I looked up at the screen where arrows were shooting here and there. My feet were quickly pressing onto the arrows. I bit my lip. This was so tiring! But this is so fun! I giggled as I danced to the music and we finished off with a spin landing on the left and right arrow.

Cal and I grinned at each other and I suddenly heard cheering. We turned around and spotted everyone grinned and clapping. I smiled and Calum helped me off of the board. We fist bumped and he slung his arm around me.

"You're good at dancing!" He grinned.

"You too." I smiled. And damn he was. And he looked so hot dancing. His face was so focused on the screen but still he was having fun laughing.

"Damn! Jules, I didn't know you can dance!" Casey exclaimed. I sheepishly smiled and lifted my shoulders with a shrug.

"Yeah! I though Calum was the best dancer out of all of us." Michael smiled.

"And that was hot!" Jack commented. Jess rolled her eyes and smacked him on the shoulder. I chuckled.

"Yup. I ship you two." Ashton joked. I rolled my eyes. I glanced at Luke and I saw him glaring at Calum. What's his deal? He has that Aleshia girl.

"Calum messed up." Luke said.

"Are you serious? He was perfect!" I defended Calum. He bit his lip and sighed. He wrapped his arm around Aleshia. I frowned. I looked away and buried my face in Calum's chest.

"C'mon, let's get your penguin." Calum said. I looked up at him and slightly smiled. We both left and went to the counter. We handed the girl our tickets. She counted them with the machine and we had 800 tickets.

"I'm thinking you want the penguin?" She smiled at me. I nodded. She took the penguin stuffed animal off the shelf and handed it to me. I thanked her. She nodded.

"You have 170 tickets left. You can get the smaller penguin if you want?" She suggested. I looked up at Calum and he shrugged.

"Sure." I said. She took the penguin off the shelf and handed it to Calum. We thanked her and walked to the group.

"AHH. ITS SO SOFT!! CAL, CAL, CAL. HEY CAAAAALL." I poked Calum's cheek repeatedly. He turned to look at me and gave me the finger. I continued grinning like an idiot.

"CAAALLL." I repeated.

"Whaaaatt?" He groaned.

"Touch it. Its sooooft." I smiled biting my lip. He rolled his eyes and laughed. He touched the plush animal and nodded.

"Yeah. It's soft." He smiled shaking his head.

"Can I feel yours?" I asked. He sighed and handed it to me with a slight smile on his face. I grinned and touched the small penguin. Ooooooh. It's soft!! He chuckled at my reaction. I handed him back his plush toy and went to Ash and Casey.

"GUYSS! LOOK AT MY HUGE PENGUIN STUFFED ANIMAL!!" I grinned shoving it in their faces. They laughed and touched it. They nodded.

"Hey, it is soft." Ashton giggled.

"And it's so big!" Casey exclaimed.

"I know." I said before skipping to Jack and Jess. I shoved it in Jack's face.

"JEALOUS??" I yelled. He playfully glared at me.

"HOW COULD YOU JULES?! You know I wanted one!" He joked. I shrugged.

"But I also wanted it." I said.

"JESS LOOK AT IT! ISNT IT PRETTY??" I asked her showing her the penguin. She laughed and nodded her head.

"Yup. It's quite large don't you think?" She smiled. I grinned and nodded. I went to the next couple and took the penguin over my head and hit the pink duo.

"OUCH! HEY! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING??" Michael shouted at me trying to block the hits. I giggled.

"LOOK AT THE PENGUIN!!" I grinned.

"I see it alright." Delilah said. I hit them once more before stopping right in front of the blondes. My smile faded away as I met eyes with Luke.

"Look at my penguin that Cal and I won." I mumbled faking a smile. He slightly smiled at me.

"Awww. That's so sweet. Are you two together?" Aleshia cooed.

"What?" I questioned.

"You know, you and Calum." She winked. I faked a laugh.

"Oh, we are not dating." I said. She smiled and rolled her eyes.

"But still, it's cute. Now Lukey, why don't you do stuff like that to me?" She giggled annoyingly. I scoffed and left. Calum noticed by the look on my face that I was pissed.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Lukey, why don't you do stuff like that to me?" I mocked her annoying giggle. Calum laughed.

"Looks like someone's jealous." Calum smirked.

"Pssshhh. Am not!" I disagreed. He smiled and rolled his eyes.

"Mhm. Just keep telling yourself that." Calum chuckled. I rolled my eyes and pushed him playfully.



"Aww, look they are fighting." Aleshia cooed. I rolled my eyes. 'Can you believe her?' I mouthed to Calum. He shook his head and chuckled.

"Aleshia, for the hundredth time, they aren't dating!!" Luke shouted. I bit my lip and Calum and I smirked at each other.

"He's totally jealous." Calum whispered to me. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"But they look so cute together. Don't they?" Aleshia smiled. Luke groaned and started giving death glares at Calum. The smile left my face.

Luke Hemmings is jealous.


Luke is so jealous. Who's jealous? Luke is jealous. That cutie...
Aaannd just wondering if any of you guys ship Calum and Juliet??? Jullum is the official ship name. If you don't I suppose you still ship Luke and Juliet. Julke, which is the official ship name for them. TEAM JULKE!!!!

Well thank you guys so much for all the votes and comments. This reached 2.5K. AMAZING. You guys are literally the best. And oh my god the album is finally out in the US. I've been waiting for so fucking long!! And holy shit the deluxe version AND the regular version are on top of the charts for albums!!! Like what the fuck??!! I'm so proud of them! XD. They are so popular now. I love you GUYSSS. xx

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