Part 5

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Angel arrives just before 2 o'clock with Derik. Once she has him out of his car seat, he runs straight to Prince to tell him he donated ten Softies instead of the five that was that was promised. Prince's face goes into full animation as he praises him for being so generous. Angel looks pretty pleased with the whole deal herself, giving me a thumbs up as she makes her way over to us.

Prince sets Derik down and he comes over to me, he's excited about a "wake" that his Mama bought him. His energy is contagious as he pulls me by the hand to the trunk of their car. As soon as Angel pops the latch I see a child's rake, then when it registers to me what a "wake" is.

"He promises to help me in the yard," she rolls her eyes, "let's see how long that lasts." She looks around, "You mowed?!"

"Um, hmm, yesterday morning." I look around admiring the lawn.

"I thought you were his, yesterday," she nods at Prince who makes a face. Meanwhile, Derik is spinning in circles with his rake.

"I had some time," I say, I'm waiting for Angel to notice the ring on her own. Prince seems to realize my game and stays quiet.

"So....?" Angel asks.

I step closer to Prince to hold his hand, "He surprised me with a massage and a mani/pedi appointment first thing yesterday morning."

"Awww, that's ni..." she stops mid word, then demands, "Show me your hands." Letting go of Prince's hand I hold mine palms up.

Prince laughs but Angel shoots me a glare that would make the Devil turn tail and run. I slowly rotate them, the sunlight catches the diamonds on the engagement ring. Her hands fly up to cover her face but it does little to muffle her squealing. She starts to bounce, still covering her mouth, the squealing lessens, but the tears start.

Prince and I wait out her reaction, laughing under our breath as Angel does her best to try to catch hers. Now she's fanning herself and the tears are streaming down her face as Derik pulls at her shirt, barraging her with, "What Mama? What?"

She finally calms enough to gulp some air and snatches my hand back to look at the ring again. The next thing I know she is 'octopused' around me, and she's even stronger than I remember. My eyes wide, I plead to Prince silently to remove her, he's laughing so hard he's doubled over and stomping his foot.

Before Prince can realize what's happening, she releases me and grabs him, planting a big, wet kiss on his cheek, it's his turn to give the wide eyed pleading look. "This is so great," she says, "I can't believe it!"

She's back in front of me, grabbing my hand, she begins to examine the ring. After a thorough scrutinizing she looks up at Prince, "You have my blessing."

"Thank you, Angel, I can't tell you how worried I was that you wouldn't give me your blessing," he says with a slight sarcastic edge. They're back to normal, I think as he slips his arm around my waist to pull me close.

"So when's the big day?!" she's glowing as much as I am.

"Jeez, Angel, he just put the ring on my finger, it's not like we're getting married tomorrow." Then I remember how Prince works, my head pivots towards him, "We're not getting married tomorrow, are we?!"

Angel waits for an answer as anxiously as I do while Prince laughs, "No, Sugar, I do have a date in mind, but it's not tomorrow." We both breathe a sigh of relief.

I fill Angel in on the cleaning service that's coming in to deep clean the house, and let her know that she's free to start moving in at anytime since her lease is almost up. "You got everything you're taking out already?" she's surprised.

"Yep," I run my hand down Prince's arm, "we had it all packed up Friday night. And this one," I indicate Prince, "had it shipped up to Minnesota yesterday."

Angel looks at Prince in amazement, then looks apologetically at me, "I have some garden questions, if you don't mind?"

Prince interjects, "Can I have a few words with you, first, Angel?" Prince's tone is serious and Angel looks apprehensive as she looks back at me, I nod to her, so she follows Prince to the porch.

While he shows her the tabloid article, I show Derik how to rake the grass. As Derik halfheartedly rakes, I see Angel's concern about the article cross her face, she's quiet as a Prince talks to her, doing a lot of head nodding like I had done earlier.

Derik loses interest in the rake quickly, running over to Angel to sit quietly on her lap as Prince continues talking. When I approach Prince stands, giving me his chair, then makes his way to stand behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders.

"Wow," Angel says, shaking her head, then looking at me, "How do you feel about all this?"

I shrug, instinctively my left hand goes up to cover Prince's hand on my shoulder, "I don't like it, but, I guess I knew it was going to happen eventually."

He bends to kiss the top of my head, then addresses Angel again, "So, we can count on your continued discretion?"

"Y-yes, of course," Angel complies, "I know nothing."

"Thank you, Angel," Prince is sincere. "Derik, would you like me to play for you?" Prince asks as he picks up his guitar.

Derik leaps off Angel's lap to plop onto the ground cross legged, I stand so Prince can sit.

"Come on, Angel, ask me those questions," I start toward the garden with Angel in tow.

When we get far enough away, Angel asks in a hushed voice, "Dana, are you okay with all of this, I mean really?"

I finger the irises, then meet her eyes, "What choice do I have?" I sneak a glance at Prince who's focused on singing to Derik, then back to Angel's unwavering eyes. I take a deep breath before continuing, "I love him, I always have. I know everything has happened so quickly between us, but I honestly can't see my life without him."

She nods, "It's weird, right?! It feels like you two have been together for years."

"Exactly," I say as I reach down to pull a wayward weed, the guitar stops. Angel and I both look to see Prince watching us with his eyebrows up. When I frown, he reminds me, "Sugar, gloves please, we have photos tomorrow." He flashes a grin before he resumes playing for Derik.

(Book 3)  Roadhouse GardenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang