Part 30

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I pull through the gates into the parking lot of Paisley Park, then steer my way over to choose a space over near the flowerbeds. As I walk past, I can see that most of the flowers have almost doubled in size, they're doing great and filling the spaces nicely, I'm very pleased with how they are looking.

Monica frowns when she sees me walk through the vestibule and around the flower that still occupies the circle of his symbol on the floor, I can tell she wasn't expecting to see me. I approach her desk and ask hopefully, "Is Ray here?"

"Yes, he is," still looking confused, she nods and points toward the kitchen area.

She watches me quietly as I thank her and hurry off to find him. As soon as I walk into the kitchen, Ray spots me, flashing one of his friendly smiles, "Dana! Can I fix you something?"

"Please, if you're not too busy," I start.

He shakes his head, "What would you like?"

"Anything quick and easy, I'm not fussy," I really don't want to put him out.

"I have just the thing. Go make yourself comfortable," as he starts to busy himself in the open refrigerator.

I head back out where the booths are and sit, watching the television for just a few minutes before Kirk walks through the doorway, instantly I tense, but I smile and wave. Kirk pauses with that same confusion that Monica had just displayed, he nods once and continues into the kitchen. I really don't see what the big deal is, I've come here unexpectedly before and no one has blinked an eye.

As Kirk returns, I stop him, "Hey, is Prince in the studio?"

"No, he's on the soundstage, rehearsing. You should stop by when you're done," he answers casually.

This is new, well, for on my visits anyway, I haven't seen Prince on the soundstage yet. "I will," I tell him, then holding my finger to my lips, "Shhh, don't tell him I'm here, let me surprise him, please," I say with a look of excitement on my face. This is probably the first time I've seen a genuine smile from Kirk, he nods and repeats my gesture with a wink before leaving the area.

That went well, I think, as I watch him leave, maybe he can be nice, but I'm not going to count my chickens before they hatch. Ray appears shortly after Kirk goes through, placing a plate in front of me, and I'm told it's a Vegan Philly Cheese sandwich. It looks good, and tastes even better, I end up devouring the whole sandwich in short order. Surprisingly full, I pick up my plate and return it to the kitchen to thank and compliment him again for the meal. I love that everyone here goes out of their way to make me feel comfortable and welcome.

Stopping to chat a little bit with Monica, I soon discover the reason she seemed so surprised to see me. Apparently Prince had just informed her that he will be sending out a tweet on Twitter for a concert here tonight. She assumed I didn't know because, as she informs me, "Things get nuts as soon as that Tweet posts, there will be swarms of people wrapped around the building."

"Oh, then I'd better go see him quick," I say, thanking her before hurrying down the hallway.

I can hear and feel the music before I ever near the doors to the soundstage. I find Kirk standing by the closed doors like he's waiting on someone, and that someone turns out to be me. "There you are. You want to really surprise him?"

I eye him suspiciously, "Sure. How?"

"Come on, follow me."

I follow him back the way I had just come, down another hallway and around. It's a very nondescript area, and the door reminds me of an unmarked exit, but it opens up into some type of a lounge area, then we go through yet another door. This room I can recognize as a dressing room, complete with a vanity full of cosmetics. Another door gets opened, it's pretty dark and the music is deafening. Kirk grins at my bewilderment, "We're behind the stage, come on, but stay right behind me."

This is easy to do because he's a big guy, he twists and weaves his way around in the darkness, leading me to a small set of stairs. As we get to the bottom, there's another set, now I can see lights flashing in the opening from the stage. He turns and yells into my ear, "When we get to the bottom, hang back. He'll be expecting to see me, then I'll motion to you, okay?!"

I nod exaggeratedly so I don't have to yell back. I get to the last step and stop, Kirk continues out into the open and I see the stage lights bounce off of him as he stands directly in front of me. He's standing with his hands folded in front of his hips, looking up at the stage, then he gives a single nod, I can only assume it's to acknowledge Prince. One of Kirk's hands shoots out quickly, waving for me to join him, I step into place next to him.

Once I look up, I trance out, Prince is in his element up on the stage with the flashing lights and in full concert garb. I know I'm staring with my mouth agape, but I can't help it. I see Kirk look at me out of the corner of my eye, right before he waves his hand in front of my face to break my stare. I feel embarrassed that he saw me react that way, but sometimes it just hits me that that's PRINCE.

Prince glances back down and spots me standing next to Kirk, he starts, but then a huge smile crosses his face. He pauses strumming for a second to gesture 'one minute' to me until they finish out the song.

With the song finished, he pauses to talk to the ladies of 3RDEYEGIRL, places his guitar into its stand and disappears towards the back of the stage. Within no time he's stepping from where I had just come through and pulling me into a tight embrace, "Hey, Sugar," kissing my cheek. "What are you doing here?" He releases me, but stays standing close.

"I was in the neighborhood," I tease. Then I say, "I hear you're planning on having a concert tonight."

"I haven't announced it yet, but yes, that was the plan. Care to join us?" He is full of excitement.

"I have to be up kinda early tomorrow," I grimace as I remind him.

He twists his lips in thought, "That's right," he hesitates disappointed. "You could stay for a little bit," he offers.

"Oh, I will," I love watching him perform, and my face lights up at the thought. "Will it be hard for me to get out of here, though?" I ask as I think about the droves of people that will be infiltrating the area.

He starts to answer me, but stops, I see the wheels turning in his mind. "Now that I think about it," he starts with a plotting gleam in his eye and that smooth as honey voice, "you don't even have to go home at all." He leans in and whispers, "Stay here with me tonight." As he pulls away, his eyes sparkle in such a way it makes me blush.

(Book 3)  Roadhouse GardenWhere stories live. Discover now