Part 6

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After I get gloves on to protect my manicure and ring, I walk Angel through some gardening questions. She's really leery about doing something wrong, "What if I kill them?"

"You won't, I plant pretty hardy flowers, but if you do, and it happens," I shrug, "plant something else."

"Okay, I've stalled long enough, tell me about yesterday," she stares impatiently at me.

"Just give me a second," I hold my index finger up and turn my head over my shoulder and yell across the yard, "Prince!" It seemed like such a normal thing to do, yell someone's name to get their attention, but it came out a little louder and more harsh than I intended, I needed him to hear me over the guitar. As soon as I see Angel's eyes almost pop out of her head do I realize that maybe one doesn't summon Prince like they would a wayward child.

The expression on Prince's face is priceless as his hand comes down over the strings to silence the guitar, he looks more shocked than angry, his head is cocked, one eyebrow raised, lips pursed. His answer is loud and over enunciated, "Yes. Sugar?"

"Can I bring back some flowers with me on the jet?" I yell across the yard.

He nods, "Anything you want, Baby." He remains silent for a moment, but his pressed lipped look says that in any other situation, this yelling will not be acceptable. His expression changes as he looks at Derik and starts playing again.

I look back at Angel, feeling relieved it went as well as it did, as she's shaking her head, "Wow, I thought he was going to bite your head off."

I grimace, "He still may, but I think that look said enough, I won't do that again." I start to dig up some bulbs as Angel looks panicked. "Watch me, this is what you need to do when they start multiplying."

I go about digging and separating bulbs from different areas of the garden as I fill her in on yesterday's events. Tears spring to her eyes as I tell her about him practically reenacting our whole first dinner date, that I didn't even know was a date. Tears reappear when I tell her about the piano he had set up at the vineyard and the songs he chose to play before the proposal. Choosing my words carefully, I tell her, "And we made love twice."

"In the vineyard?!" she seems shocked.

Slightly embarrassed, "It definitely wasn't the first time." I laugh.

She sneaks a glance at Prince, "You guys had done it there before?"

"Lots," I say sheepishly.

Angel grimaces, "Before the event?"

I scan the sky, thinking, "Yeah," I try to say it nonchalantly, "but this was our first time on the piano," I laugh. I need to the change the subject because she's going to want details and I know I can't and won't share those.

Since my answers had been getting brief on the subject, she lets it drop by shaking her head and muttering under her breath, "Rabbits." Then she looks at me with love radiating from her pretty face, "I'm so happy for y'uns, I really am." She sneaks a look back at Prince before continuing, "The way he proposed to you shows how much he loves you and cares for you. I don't think this whole thing is going to be easy, but I wish nothing but the best for you two, I really mean it." She glances at him again, "But, I will kick his ass if he hurts you." We both laugh, she may be softhearted, but she's a Mama Bear.

I gather the removed bulbs into a pile, then bring Angel into the shed where I have some extra flower pots and potting soil. She watches in horror as I unceremoniously plop the bulbs into the dirt I had poured into a couple of pots.

(Book 3)  Roadhouse GardenWhere stories live. Discover now