Part 19

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My first attempt at the eggplant parmigiana is a success, we each have second helpings as we talk and enjoy some quality one on one time.

After my second glass of wine, Prince brings up the Jehovah's Witness topic, "I'm not asking you to join, I just want you to give it a chance. Will you at least come with me to the Kingdom Hall sometime?"

"I'll go with you," I agree, taking another sip of wine. Once I have agreed to at least attend with him, the subject is dropped.

I cover the leftover parmigiana and start to gather up the dishes, bringing them to the sink. Prince joins me by the sink, he sneaks an arm around me from behind, the other hand pushes my hair aside, he kisses my neck. I lose control of my eyes, and my legs, it seems, because I have to grab the edge of the sink to steady myself.  "Prince," I whisper.

"Um, hmmm?" He doesn't stop working his mouth along my neck, but he does push his groin against my backside. Faintly, a phone rings, his mouth stops as he lets out a growl of frustration. 

I look over my shoulder at him as he separates his hips from against my body and releases a big sigh. "I have to get that," he says as he looks toward the foyer. "I'm sorry, Sugar," I get a peck on the lips before he trots off back to his office.

At least we had a quiet dinner, I think as I rinse the dishes and load the dishwasher. I finish tidying up the kitchen before pulling the frosting I had prepared earlier out of the fridge. I frost the cake so it will be ready for later, but after his lips on my neck, I'm craving something else for dessert. 

Since it's still daylight and the office door is closed again, I go back upstairs to change, then head out to the garden to get started on the new plants.  Since these new plants are all decent size, I have to dig some pretty large holes.  When I have half of them in the ground, I return to the house only for some water then right back out, but I do take notice that his office door is still closed.  

Losing daylight, but determined to get the last shrub in, I finish digging the small crater and test it for size.  I blow out a sigh of relief when I see it's finally perfect, I remove the shrub from its pot and place it into the ground. Once I rotate it until it's how I want, I start filling in around the root ball.  I pack the dirt around it, and stand back, holding my shovel, I take the time to stretch out my back.  As I scan the area, seeing what I've accomplished today, it exhausts me.   I head over to the new chairs and plop into one, I remove my gloves and gulp down the rest of the water bottle. This area isn't 'finished' but I'm far enough along here that I can move to the remaining section. 

Suddenly, the living room light comes on in the house, it's not fully dark outside yet, just dusk, then I see Prince appear in the back doorway

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Suddenly, the living room light comes on in the house, it's not fully dark outside yet, just dusk, then I see Prince appear in the back doorway.  I wave to him, but I doubt he'll see me because it is much darker back in this section under all the trees. He doesn't wave back as he makes his way across the yard and to the steps. As he climbs the steps, he slows to a snail's pace, his eyes getting bigger while he takes in the area. Stopping at the top of the steps, he mouths the word 'wow' when he spots me in the chair, he spins in a circle before coming to sit next to me.   "I've been locked in the office longer than I thought," he says jokingly as he relaxes into the chair. 

"Most of the day," I laugh, "but I'm a pretty hard worker." I smugly pat myself on the back, earning a small laugh and his beautiful smile.

"That you are, Sugar, the yard is looking amazing.  I actually want to be out here, now."  His smile fades and he gets quiet.  

I look over at him, knowing even before he tells me, his sheepish expression says it all.  "You're heading to Paisley, aren't you?" I ask gently, I have been waiting for this all day. 

He nods, "I'm sorry, Sugar, just for a couple hours."

He really does look disappointed to leave, so I try to reassure him I'm comfortable with it, "It's okay, you've been here all day," I take his hand, giving a gentle squeeze.  

"I know," he looks downward, still somber. 

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, there are just some things I can't do here."

I release his hand and stand with a grimace, "Ohhh, I may have overdone it," my hand goes to my back.  Seeing the concern on his face, I tell him, "I'll be fine, nothing a good Epsom salt soak won't fix."

He relaxes a bit before he stands, taking my gloves and shovel from me, "Let me carry these, you've done enough."

I pick up my empty water bottle and start toward the stairs, pausing only to  take another look around, he does the same before saying, "You do good work, Baby."

We get to the back steps of the house, where Prince sets the shovel and my gloves down, I turn to him, "Do you have time for cake before you go?"

His eyes light up and his hand settles on the small of my back as we climb the stairs, he chuckles, "There's always time for cake, Sugar."

Back in the kitchen, I grab a knife and remove the glass cover from the cake as Prince gets a couple dessert plates ready for me.  He moves over to sit at the counter, he looks so cute sitting there holding his fork as I cut a couple pieces for us that a laugh escapes from me. 

"What?" pure confusion at my amusement. 

I set the slices down and take a seat by him, "Nothing, eat your cake."

He already has his fork into the slice before I can finish uttering the words, I wait, I want to watch his first bite.  His eyes close as he slips the fork from his lips, "Ummmm," as he savors it.  Once he swallows, he says, "That's good, Baby." 

Only then I take my first bit, he's right, it is good, fudgy and moist, we take our time finishing our dessert.  When we're done Prince reaches for his plate.  "Leave it, go do what you have to do," I tell him before leaning in for a quick kiss that he deepens.  The kiss tastes of chocolate, and  tastes like more, I pull away and pat him on the butt, "You better go now."

He laughs knowingly, but takes a second to stroke my cheek, "Get some rest tonight, Sugar, I'll be home before you wake," another quick peck and he's out the door into the garage, on his way to Paisley.

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