Part 22

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I change my clothes and head out to the yard to work in the garden, this allows my mind to wander. I appreciate the new car, actually I appreciate absolutely everything Prince does for me and gives me, he's very thoughtful and beyond generous. I can only assume that this lavish behavior is to help offset his hectic work patterns and his sporadic mood changes.

Today he was distracted, which I see a lot, but mostly he was worried, which I don't. The frightening dream had lingered with me throughout the morning, and from what I overheard from his end of the phone conversation with Kirk, my scream affected him far worse. When I think about it further, it kind of makes sense why he's so worried. Anyone this man has truly cared for has either abandoned him, or in a cruel twist of fate, had been taken from him. Then there's the rare occasion that he has sabotaged himself by pushing people away. I'm sitting on my knees at the edge of the yard, staring off into space when I hear, "Ma'am."

My heart leaps into my throat, "Marcus!" I admonish as I stand, clutching my chest.

"I'm sorry, Dana," he looks amused, but doesn't laugh. "I had rang the doorbell three times, so I let myself in. I figured you were out here."

I dust off my knees and look up at him, "You have a key?"

"Yes, Ma'am, both Kirk and I do, for emergencies only," he shares.

I frown, I have no trepidation about Marcus having a key, but I'm uncomfortable that Kirk has one. "Were you sent to check on me?"

"I was," he admits.

"I know you're doing your job, so I don't want you to think I'm upset with you. Actually, I'm not even horribly upset with Prince," I muse, "but I have never needed a babysitter."

"I know you don't, but I wasn't given an option."

I laugh, which eases his tension, "I'm sure you weren't." I look over at the concrete bench left from the photo shoot, "Since you're here," I smile up at him.

Marcus laughs, "No problem, where do you want it?"

Once the bench is tucked under some trees and not ruining the lawn, I walk Marcus back to the SUV. "Please let him know the house and the gate were both securely locked, and," pulling my phone from my pocket, "he could have called me and saved you a trip out here."

"Yes, Ma'am," he nods. He turns to leave, but pauses after he opens the driver's door, "I'm headed to Tennessee for the next couple days to help Angel move, I'll be back late on Sunday."

I raise my eyebrows in surprise, "Oh!" then smile, "Enjoy your trip, Marcus, and hug Angel for me."

"Thank you, and I will," he grins as he steps into the SUV.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," I add as I wave. He blushes and waves as he drives off.

I pull out my phone as I head through the front door, stopping to lock it behind me, I punch some numbers.

"Paisley Park, Monica speaking, how may I direct your call?

"Hey, Monica, it's Dana, is Ray around?"

"Hey!" She turns casual immediately, "Yeah, he's here, hold on."

I hear the line click, then ring, "Ray, here," he answers.

"Ray, it's Dana," I identify myself.

"Hey, what can I do ya for? Ready for dinner?" He's always happy to feed me.

(Book 3)  Roadhouse GardenWhere stories live. Discover now