Part 9

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We are in the air maybe all of five minutes before Prince unfastens his seat belt then points to mine. When I'm free, he takes my hand, leading me into the private cabin, the door is closed immediately behind us.

"I need to talk with Kirk. I'm sorry, but I'll need you to wait in here," he looks into my eyes before he kisses me. I nod, but I swear I can feel his trepidation as he leaves the small room, closing the door behind him.

I climb onto the bed and lay back, trying to focus on anything else other than the discord that I've created again in Prince's world. Being alone and unoccupied in this little cabin, I am amazed by how quiet it is compared to the passengers cabin up front. That's as far as my mind gets before I hear Prince's muffled baritone, it's calm and even, his normal speaking volume.

I breathe a sigh of relief that they are going to discuss this matter civilly, until I hear Kirk's, "What the hell were you thinking, P?"

Dammit, I think, this is not going to go well. Prince is quick with a comeback, but for some reason his voice doesn't carry like Kirk's, I only get bits and pieces: "My're an employee....none of your business....I love her."

"Do you have any idea the field day the media is going to have with her?! Just look at her, and she's white!"

I literally feel that last comment like a kick in the gut. Deep down, I knew this was going to be an issue at some point, although I hoped otherwise. Prince retorts loud enough that I can hear, "Yeah, she's of the lighter persuasion, so what? You've been with me long enough to see me with woman of all races."

I do something I try not to do, and recount some of his past lovers, there have been more than a couple of white women. Just then, Kirk says what my conclusion was, "None that you put a ring on. Mayte and Manuela were more your league. You're really pushing the envelope with this mousey woman."

"You're right about my ex wives, but you see how that turned out. Dana is beautiful and she loves me for me. I never realized you were so shallow..."

"Everyone loves you, P, especially your money, and what they can get from you."

"She's not like that, she asks for nothing..."

"Yet somehow she has you and Marcus wrapped around her little finger. She's even got you toting a damn flower around Paisley Park."

I don't even listen to Prince try to defend me anymore, Kirk is right, the media is going to have a field day with me. I curl up on the bed feeling more self conscious than I have in weeks. I hug one of the pillows, and put the other over my head to block the arguing. I lay there feeling inferior and slightly numb, Kirk has somehow managed to hit on everyone of my insecurities. I hear them countering each other back and forth, but I no longer hear the actual words. Eventually, the voices take on a more normal tone, then there's silence.

I try the mind thing again since it seemed to work earlier: I need you. Within seconds I hear footsteps and the door opening, Prince utters, "Oh, no." Instantly, he's on the bed pulling me to him, I stare off into space, but a tear slips from my eye. "Baby, look at me, what's wrong?"

"Kirk is right, the media is going to have a field day with me."

His face is a mixture of anger and concern, he swallows, "You heard that? What else did you hear?"

"Pretty much everything," I bury my face into his shoulder, I don't want him looking at me.

"Don't let it get to you, he was mad and said things he shouldn't have," he strokes my hair. "Matter of fact he'll be working unpaid for two weeks because of his actions," his voice is stern. "I was wrong for not telling him, but this confrontation today was uncalled for. I will not tolerate disrespect, for either of us. "

His voice softens as he situates a pillow and lays back, "Come here, Sugar," he holds out his arms. I lie down next to him, putting my head on his chest, the slow stroking of my hair begins, and the intermittent kisses. I know what he's doing and I focus on his heartbeat, willing myself to fall under his spell even faster, it's where I know I'll be safe from my self-destructing thoughts.


"Dana?" I hear in that soft, calm tone. It occurs to me that when I rouse from these sessions the first thing I notice is his clean scent, and a feeling of being protected. I place a kiss over his heart which earns me one on the top of my head.

"Feeling better?" he whispers. I nod against his chest before sitting up. He sits, scooting to the edge of the bed, "Come on," as he offers his hand.

I hesitate for only a fraction of a second before taking his and I'm lead out into the passenger's cabin area. When we enter, Kirk looks up, his expression is unreadable as usual, but he does a quick nod of acknowledgement as I'm being lead back to my seat.

Prince doesn't sit, his jaw is set as he looks towards Kirk, "You have something to say to her?" I watch as Prince steps away from the table, and I hear Kirk approaching from behind, he takes the seat Prince usually sits in.

"I'll give you guys a minute," he says before he returns to the private cabin and closes the door. I focus on staying calm and sit even straighter in my chair.

Kirk is sitting with his hands folded on the table, his eyes are down, fixed on them, he looks every bit like a reprimanded child. I put on a blank expression at wait, I'm not feeling as much anger as I was, and I'm sure Prince's session had something to do with that.

Kirk lifts his eyes to mine, "Dana, I'm sorry. I was disrespectful and hurtful to the both of you and that's not how I normally conduct myself. I promise it won't happen again."

He looks sincere, but the apology sounds rehearsed, I wonder how many times he might have repeated these same words throughout the years with Prince.

I look him in the eye, "I accept your apology, and I'll do my best to forgive you." I pause, then holding my chin a bit higher, "but I'll always remember what you said and implied about me. You have my promise that I will do everything in my power to prove to you otherwise."

I hold his eyes in my stare until he nods and leaves the table to sit back along the side. Prince appears in the doorway, and looks directly at Kirk, "We good?"

I can't see Kirk, but I hear him answer, "Yes, Sir."

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