Part 38

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When I arrive early at The Garden by the Woods, Margaret is quick to meet me, leading me through the back of the shop to a small, cluttered office. When she smiles at me from across the Post-It and invoice strewn desk, she looks amused. "Why do you want to work here with us?"

I frown and study her face, and shake my head slightly, thrown off by her question. To explain my confusion, I lightheartedly say, "I do believe you approached me, but I love flowers, and I'm finding I have a lot of spare time at the moment."

She nods, and I take note of her eyeing my engagement ring, "I think it would be safe to say that your not doing this for the wage aspect, but more as a labor of love, correct?"

"Yes." There's a few seconds of silence, and since I hate playing games, I say, "Margaret, I wouldn't be here if this wasn't something I was interested in doing. I know the guidelines that Prince insisted on setting probably aren't appealing to a potential employer, but if you have changed your mind, I completely understand."

She takes a moment to process what I've said, then asks, "You mean to tell me you have no problem putting on a uniform, showing up on time, assisting customers, taking orders, writing invoices, gathering product as well as maintaining and caring for the plants, flowers and trees?" She checks off each item on her fingers as she rattles them off, looking amazed as I continue to nod, unphased.

"I assumed I would be doing all those things, yes." I'm serious in my reply, "I have no problem 'working', I never have." She shakes her head in awe, and I look at her more directly, but remain pleasant. I really love this place and if she chooses not to have me as an employee, I still want to be able to purchase from here, their selection is amazing.

"I would actually love to have you as an employee here," she starts and my heart sinks, but I keep my expression neutral, "however, based on your association to Prince, I feel you're more suited for volunteer work."

I nod, picking up my purse, and stand, extending my hand out, "Thank you for considering me, Margaret, I'll let you get back to work."

She stands, "Not so fast. Walk with me," she says gently, motioning me to follow, she leads me out the back of the shop and to a greenhouse. There's a huge EMPLOYEES ONLY sign on the door that she leads me through and I gasp at the beauty that lies within the nondescript building. She walks leisurely through the center aisle and I follow, stopping periodically like she does to admire a plant or deadhead an expired bloom.

"Margaret, I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing here today. I thought this was an orientation for a job." I prod for an answer before I lean in to inhale the scent of a large rose bush.

"Well, yes and no. As part of our business, our employees also volunteer their time to do upkeep at the Arboretum." I don't hide my excitement, I had no idea you could volunteer there, my eyes light up. "Therefore, I would like to 'hire you'," complete with air quotes, "to help represent the shop in our volunteering efforts within the community."

I absorb the information, then clarify what I think she's saying, "So, I wouldn't actually be working here?"

"Do you really want to?" She asks seriously.

I nod, "Why wouldn't I?"

She shrugs and smiles, "Then let's go back to my office."


By 12:30 I'm pulling back through the gates of Paisley Park feeling 49% excited and 51% exhausted. Even Margaret had touched on the fact that I looked tired, bringing it up casually in conversation by mentioning that she had heard there had been a concert last night.

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