Part 29

513 29 9

I run upstairs to change, since I'm feeling energized, my goal today is to accomplish even more in the yard.  Slipping my cell phone into my pocket, I'm back down the stairs and out the back door.  Instantly, I'm discouraged as I face the only stretch of visible privacy fencing in the whole yard, the rest is well hidden.  I spin 360 degrees, taking in the whole view, over two-thirds of the yard looks like a private wooded sanctuary, that is, until your eyes reach this part, where all you see is the fence.  I frown, this is going to be more of a challenge, but I'll give it my best.  On the plus side, there's only a small area that needs to be cleared here, not like the other areas that were un-contained and horribly overgrown their whole depth.

  On the plus side, there's only a small area that needs to be cleared here, not like the other areas that were un-contained and horribly overgrown their whole depth

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When I finally stop to take a break, I call Paisley Park, of course Monica answers in her cheerful way. Since Prince is in the studio, I ask her to have him call my cell when, or if, he comes out, no rush.  I drink down a bottle of water then get busy busting up the soil along the fence line now that I have removed everything.  I stand back and look at the area, ugh, this is going to take a lot more shopping, and for bigger stuff to make this fit in.  This is as far as I'm going to get over here today, unless I call Kirk to take me to Lowe's, and I have no interest in doing that. I'll wait for Marcus to return from helping Angel in Tennessee, that is, if I don't find everything I need for the area at the Garden shop before then.  I take some time to water and check over the completed areas, everything looks great, it just all needs to grow and fill in before I can make any more additions.  

The day is still young, and since I'm already dirty, I gather my gardening tools in a large bucket and head through the gate into the front yard.  Strolling along the front of the house, I can't help but notice that the lawn service has been doing a wonderful job of maintaining the existing landscaping.  I find very few weeds, and most of the shrubs and trees are the types that require very little to no maintenance.  There are a few shrubs that I don't particularly care for, and I spot one that has grown larger than intended for the area it was planted, it's actually blocking the house numbers by the entrance of our drive.  I retrieve the shovel from the garage, and get to work digging it up, this way I can plant something that fits in the area.  Looking around, I see that there is very little color out front, except for a few rose bushes, but there are plenty of spots I can drop large flower pots or planters into to brighten things up.  

The whole time I'm in front of the house, which is quite a while, because the shrub I decided to dig up turned out to be particularly stubborn, only three cars and one police cruiser go by.  I only pause to wave at the policeman as he goes by, happy to see them still making their rounds.  With the shrub removed, I drag it and the shovel to the back, then return to the front to gather the rest of my tools and clean up the mess I created.  I smile at the now cleared area under the house numbers, I'll need to find some brilliant purple flowers for this spot, it only seems fitting. 

Done working out front, I latch the gate to the back, running into the house only  to grab another bottled water and the book I'm currently reading, then head to where the new chairs are.  I had just settled, opening my book to where I'd left off, when my cell phone rings.  I flip it to see KIRK on the caller ID, and cross my fingers that it's actually Prince.   "Hello?" I answer carefully. 

"Hey, Sugar," in that drawn out way that he says it.

I melt into the chair, "Hey!"

"Monica said you called, is everything okay?"

"Yes, I just wanted to tell you that Margaret is having me come by the shop tomorrow at 10 to get things squared away, as she said it."

His voice is full of surprise, "You start tomorrow?!"

"I doubt tomorrow, I don't even have a uniform, yet."

"Uniform," he whispers like it's a hideous word, even though it was not too long ago I was picking one up to wear for his event.  "Okay, so what's tomorrow then?"

I laugh, "I don't know yet, she just asked me to come by, but I wanted to let you know."

"Oh, okay, sounds good.  Was that all?" 

I frown, now he sounds clipped, maybe I shouldn't have bothered him.   "Yeah, that's all.  I didn't mean to bother you."

"No, it's cool.  See you later," he disconnects. 

I stare at my phone, whoa, what was that?  A pit of worry starts to form in my stomach, but I discount it, pulling my book back in front of me.  I try to read, but I'm not absorbing any of it, the lack of warmth in Prince's last few words keep replaying in my head.  Not being able to relax and focus on reading, I grab my book and head back into the house. 

I take a super quick shower, and apply just enough makeup to be presentable, then tame my hair a bit with the help of a headband.  I slip into a pair of denim pants that was one of the first things Prince had bought me while I was still in Tennessee. To my dismay, they loosely hang on my hips, I stare in awe at the mirror, I really have lost weight.  Kicking them off, I pick out a casual dress, they seem to disguise the weight loss better since I can tighten the ties.  I had noticed the difference in the clothes I was wearing to work in, but I had just tossed on a belt since no one was going to be seeing me.   I change out the headband for an elaborate barrette to pull my hair back now that I'm wearing a dress. 

Grabbing my purse and keys, I hop into the car and drive to the garden center, because this is what I do.   Margaret looks surprised to see me as I start to look over some boxwood shrubs and maiden grasses, I smile and wave.   After she finishes with an delivery order, she makes her way over to me, "You guys are busy today," I mention as she approaches. 

"Yes, and I see you're shopping again," she laughs. 

"I'm almost done with that yard, and since you're on my way to Paisley Park," I let my sentence trail off. 

"Of course," she nods, "Do you need a delivery today?" She can see I'm looking at bigger items that will never fit in my car. 

"Yes, definitely, but if you guys can't do it today, it's not a big deal.  I'm not heading straight back home."  I haven't decided yet if I'm actually stopping at Paisley, but she doesn't need to know that.  

"Take your time, let me know when you're ready," she says pleasantly before turning to help another gentleman that just walked up. 

Purple Passion Delphinium are selected for the driveway entrance, as well as a couple more for accent along that fence.  Several Maiden grass, five Boxwood Pencil trees, plus three different varieties of clematis and two hydrangeas should be enough to cover that length of fence from sight within a year.

Margaret writes up the delivery and after I pay she excitedly mentions she looks forward to seeing me tomorrow at 10, I let her know I am as well.  I get back into my car and sit for a moment, I'm a little uncertain if I want to go on to Paisley or not.  My stomach growls and I have to laugh, yeah, I'll go, I start the car and head to Paisley.

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