Part 55

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We start towards the elevator to head back downstairs, Prince stops and runs back into the bedroom, when he reappears, he's carrying a folded blanket. When I frown at it, he just winks, "Come on, Baby, let's go."

This time, when we walk through the lobby, we draw very little attention. We are out the door and back inside the limousine. I scoot close and we cuddle as we watch the passing streetlights. The streetlights become fewer, and then there are none, we have arrived on the dark, two lane road that indicates we are near the vineyard.

The limousine pulls in, Prince cranes his neck to look out the window, everything is dark and deserted, he looks pleased as he says, "Everyone's gone," with a grin.

The limousine pulls up by the tent and no sooner than we get out, it pulls away. When we peek inside the tent, we can make out the bare tables and chairs, the wedding decorations have already been removed.

Prince leads me out to the grove, the area is spotless. The chairs, aisle runner, and arch have also been removed, the only thing left untouched is our chaise. I'm lead over to it, and motioned to take a seat before he vanishes into the darkness. When the twinkle lights come on, I look up at them and smile as I wait for him to return. When he enters the grove of lit trees, my heart flutters in my chest and my smile widens as this familiar scenario repeats itself in my memories.

"Penny for your thoughts," he asks as he sits down beside me and takes my hand.

I avert my gaze and smile, "I'm sitting here on this chaise, under these lights," my free hand comes up in a slow wave above my head before slowly dropping back into my lap. "And I can't help but let my memories of you play out in my head as you walked up to me tonight. The first time I sat here, I had no idea what your intentions were, I thought maybe friendship. By the next time, we were lovers, then you were my fiancé." I stop to blink back tears, "And now, tonight, you're my husband."

He smiles thoughtfully, "I replay the same memories when I come up on you sitting here." An eyebrow raises as his smile turns smug, "Although, I knew the first time it wasn't exactly for friendship," we both chuckle, but mine is out of embarrassment for being so naive. When I meet his eyes again he continues, "I pray that the next time we're here, I'll see you as the mother of my child."

My eyes close and I mouth his name in silence. I look up at him with eyes full of worry, "I know we said a prayer tonight, but I just don't want you to be disappointed if things...if...we..." I can't complete my sentence because he looks so hopeful. He stops my awkward fumbling by covering my mouth with his in probably the most emotional kiss of our whole relationship, instantly I feel as hopeful as he had just looked.

Our mouths separate and he takes one last look around to ensure our privacy before we engage in a much longer kiss. There is something different in his kisses tonight that I just can't put my finger on, they're impassioned, but not lustful. His lips move to my neck as his hands rove all over my back and hips, but he's yet to attempt to rid me of my clothing. In my need to feel his skin, I slip my own roving hand up under the back of his tunic, only to have his hand gently remove it. "Let me love you tonight," he whispers as he drops to his knees in front of me. His hands skim down over one calf, and with deliberate movements, he removes one of my heels, then his hands caress the top of my foot before he repeats the process with the other. I watch in fascination the way his hands move, exquisite even with this simple task and as he continues, his own song lyrics enter my mind.

Without further adieu he takes off her shoes, and whatever confines.

A new lyric pops into my head when his hands travel up my legs and under my dress skirt, his eyes are

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