Part 23

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I'm woken sometime in the early morning as I feel Prince pulling me tight, "Hey," I whisper.

"Hey," he sounds tired himself as he whispers, "go back to sleep, Baby." I had went to bed nude, and I notice as he cuddles closer, that he is, too. Feeling him pressed against me, it takes no time for me to drift back off.


Much later, my bladder wakes me, I try to ease myself from his hold, but his arm tightens, "Where do you think you're going?"

"The bathroom, I'll be right back," I slip from the bed.

Returning from the bathroom, he's laying on his back now, eyes closed, but I can tell he's not asleep. I snuggle in next to him, resting my head on his chest, and allow my hand to caress from his rib cage to just below his navel. I place little kisses on his chest as my fingers skim over his skin. His eyes are still closed, but a smile plays on his lips as his hand comes up to push mine further than it had been going. My fingers encounter the pillow-y softness of his pubic hair first, then they touch on the silky firmness of his erection. Pleasantly surprised, I look up at him to find him peeking through his lashes at me.

"I see we're all awake," I tease, kissing a little trail up to and along his collarbone, taking time to focus on his neck as I stroke him beneath the covers. I'm rewarded with those low throaty moans, they get repeated slightly louder, then punctuated with a gasp when I nibble his earlobe.

I resume my kisses, but in reverse as I shift lower on the bed next to him. When I reach his navel, he adjusts his pillow so he can watch me more comfortably. Throwing back the covers, I move myself between his legs, allowing him an unobstructed view.

Men love to watch, I think, as I lick the length of him from base to tip. His dreamy eyes and increased breathing confirm that fact as he sweetly runs his fingers through my hair. I pleasure him this way for a little while, then move to straddle him. He frowns when I straddle him below his penis, my lower lips just barely kissing his base.

His interest is peaked when I lean back, supporting myself with my left hand as the fingers of my right part my folds. As my middle finger begins to swirl over my clit, he gasps, his eyes fixed. He reaches to help me, but I pause long enough to place his hand around his erection. The phone call was fun last night, but I like to watch, too. He increases his speed as I do, but as I'm nearing my first climax, he stops masturbating to watch me. His hands grip onto my legs as my body is quivers with pleasure.

When I am able, I inch forward over him, rocking against his shaft. I lean forward to whisper, "Am I wet enough for you?"

There's no doubt that I am, but he reaches between us anyway. Slipping two fingers inside me with ease, and vocalizing his satisfaction with that belly moan that I love. "Oh, yes, Sugar. You're actually too wet."

It's my turn to frown, asking in a whisper, "Is that even a thing?"

"Um, hmmm," as he removes his fingers and slips them into his mouth. This always makes me stop short in some sort of incredulity when he does this. He pushes against my legs, "Roll over," he breathes assertively.

I flip onto my back, I knew from our phone call last night that him going down on me would be a definite. He's waiting anxiously at the end of the bed, already moving himself into position before I can get settled completely. As he ease my thighs apart, I feel compelled to ask, "You are hungry, aren't you?"

"Famished," I can feel his hot breath tickle my skin right before his tongue makes contact. I arch, raising myself to him even more, as his arms loop around my thighs. His moans are muffled as he sucks, but louder as his tongue flicks and swirls, his sounds thrill me just as much as his mouth does.. When I grab his hands as I start to peak, he chuckles and increases his pressure with his tongue.

If his arms weren't still woven around my thighs, I'm certain I would be flailing my limbs as this second orgasm rocks me to the core. My hands release from his and I fall limp as I try to catch my breath and come back down to earth.

"I need to be inside you," he breathes as I feel him crawling up my body. Poised above me, he leans in for a kiss, which I happily return with equal enthusiasm. This seems to turn him on even more, he knows I can still taste myself on his lips.

"How do you want me?" I ask when he breaks the kiss.

He looks confused for only a second, his tip has already found my center, "Right like this, Baby," he say as he buries himself, covering my mouth with his in the same instant.

My surprised moan is muffled into his mouth as his hips start to whip. In a fraction of a second between kisses, I try to get his attention, "Prince," but he's on a mission. He covers my mouth again with his as I start to feel my muscles clench around his girth. I tap his arms lightly with my fingers, he responds by reaching up with his and pinning my hands to the mattress on either side of my head.

This dominance strips away any control I had left and I give in to my body's internal convulsions, just in time for him to break the kiss with the sounds of his own ecstasy. He relaxes his body onto mine and releases my hands, reflexively I began to caress his back.

"Prince," I whisper into his ear when my breathing is back under control, "we didn't use a condom."

"I know," he lifts his head and flashes a quick smile before claiming my mouth in another kiss. I hesitate at first, then yield. Breaking the kiss slowly, he rests himself on his elbows, his face just inches above mine as he strokes my face, "Are you upset with me?"

I meet his eyes, searching them, opening my mouth, then closing it, I shake my head. Finding my words, I finally say, "No, I'm not upset with you." For some reason I'm really not, and he looks relieved. That's when I bring up what I had read, "I was actually starting to wonder why we have to use the condoms. I had read something online the other day that made me question it."

He's still above me, and inside me, he slowly lifts, separating our connection, to lay beside me. We position ourselves on our sides, facing one another, supporting our head with our hands. That's when he surprises me the second time this morning, "I know." It's a simple statement.

I'm taken aback, and I look at him questioningly, "How....did you know?" My eyes squint as I try to think if we discussed this, and I know he hasn't 'put me under' lately.

"Our Google accounts are linked here at the house," he smiles blatantly, "and yes, your breasts have gotten larger." He punctuates this fact by cupping one in his hand and giving it the slightest squeeze while he grins with appreciation.

Feeling my privacy was slightly invaded, I try not to show my irritation. Even though I don't think he did it intentionally, it would have been nice to know that the accounts were linked. I do a quick mental recount of everything I've Googled since we've been at the house and my list is pretty harmless, mostly searches of nearby businesses and maps.

Since I'm being quiet while I think, he repeats the same question from a couple moments ago, "Are you upset with me?"

Again, I have to shake my head, "You know I have nothing to hide from you, but it would have been nice to know that little detail. Don't you think?"

"I'm sorry I forgot to mention it to you," he runs his long fingers in a circular motion over my naked hip.

"Prince, I'm very accommodating and understanding, but..." His fingers stop as he tenses, bracing himself for what I'm about to say. "You really need to start sharing with me. You can ask me anything and I will tell you, there's no need to accidentally discover things. I would never deceive you."

He looks chastised, but he nods, I believe he knows that was an underhanded thing to do. I lean forward and kiss him to let him know I forgive him, this time.

(Book 3)  Roadhouse GardenWhere stories live. Discover now