Part 27

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I have a lot on my mind as I leave Paisley, in the short while I was there today, we discussed and somewhat resolved some major issues. It's not like we don't talk all the time, but we do tend to skirt around the things that make us uncomfortable. I know Prince is used to getting his way, and not having people confront him, but I'm finding, if handled very gingerly, that he will accept constructive criticism, and slightly alter his uber controlling tendencies. There are more items I wanted to bring to the table, like the job at the garden center, but I knew not to push him any further today. I just want him to learn how to bend, if I am willing to, so should he.

I arrive home, disarm the alarm, and start bringing the new flowers into the back yard. Since my back is aching from cramps instead of overuse, I'm no longer worried about working in the garden. My goal now is to have these new flowers, and the bulbs from Tennessee, into the ground before dark . I go back to the car to gather the Walgreen bag, and let myself in through the kitchen.

As soon as I walk in I can tell the cleaning women have been here again, I open the dishwasher to verify this, it's empty. I know Prince gives them a key to get in, but now we have the alarm. Just how many people have access to our home? Another issue that needs to be discussed, I think as I head upstairs to change my clothes.

Upstairs, I find more confirmation that the cleaning women were here. The bed has been made, and it would be safe to assume with clean linens. Plus any of my dresses that were in the hamper are now hanging freshly laundered, my nighties folded neatly in the drawers. The clothes I was wearing before I left have been washed and folded, too. I shake my head as I put them back on, these women are amazing, they always accomplish so much in such a little time frame. I dig out my MP3 player from the stuff I brought with me, pop in my earbuds and out to the yard.

With all the flowers planted, I'm able to sit and enjoy a few moments before the sun sets. Actually, I could enjoy it longer if the Minnesota state bird wasn't the mosquito, they're tenacious and I soon seek refuge in the house. Heading straight for the kitchen, I'm grateful I had baked the cake the other day, my chocolate craving is through the roof. As I cut a slice, I can't help but notice that Prince has been chiseling away at it. This pleases me to no end, I can almost picture him sitting here at the counter enjoying his dessert, just like I'm about to do.

I fall into my solo evening routine starting with making sure all the doors are locked, I set the alarm and head upstairs to shower. Minutes later, I'm squeaky clean and come back downstairs to watch some television before going to bed. I'm really not much of a television watcher, so I do a lot of channel flipping, trying to find something to interest me. Ultimately giving up, I grab my phone from the side table, deciding to text Angel to see how her move is going. I remember that Marcus is down there helping her, I would love to know more about how that came about.

I text:

Hey Angel, just wondered how things were COMING along?

I insert several rabbit images at the bottom. Chuckling to myself as I set the phone back onto the table, it buzzes before I can pull my hand away.

Ha, ha! Very funny! ;) ;)

We actually got everything moved today! He's going to help me do a garage sale Friday and Saturday. Mom is keeping Derik overnight Saturday, we're going to go to dinner and a movie.

Tell Pwince he has competition, Marcus is a natural with him.

I don't think I could have smiled harder for her as I read the text, I would love to see them as a couple. How, though, is the question, and I guess I'll just have to wait to see how it all plays out. I text back:

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