Part 53

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Part 53

Marcus arrives looking dapper, and honored, that he was asked last minute to give me away.  When he approaches and I look up at him, he extends his hand, offering me a box of tissues, "Prince said you'd need these."

"Thank you," I laugh nervously as I pull out a tissue, then a second, I laugh again and take hold of the whole box. 

He laughs, "You look beautiful, Ma'am," I scrunch my face at how he addressed me, "Dana," he corrects himself.   I stand rigid beside him, waiting for our cue.  Marcus looks down at me, "Take some deep breaths, it will help."

I do and it does, I hurry turning my head and blowing my nose, then dab around my eyes in last minute preparations.  I look around for a place to toss my tissues and there's nothing, so I set the box onto the ground and make a neat little pile beside it.  I snatch a clean tissue from the box, since I feel the need to have one on the ready.

The processional music starts, and I quickly squirrel the tissue away down the front of my dress, checking to make sure it doesn't show, this causes Marcus to belly laugh as he extends his bent arm to me.  As I hook my arm on his, I whisper, "You can dress me up, but  ..." I leave the sentence hanging, it causes us both to be smiling genuinely as we exit the barn and approach the aisle.

When I get my first glimpse of the aisle, the flowers, everyone turned in their seats to watch us, and see Angel, Derik, Kirk and Prince all waiting for me at the end, I suck in a gulp of air.  Marcus notices that I don't release it, and whispers calmly as his other hand reaches to touch my forearm, "Breathe."  I instantly let the air exit my nose, and my normal breathing resumes. I see Prince's subtle acknowledgement, it's barely a fraction of an inch head nod, but it spurs me on enough to make it all the way down the long aisle to get to him.  

The blur of a ceremony begins with the officiant's opening words, "Dearly Beloved we are gathered here today

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The blur of a ceremony begins with the officiant's opening words, "Dearly Beloved we are gathered here today....," Prince and I share a wide-eyed gawk at each other while suppressing a giggle at the officiants choice to open with.   After that, I only hear half of what he's saying as we sneak glances at one another.  When he addresses us, I make sure to pay very close attention, our vows will be coming up next, and I'm not about to screw up my own wedding. 

We recite the traditional wedding vows to each other, and I breathe a sigh of relief when we do so without a single wrinkle.  When it's time for the rings, Angel nudges Derik who takes it upon himself to run up to us with his little pillow, yelling, "Here, Pwince!" for all to hear.  There's a twitter of laughter from the guests, before they fall silent waiting for the exchange.  When the officiant pronounces us man and wife, my heart flutters all the way up to my throat as I lean in for our kiss, it's starts off innocently enough, and we have barely parted our lips when Derik lets out an audible "Ewwwww." Our tongues had barely touched, and our kiss quickly turns into smiles and laughter.  


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