Part 35

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We sit and watch people come into the building until the floor area is almost half full, I'm fully amazed at how quickly this happens. No one is even looking toward the stage, I can only assume that a majority of the crowd has done this countless times before. The volume of their voices increase as the floor fills, people taking louder amongst one another and over each other as they wait. Prince leans in close and whispers in my ear, "Come on, Sugar, we better go."

The small walk back to the dressing room door is easier now that my eyes have fully adjusted to the darkness, Prince still holds my hand. When we get to the door, he opens it and once inside the noise from the crowd is muffled, and I can barely hear the voices from the lounge area. Prince stops to lean in at the mirror, checking his makeup, before we head back into the lounge with his entourage. The lounge is now buzzing with as much vitality as the waiting crowd, all heads turn when we enter as they quickly gauge Prince's mood. Since he looks pleased, the loud conversations, laughing and liveliness resume, but upped a couple of notches. I have a pretty good idea at this point that I'm going to have a hard time getting any sleep tonight with all this exuberance that's surrounding me. Prince fuels the fire as he starts animatedly singing and dancing in the middle of the group, the joyous laughter gets louder as the band joins in. I get pulled into the center of the group by Prince, he twirls me in a circle, then pulls me close, "Swing those beads, Baby." I'm released and give those beads a work out, Prince, right beside me, swinging his fringe just as fast.

With everyone worked into a frenzy, Prince makes some slight hand cues and Hannah, Ida and Donna dance their way through the dressing room door. The rest of the group gathers and makes their way through the door behind them, while Prince and I hang back. We smile when we hear the crowd go wild, but I take a moment to look into his eyes, and push a few wayward hairs away from his cheek, he's absolutely glowing. Kirk enters to lead me to where I'll be watching, while Prince prepares to make his usual grand appearance.

The music starts, it's not a song I'm familiar with, Prince's disembodied voice seems to come from everywhere:

Welcome home class
U've come a long way

The crowd roars even louder, and out of nowhere Prince appears in front of the mic stand, now the crowd threatens to blow the roof off. I'm standing with a full side view and still didn't see where he materialized from, this, coupled with the music, gives me chills.

I woke up in the city in a bit of a rage
Determined 2 free my mind from this art official cage
Thought by thought my teachers taught from an early age
A place in heaven far off in the future

Come on, let's go
Free the people, come on, let's go
Art official, art official cage

Ghettos 2 the left of me, malls 2 the right
Why's my kingdom come only in prayers at night?
What should I expect if I'm not willing 2 fight?
A place in heaven somewhere in the future

Art official, art official
Art official cage

Louder than a bomb since the day of my birth
Got me 2nd class when I got here 1st
Lovely score but how am I supposed 2 know what it's worth
Art official age in the future

Free the people, come on, let's go
Startin' from the top, gettin' higher so
Never goin' back underwater, no
Brand new boogie without the hero
As sure Minneapolis get this snow
I'm goin' up Lady Liberty's dress and blow, blow, blow

Art official, free the people
Art official, art official cage
Art official cage
We need U 2 tell us what U know
We need U 2 tell us what U know
Art official cage
Art official cage
Art official cage
Art official cage
Cage, cage, cage, age, age, age

This song morphs into another one I'm not familiar with, these two aren't any of the ones that he's played for me. I assume it's called Gold Standard, or something along those lines, from the lyrics, I bop along to the beat at the side of the stage. When this song ends, Prince introduces each of the ladies and reveals the new band's name as 3RDEYEGIRL. The crowd roars with applause as Prince requests them to show their love for each band member.

When the volume lowers again, Prince announces something that sends the crowd into a frenzy, "Y'all ready for a new album?" He grins, reveling in the applause, the hoots and hollers, and sneaks a mischievous smile at me before he teases the crowd. "Naw, you ain't ready," he waves his hand at the crowd and pretends to saunter off stage. When the crowds noise reaches deafening levels, he struts back to the mic, "Could you be ready for two new albums?" The crowd lets loose again, Prince pretends to polish his fingernails on his jacket as he waits to speak again.

"In the fall of this year I have a lot of big things planned," again he sneaks a smile at me. "Some things I never expected to do again, but it seems God had a different plan for me. I'm getting married," he extends his left hand towards me, my eyes get big, he can't be serious? He laughs into the mic, "Dana is a little shy, so show her some love," the crowd goes wild as requested. He meets me halfway, leading me hand in hand to the center of the stage. I smile and wave, instantly feeling foolish for doing so, but then I see dozens of hands shoot up to wave back at me from the front part of the audience. I can't see very far into the area, because the lights pointing toward the stage are blinding. Prince leans in and whispers, "Sorry, Baby, but you're doing great." He takes my hand and leads me back off stage, leaving me shaking with adrenaline from that brief introduction.

Back at the mic he says, "I have also renewed my license with Warner Bros. for the two new albums coming out later this year, Art Official Age and Plectrumelectrum." My head tilts and my jaw drops, what?! There's more applause, but there's also some murmurs. My first surprise is the renewal with Warner Bros., the second is the album titles. The last time we discussed albums, he said they were going to be Hit N Run Phase 1 & 2, not that it matters, I'm just surprised. "I'm ready to play some more. Y'all ready to party with us?" A resounding 'yes' comes from the crowd, Prince picks up his guitar, and a song I have heard before begins, FUNKNROLL. They move right into WOW, again he looks my way when he asks: "You wanna go somewhere?" which makes my stomach flip. Will he always be able to do this to me? I wonder.

The songs keep coming, I'm excited to hear so many new ones, and the crowd is loving all of them, so I know the upcoming albums will be a success. The one that he playing now is ripping my heart into pieces, it's called BREAKDOWN, but I notice it's also being well received. He leaves the piano and comes over to me when it's finished, I try to wipe away the tear before he sees it, but I'm too slow.

"That one hurts a little bit," I confess.

He kisses my forehead, "It's supposed to," he's melancholy at the moment.

I pull him into my arms and hold him, he's stiff at first, but quickly melts into the embrace. When he pulls away, he says, "I'm just getting started, Sugar, don't overdo it for your orientation tomorrow."

"Are you taking a break?"

"Yeah, a little one. Come sit with me?"

"Of course," I say as he takes my hand, "then I better go try to come down from all this."

He smiles knowingly as he leads me through the dressing room, the lounge, and out into the hallway. Imagine my surprise when I'm brought back through the building and lead into a dimly lit room, "The Galaxy Room," he tells me as he closes the door behind us, "this is where I come to relax sometimes, when I have a lot on my mind."

"Oh!" I spin 360 degrees, taking in the peacefulness of the lighted candles and the glowing stars and planets on the walls. I'm pulled down onto a loveseat in the middle of one wall, he presses close, putting his arm around my shoulders.

"This will help calm me," I say, thinking it's the reason he brought me here, to help bring me down from all the excitement. His arm comes off my shoulders and the back of his hand brushes my cheek before he leans in for a kiss that turns into another. "Prince," I pant as I pull away, "we can't do this now. You have people down there!"

He chuckles, "This is my show, Sugar, I can do what I want," as his lips stake claim on my neck.

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