Part 46

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With the release of the two albums, Prince is back in the entertainment news again. With it being four years since the release of his 20Ten album, die-hard fans are scurrying to purchase both new albums by the droves. This coupled with fine tuning the details of our wedding, makes the beginning of October fly by. My period arrives on October 10th, and although I'm somewhat discouraged, I'm also relieved. A quick countdown of days shows that my getting my period over with now, it will not be a concern for our wedding night.

Prince has begun to include me more in the planning of the wedding, showing me color swatches, pictures of cakes, running ideas past me for table settings and custom wine labels, but has yet to show me my dress.

Feeling audacious one morning while he's downstairs waiting on me, I glide down the stairs in just a bra, panties, thigh-high nylons, and heels. Prince is taken aback by my lack of clothes on this more than chilly October morning, but bounces back quickly, "What's this?"

"Apparently, my wedding dress." I spin in a circle for him when I reach the landing.

He grabs my hand and pulls me around to the elevator, he's partially amused and annoyed. "Why don't you wear that for me on a morning we don't have to be somewhere?" he asks on our way up. When the doors open, I get a playful swat to my butt as I exit. "Get dressed, and make it snappy," he manages to quip before the door closes, bringing him back downstairs to wait again while I get a dress on over this getup.

With our morning obligation out of the way, a business brunch I would have preferred not to have attended, we circle back around to Paisley. He has finally agreed to show me my wedding dress. As we walk in I smile down at the recovering flower, pausing to talk to it, "Look at you go! What a trooper!" I caress a leaf as Prince rolls his eyes and makes a circle with his finger by the side of his head.

"I can't believe you talk to that plant," he mutters as we head towards the elevator.

"I talk to all our plants. Love, light and water, remember?" I run my finger along his jawline in the same manner in which I had just touched the leaf, his eyes sparkle. "See?" I say as I step into the elevator, he frowns, seemingly unaware of what my simple touch showed me in his eyes.

We get out of the elevator and I'm lead to the door of the wardrobe department, he turns and leans against the door, blocking it, "Are you sure you can't wait?"

"Prince, this is my dress! Most women get to actually pick theirs out, I'm just asking to see it," with those words, he opens the door for me and I see it!

It's on display in front of a semicircle of mirrors, when I don't say anything right away, I see his shoulders droop. At first it seems a bit much, but as I get closer and walk around it, it speaks to me. I reach for him and pull him close, planting a big, wet, kiss onto his cheek, "Is there anything you can't do?"

"Dishes," he says dryly, but there is humor in his eyes, his stance proud.

I roll my eyes at him before I circle the dress again, "It's perfect, thank you." I spot a garment bag hanging a short distance over, I look curiously at him. "Your tux?" He nods, stepping forward to unzip the bag, it's black, but there's also purple, it's just the perfect mixture of mature Prince and traditional. "I'm impressed again, but not surprised," I say as I stroke the lapel.

Just as I open my mouth to ask to try it on, he tells me that Danielle wants me to try it on the last Friday before we fly to Tennessee, just in case there are any last minute alterations. I'm more than confident with Danielle's work, so I know I have nothing to worry about. We have one more full week before the week of the wedding. I stop to look at the dress one more time, "Everything is in place isn't it?"

He comes up behind me, "Every detail except our honeymoon destination," he brushes his lips across my neck.

"We're not staying in Tennessee?" I falter as his nuzzling turns me to mush.

"Ummmm, a day or two," he moves to the other side of my neck, it occurs to me that I'm being manipulated.

"I don't care where we go, surprise me," I breathe out.

"Sounds like a plan," he growls, and I have every inkling that a plan is already in motion.

He spins me around, and eyes the doorway, "Right now I want to take you across the hall."

"If I wasn't on, I'd ask you to tie me up again."

His grin is mischievous, "My nasty little minx," he says throatily. "The shower will have to do for now," and I'm steered down the hallway to his suite.


After a rather fervent encounter in the shower of his suite, we return to the house. Prince disappears into his office to finalize our honeymoon travel, and I make myself comfortable on the sofa with a book. I get two pages in and hear the muffled ring of my cell phone from inside my purse that's across the room. I mark my page and get up, retrieving my phone, it's Angel. "Hey," I answer, it has been a couple of weeks since I asked her to be my Maid of honor.

"Hey," she's excited, "the dress came today, it's gorgeous!" She gushes, before adding, "and Derik's little suit, he looks so handsome, you're gonna die!"

"I can't wait to see you both! So, everything fits okay?" I ask, we don't have much time and I need to know.

"Perfect, of course." She's happy.

I don't dare tell her that I have no idea what the dress looks like, since Prince is completely running this show, but as long as Angel is pleased, I'm happy. I promise to keep her in the loop if there are any changes for the rehearsal dinner or anything else important that comes up. It's all coming up so fast, I can hardly believe it's really happening.

(Book 3)  Roadhouse GardenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant