Part 17

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Showered, dressed, and back in his office, we are watching and reading more press releases of our engagement. Prince seems to be getting something from each one, but the only thing I'm getting is emotionally over it. I know he's obsessive about his image and this scrutiny is what he does, even though it concerns me, I need a break. I run my finger along his jawline, "Prince, Baby, could we step away from this for just a bit?"

"If you need to, Sugar, go ahead," he stays fixated on the new article.

He doesn't appear angered by my need to step away, and I understand his need to stay, but I ask anyway, "You okay with that?"

He nods as he reads, his features remain relaxed, so I stand and offer him his chair back. He reclaims his chair, as I pause to kiss his shoulder before I leave, his hand comes up to stroke my cheek and I'm flashed a quick smile, "I love you, Baby. I won't be long."

"I love you, too," I wink before leaving his office, but I guarantee he'll be longer than he thinks he will. I had put my dress back on after our morning tryst, even some panties this time, so, I head back upstairs to change. It's been almost a week since I had worked out in our garden, and honestly, I could use the distraction.

Donning jeans and a T-shirt, I gather my gardening tools and the two pots of bulbs from the garage and head across our back lawn. Placing the flower pots where they'll get sufficient sun until I plant them, I head toward the back section and up the stone steps. Topping the steps, I walk further into the area, spinning slowly I try to visualize how I want it to look. I have pretty much cleared the area, it's a blank slate at the moment, but I did discover a flat area created with the large rock that I want to put a couple chairs on. I also found what appeared to be some type of waterfall feature, and when I investigated further, a hidden pond pump verified it.

As I start clearing further, following another stone wall that connects from the water feature, my foot touches on what I assume is another big boulder. Parting the tall grass, I smile, it's a Buddha statuette, I hurry to clear around it. The peaceful seated figure looks so serene that once I've created a spot next to it, I sit and mimic the statue. Taking deep breaths with my eyes closed, I take in the smell of the dirt and feel the coolness of this shaded area. There's a slight breeze that is obstructed back here, but I hear the wind chimes from along the edge of the yard, as well as birds in the trees.

I am so lost in the peacefulness that I don't hear Prince approach. When feel a shiver run through my body, I open my eyes to see him standing several feet away, looking amused. Not really knowing about the whole Jehovah's Witness take on a Buddha, I ask, "Can we keep him?"

He laughs at my question, "Yes, we can keep him, it's a meditation Buddha, Sugar." He sits down on the stone wall, "Why would you think I wouldn't want it here?"

I feel a bit stupid now for questioning it, I shrug, "I thought maybe with you being Jehovah's Witness..."

He shakes his head thoughtfully, "We'll have to discuss more about that later, but you know I have a lot of opinions..."

He's cut short by my cell phone ringing in my back pocket, and makes a disapproving face. I keep my interest on him, trying to ignore the first ring.

"Answer it," he says as he watches me.

I pull my phone from my pocket and the name on the display causes me to look up at Prince in utter disbelief, he frowns in return waiting to see why I'm not happy.

"Aaron?" I answer the phone steely. Prince's expression turns angry, his brows furrow, his jaw clenches, and his eyes, oh my God, his beautiful eyes turn so cold.

"Babe?" Aaron trips, "Oops, I mean Dana," he says my name like it's a dirty word.

I stand and move to sit beside Prince on the stone wall, taking his hand into mine as I answer, "Yes." I look at Prince, his nostrils are flaring he's so mad. "Aaron, what exactly is it that you want?" I ask as calm as I can.

"The soon to be next Mrs. Nelson is awfully snippy, I guess money can't buy everything," Aaron taunts.

Prince can hear him and he mouths to me through clenched teeth, "Give me the phone," he holds out his other hand to me. I counter with my index finger and gently shake my head. "I haven't been snippy at all, until now. So, I'll ask again, what do you want?"

"I just called to congratulate you, since you're all over the entertainment news," Aaron says sarcastically.

"Well, thank you for calling me, that was very nice of you," I'm also sarcastic. "Would you like to congratulate Prince? He's right beside me." There's silence on the line and Prince is listening intently. "Aaron?"

"Good luck. Maybe he'll keep you around a little longer than the others, you always were a good lay." The call disconnects immediately.

As both our jaws drop at that last dig, Prince snatches the phone from my hand, and starts pressing buttons. "Prince!" I plead, trying to stop him.

I don't have to say anymore, he hands me back my phone. "I blocked his number," he's pointing at me and he's stern, "I don't want you talking to him anymore."

"No worries, I have no intention of speaking with him again," I say as I slip my phone back into my pocket.

"Now I need to keep an eye on him before he starts selling his stories to the tabloids about my future wife being a good lay," he grumbles, visibly upset. I stroke his back trying to soothe us both when he asks, "Please tell me he didn't treat you like that while you were together?"

"No, never," I admit, "he really did treat me like a queen," I move my hand from his back to his thigh. "That's why I haven't been in a relationship all these years, the bar was set too high."

Prince scoffs, looking doubtful, I place my hand back on his thigh. He fingers the engagement ring thoughtfully before he takes my hand in his. "Somehow I managed to reach it," he says cockily.

I push him with my shoulder, "Must be those wedges," I say with a playful smile.

He laughs a quiet laugh, shaking his head at me, then looks around the area, and up at the trees, "I think we need some of those twinkle lights in here."

I bite my lip before I grin, "I was just thinking the same thing."

He leans in and kisses me tenderly, erasing the unpleasantness of Aaron's call. When he pulls away and palms my cheeks, I can he's hesitant to say what he has to, and I assume he's headed out. "What is it?"

"I'm sorry, Baby, I'm probably going to be in my office most of the day," he kisses my forehead.

"That's okay, I know there's a lot going on," I feel bad for him, I can tell that is not what he wants to be doing. "I do need to get some more things from Lowe's," I mention.

He looks relieved that I'm content to continue working in the garden. "Make sure you call Marcus to take you," he reminds me before standing, "And change, please."

I'm pulled in for another kiss before he makes his way back to the house.

(Book 3)  Roadhouse GardenWhere stories live. Discover now