Part 25

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Closer to Paisley, I see I'm coming up on The Garden in the Woods, I glance at the clock, yeah, I'm good on time. I flip on my turn signal and pull in, more flowers, why not? I park and make my way over to the flats of perennials, I'm hyper aware of how I'm carrying myself and of my appearance as I peruse the selections. I'm finding this constant 'on display' mod to be emotionally draining, although the employees here seem to be paying me no special attention.

I pull out my phone and start to flip through some photos of the backyard to help me decide what to buy. A woman employee comes to check on me, and we start discussing some flowers and I show her a couple of my pictures. She seems really impressed by what I've done so far, then informs me that this is her and her husbands shop, then mentions, "We could use some more help around here, if you're interested?"

I grin like a geek, "Something part time, maybe?"

"We could do that, especially peak hours, like the weekends," she offers.

I bite my lip, "I'm very interested," I hesitate, I don't want to say no, but I don't know how flexible they'll be, I would love to be able to work here part time. "I do need to discuss this with my fiancé, though." She smiles in such a knowing way, that I ask, "You know who my fiancé is, don't you?"

She nods politely, "Yes, I saw you come in together the day you placed an order to be delivered to Paisley Park. We are usually the ones they call to replace the flowers every spring, so I had an idea."

Instantly, I feel bad, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to take work away from you."

She laughs, "No worries, we still supplied the flowers. I've been by there, you did a wonderful job. I'm Margaret, by the way," she offers her hand to me.

"Thank you. Nice to meet you, Margaret." I shake her hand, "I'm Dana," again she gives me the smile and nod. Duh, I'm sure she's reads the local paper.

"I'll leave you to your shopping, but swing by and let us know what you decide and we'll go from there," she's very pleasant and casual, I like her already.

Perusing the flowers, I come across the same purple calla lilies like the ones Prince had delivered to me at the house, I can't bear to plant them outside, so I add two large containers to my almost full cart. The cut flowers in the urns that we're brought in for the photo shoot need to be replaced and I think these will look lovely. Margaret rings me up and asks if I want them delivered, I decline.

Now that's is early afternoon, I head to Paisley Park, and not a moment too soon, it's starting to feel like I'll need to use the restroom when I get there.

When I head through the door, and around the flower pot on the floor, Monica greets me with a smile. "I'll let him know you're here," as she reaches for the phone.

I wave my hand at her to stop, "I need to use the restroom first," and quickly start down the hallway past her where I know I've seen a Woman's room.

She looks confused as she yells after me, "Wouldn't you rather use his quarters?"

I pause for a second and shake my head, "I'll be right back," and hurry down the hall.

I make it to the restroom before incident and return to the reception desk where Prince is already waiting for me, he's all smiles as he leans in to peck my cheek. "Hey, Sugar. You look nice," he says sweetly while he appraises my appearance and steers me around the corner and into the elevator.

I assume we're headed up to wardrobe for him to show me something, but once the door closes he asks, "Why did you bathroom downstairs?"

The elevator dings and we step out of it, but don't move in either direction. I turn frowning as I look at him and shrug, "I was already down there and I needed one quick."

Concern then interest flashes across his face, "Are you not feeling well?" His hand lights on my belly, a bit of excitement sparkles in his eyes.

Dumbfounded by his reaction, I blurt out the news unceremoniously, "I started my period shortly after you left this morning."

"Oh," his eyes cast downward, and his hand pulls away from my stomach, he says no more.

I crane my neck to look up into his eyes, taking his hands in mine, "Prince, this is what we've been waiting for. I thought you might be as excited as I am."

He nods, "I am," but the smile comes slowly.

"After my period is done, we can actively start trying," I remind him, kissing his lips because he's still quiet. "Unless you want me to go back on the birth control until after the wedding?"

This gets his attention fast and he shakes his head promptly, "No, no birth control."

He takes my hand and leads me towards his suite. I'm a little disappointed because I thought he'd be more excited about the news. We enter the living area and he pulls me to sit with him on the couch, "I'm sorry, Sugar, I'm really am happy we can start trying." He seems to be coming around to the reality of the news as he pulls me in for a hug.

"I know you're anxious," I whisper in his ear before pulling back far enough to look at him, "but we still have almost three and a half months before the date you chose for the wedding. I really don't want to be showing when I walk down the aisle. Are you sure you don't want me to go back on the pill just for a couple months?"

He twists his lips as he thinks for a moment, I know he hadn't broke all this down yet. He folds his hands on his lap and looks at me, "We can always change the wedding date if you get pregnant right away." I nod in agreement, I had had my heart set on all those beautiful fall colors at the vineyard, but I don't mention it. He's more serious when he says, "I don't want you going back on birth control."

His words come out as more of an order than a mutual agreement, instantly I bristle, this is my body. I can feel my jaw set, and Prince takes notice immediately, he turns tender, his eyes soften. He lowers his voice to that smooth-as-honey tone and asks, "I thought this is what we wanted?" His eyes take on that wounded look that rips my heart out, "Have you changed your mind?"

I take a deep breath, "No, I haven't changed my mind," I say softly, looking at my hands in my lap. He waits silently, I look back at him and say, "Prince, I'm not going to lie to you, I'm scared."

"Awwww, Sugar," he pulls me in for a hug, then whispers in my ear, "there's no reason to be." He kisses my cheek, "You know you overthink things," he pulls back and smooths my hair.

He's right, I think, I am a notorious over thinker. I look back up at him and nod slowly, "It's been a really weird day, can we start over?" He watches me inquisitively, before I say in an excited manner, "Prince, I got my period!"

He laughs, nodding, and almost instantly both of our postures relax as we fall into a more comfortable discussion about trying to conceive.

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