Part 24

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We follow our love making session with the usual bathing ritual. Shortly after, Prince tells me he's going to head to Paisley 'kinda early this morning'. I'm glad that it seems like he's trying to make an effort to return home daily since we've been back in Minnesota, but the week is still young. I can't stop my mind from wondering how long it will last.

I'm also curious how much of his coming home has to do with his sexual urges, because that seems to be the main focal point of his visits. Don't get me wrong, I love every second we interact with each other: making love, the pillow talk, bathing, dining, the easy conversation, even when we sit quietly and watch the television; I wouldn't trade any of this for the world. All these thoughts run through my head as we share a peaceful moment before he has to leave, sitting side by side in the new chairs, tucked under the trees in our backyard, me sipping my coffee, him his tea.

When he finishes his tea, a look of disappointment crosses his face as he stands. I frown, cocking my head, "You don't look happy," I remark as I stand to face him.

Thoughts are churning in his eyes before he speaks, "Do you know that I could spend all day with you?"

There's a tenderness in his eyes as he asks this, I take a second to search his face before I respond, "I don't think that's such a bad thing, do you?" I take hold of his head and pull him in for a kiss, intentionally burying my fingers into his hair.

When I release him from the kiss, he chuckles, "It's not, but I do have work to do." His hand reaches to pat his hair, "You had to dent my fro, didn't you?"

It's my turn to laugh, "I did," and wink at him.

He lets out a comically dramatic sigh before a grin crosses his face, "Stop by today, hmmmm?"

He watches for my reaction and I know my eyes lit up when he asked, I love when he invites me to visit him at work. I nod enthusiastically, "I will."

A mock sour look crosses his face, "After I fix my hair, I better leave." He disappears upstairs for a few moments while I return to the kitchen with our mugs.

I have just fixed myself another cup of coffee when he reappears, "I'll see you later, Sugar," as I'm pulled in for a goodbye kiss.

"Does it matter what time?"

"Nope, anytime." I'm released as he heads to the garage, I get a quick wave before he closes the door. There goes my difficult man, I think, shaking my head and smiling like a fool in the middle of our kitchen.

I turn to head back out into the yard when a twinge of pain in my low back causes me to grimace, I place my hand over it, massaging the area. It was sore the other day when I had dug all those large holes, but I thought the Epsom salt soak had helped since it hadn't bothered me since. Reminding myself that I'm not getting any younger and that maybe yesterday's work aggravated it, I'll try to take things a little easier today.

Since I already have on 'work clothes,' I decide to start on some light weeding after I finish my coffee. The twinges of pain in my back don't seem to be lessening with the activity, matter of fact, they're getting more insistent. Great, I think, getting more aggravated, I pull off my gloves, and roll my eyes, I admit defeat. I might as well rest it today instead of making it worse, so I grab my mug and head back into the house.

I'm at a loss for what to do for my back at the moment. I really don't want to soak in the tub right now, and I'm pretty sure there isn't a heating pad in the house, so I take a couple Tylenol and lay down on the sofa. I flip channels on the television for a little while, waiting for the Tylenol to work, but the pain begins to radiate around to my front, below my navel. Wait a minute, it occurs to me I know this pain, it's just been such a long time since I've dealt with it. I leave the couch and head to the bathroom, when I wipe, sure enough the tissue is barely pink. Of course it's cramps, I had been spoiled for so long with being on the birth control.

So much for Mr. Impatience and his little stunt this morning, I think, frowning at his disregard for our agreement to use protection. Then I smile, because I feel that my getting my period is really is good news, I can't wait to share this with him. I beeline back upstairs where I have my supplies to find that I only have a few tampons left in the box I brought with me from Tennessee. I don't need one yet, but put a couple in my purse, as I add them to my mental shopping list. I change into a dress, remembering to safeguard my panties with a pantyliner, then move to the vanity to make myself presentable to leave the house.

Hair and makeup complete, I grab my keys and purse and go downstairs. Since it's only been a couple of hours since Prince left, I decide to hit the local Walgreens on the way to Paisley. I make sure the back and front doors are locked before I exit through the garage, and using my key fob, I set the alarm. The little red light illuminates in the ceiling, this isn't so bad, I think, I like the extra feeling of security it gives me. I see the bag of stuff from my other car that I need to go through and the tire iron sitting off to the side. I decide to put the tire iron back into the car, the rest can wait. It would be Murphy's law for me to get a flat tire if I didn't grab it, I punch the garage door opener and I'm on my way.

The Walgreens is about halfway to Paisley, so it's a convenient stop. I grab a cart and begin wandering the aisles since I'm not rushed for time. As I pass through the cosmetics department, the woman behind the counter watches me before offering help. I decline politely, but I take notice that she leaves the counter shortly after I stroll past. She hurries over to the cashier by the door, says something to her, and now they're both watching me. I frown as I turn the corner, surely they can't think I'm a shoplifter. I head to the feminine hygiene section and select two different absorbency tampons, putting the boxes into the seat of the cart. Then I pause to grab a box of Midol, because I forgot how tenacious my cramps could get before I went on the pill many moons ago.

I come around the end of the one aisle heading to browse the center aisle that has some seasonal items for summer, to find three women gathered at the end looking in my direction, when they spot me, they disperse. I don't know if it's part of the onset of my period, but I'm starting to get really annoyed at being watched. I do a quick scan of the seasonal items, before heading to the back of the store to grab a microwaveable moist heating pad. I make my way to the register at the front of the store, the one woman has went back to the photo counter and the other to cosmetics. I eye the woman in front of me who's still blatantly staring at me as I unload my items onto the counter.

I raise my eyebrows, smile at her, and say, "Good morning," since she's yet to address me.

"Oh, yeah, good morning," she gawks, then shakes her head trying to regain her composure, slipping back into employee mode, "Did you find everything you were looking for?"

"Yes, thank you," I glance around by the register while she does her best to ring up my items while she watches me. I spot the rack of tabloids, and it hits me when I see our engagement photos plastered on the front of a couple of them. Now, I know why the women are all watching me and I'm so relieved that I'm not here to buy more condoms. "I see I've been recognized," I say as pleasantly as possible, remembering that I'm now associated with Prince and I don't want to mar my new public image or his, for that matter.

"Yes. I'm sorry," the cashier finally averts her gaze, seemingly embarrassed that I called her out. "Congratulations, by the way," she throws out awkwardly.

"Thank you," I smile, holding up my debit card to show her I'm ready to pay. Just a customer, move along, nothing to see here, I think as I slide my card and insert my PIN, while she looks on astonished. I'm sure they're used to Prince handing over $100 bills, but I didn't think to bring any cash with me since I had just did a $1,500 mobile deposit from that vehicle warranty refund check.

I take my receipt and my supplies while maintaining a friendly demeanor, that is until I'm closed up in the privacy of my vehicle. Only then do I let out an audible sigh, people can be so uncouth, I think as I sit in a trance, gripping my steering wheel, taking a few minutes before turning the key.

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