Part 13

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Prince meets Tyka at the gate, pulling her in for a hug and I'm slightly amused that they are roughly the same height. Now, I've seen Prince in all kinds of modes and moods, but this big brother role is new to me. He gives off a lovingly protective vibe, but he also seems to fit the bill of the typically annoying sibling.

As he's talking with her, I tentatively make my way over to them. I know he's going to want to introduce me, but I don't want to force myself into their conversation, either. My doubts disappear when Prince turns, smiles and extends his hand to me, pulling me into their space, "Dana, this is my sister, Tyka."

We exchange greetings, then Tyka says, "I've heard so much about you," she smiles at me, but pokes Prince, "especially because this one never shuts up."

Prince rolls his eyes and makes a face and we laugh. Prince points at Tyka, "You, behave." He kisses my cheek and heads out through the gate to the front of the house, I'm sure to meet more guests.

I have a hard time believing Prince has shared anything about me to anyone, but maybe it's different with his sister, so I feel her out. "So, did he just spring all this on you?" I ask.

"What? The engagement?" She shakes her head, "Oh, no, Honey, he's been gushing about you for weeks."

"Oh." I stare at her like a deer in headlights.

"Yep, I think the first time he called to tell me about you was while he was still setting things up in Tennessee for that charity event," she places her finger on her chin as she thinks.

"That's how we met," I offer.

"I know," she raises her eyebrows and smiles at me. "Would you care to show me a little bit of what you've done out here in the garden? Prince says you have a green thumb, I don't, but I love flowers."

I lead her over to the finished areas and she asks a lot of questions about the plants and flowers I've chosen, as well as some of the existing ones. I offer to come over and help her at her house, "Oh, I would love that! Thank you." I see her look over my shoulder at something before she points, "You'd better go, we'll talk more later." I get pulled in for a hug that feels oddly familiar before she releases me to a waiting Prince and goes off to mingle.

Prince slowly introduces me to a lot of people I knew of from his inner circle, but never thought I'd meet. Sheila E., Morris Day, Jerome Benton, Andre Cymone, Renato Neto, Mavis Staples, Rosie Gaines, Shelby J., Candy Dulfer, Maceo Parker, and so many more that I can't even list. Looking around the yard I'd say we are pretty much at the fifty people mark, not under.

With the mingling in full effect, a half dozen waitstaff exit our house carrying trays of wine glasses, serving our guests. Prince goes back to the impromptu stage, curling his finger at me in a gesture to join him, I grimace because I hate being in the spotlight. "Sugar, don't be shy," he speaks into the microphone while giving me a playful look, some of the guests chuckle at my hesitation.

He watches me as I make my way over to him, something in his eyes causes me to blush and the smallest hint of a smile appears on his face when I do. When I reach him, he pulls me in close as we face the small crowd, "The tabloids wanted to know who the next Mrs. Nelson was going to be? Well, here she is." He kisses my cheek, "She may be the last, but she's certainly not the least." He turns to look into my eyes, "I love you, Baby." The microphone picks up his words just loud enough for the crowd to hear, there is a chorus of 'awwww' and some applause.

"I love you, too, Music Man," my words don't get picked up as well by the microphone, but they get the same reaction.

"Music Man," he repeats into the microphone with a cheesy grin, "just in case you all forgot 'dat," he says cockily. There's a round of laughter, and he turns back to me and whispers into my ear, "Ladies choice, what's the first song you want to hear?"

"Anything?" I whisper back, feeling rude because we're still on display in front of the microphone. He nods, I try to think quickly, "FALLINLOVE2NITE?"

"You got it, Sugar," another kiss to the cheek, "go have some fun."

I turn to leave and he pats at my butt. I stop in my tracks and shoot him a wide eyed shocked look, he feigns innocence and the guests laugh again, I'm sure they will think it was all staged.

He signals to the three women band members, and they take their places quickly as I'm leaving the area. This whole center of attention thing is not my cup of tea, but soon everyone is distracted when Prince speaks into the microphone: "Anyone want to fall in love tonight?"

The women don't miss a beat, the music starts on cue and everyone starts moving to the rhythm. I weave my way to the edge of the crowd where I feel more comfortable to enjoy watching Prince do what he does best: dazzle!

I'm offered a glass of wine by a passing waiter, who is doing his best to dodge all the dancing people. Just as I take a sip of wine, I notice a police officer heading up the drive toward the gate. I make my way to the back of the crowd and move around them as quickly as possible. I get to the gate just as the officer does, I'm anxious and a little breathless, "Yes? Can I help you?" I have to yell over the volume of the music.

"Yes, ma'am, are you the homeowner?" he yells back.

I frown, shaking my head, having to yell over the music is frustrating, so I motion him to follow me back to the front of the house. In the front we are able to hear each other well enough to talk. "Prince is the homeowner, but I live here, I'm his fiancé," I explain.

At that moment, Marcus and Kirk come loping around the corner, the officer tenses for a split second until they slow to a walk on their approach. Kirk speaks up, "Officer, we have a permit," he reaches into his coat pocket.

"Thank you," the officer takes the permit, "that's just what I was getting ready to ask." He scans the permit and hands it back to Kirk, "Enjoy your party, Sir, just make sure all noise stops before 10 pm," he nods to each of one of us before heading back to his cruiser.

"Thank you, Kirk," I'm relieved. I never thought about needing a permit for the loud music, but we are in a residential area.

"You're welcome," Kirk replies as we head around the house, then he adds, "You look very nice tonight." I thank him before we get where we can't hear. As the three of us step into the gate opening, Prince nods towards us, then very subtly he shakes his head, but continues to perform.

The song comes to a finish and Prince informs everyone that Ray has set up a light buffet on the deck and to help themselves. I hang back as the group heads toward the buffet because I see Prince striding towards me. "You know how to keep me on my toes, don't you, Sugar?" I frown at him, and shake my head, not sure what he's talking about. "I saw you head out of the yard with the police officer. Alone," he raises his brows and tilts his head, waiting for a response.

"He was here about the noise," I explain.

"I know, but I had to signal Kirk and Marcus." Then he laughs, "You had my boys scurrying." Serious again, he places his finger under my chin, and his thumb on it, "Next time, please signal one of them to go with you, okay? Now, go get something to eat."

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