Part 21

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I wake up relieved that I didn't have any more nightmares during the night and I notice that I'm alone in the bed. I reach down to grab my nightie and slip it on as I head to the bathroom.

As I pad down the stairs in my slippers, I hear Prince and he's not happy, "No! I'm not leaving her this morning . . . . . . If your wife screamed like that, you'd stay with her . . . . She will be . . . . . Kirk, if this is going to be a problem for you, I'll call Marcus . . . . . . . Okay, I'll call you when we leave." I don't hear a 'goodbye' but I hurry into the kitchen so Prince doesn't know I overheard anything. It's amazing how well his voice carries when that office door is open.

I'm stirring my coffee when Prince strolls in, "Hey, Baby!" He's chipper as he approaches to kiss my cheek, "Excited to get your new car today?"

"Yes," I smile at him, a new car is always exciting, even if you didn't need one. "Are you coming with me?" I already know this, but ask anyhow.

"Of course," his smile fades to concern, "How are you feeling this morning?"

"Okay, but still a bit weirded out by that bad dream, but I didn't have another one, so that's good."

He nods, "You did whimper a few more times during the night," he tells me before he steps closer and looks into my eyes. "Are you afraid to be here alone?"

I think about it, shaking my head, "No, I've never been afraid to be alone," which is true, "and this area seems much safer than anywhere I've ever lived."

Now it's his turn to think, and there's a slight look of vulnerability that passes over his face. "I've never thought twice about leaving you here alone," he pulls a mug and a teabag from a cupboard, "but seeing you like that last night..." he shudders. "That's the first nightmare I've seen you have, and I hope the last. Do you have them often?" he places a tea pot on the stove.

"I can't remember the last time I've had one, it's been awhile." This doesn't help put him at ease, he stares at the pot and nods. I change the subject, "Is it far to the dealership?"

"It's in Minnetonka, about 15 minutes," he turns to me again.

"Minnetonka, huh? You gonna make me jump in a lake?" I crawl my fingers up his chest, he laughs.

"Only if you want to," his eyes sparkle.

"I'd better not, I'll get the seat all wet," I pull from the Purple Rain movie.

He shakes his head and rolls his eyes. "Let me know when you're ready to go, Baby," as he pours the boiling water into his mug. He reaches out and squeezes my hand before he turns and heads back to his office. I take my coffee outside and sit on the back steps. I'm actually starting to enjoy coming out here now, smiling as I sip my coffee. I remember I need to clear some things out of my car before we go, so I finish my first cup a little quicker than I like so I can get moving.

When I pass back through on the way to the kitchen, I notice the office door is now closed. I gather a trash bag from under the kitchen sink, pour a second cup of coffee and head into the garage to clear my car of any personal items. This doesn't take too long, a couple CDs, a USB, some sunglasses, a blanket, a flashlight and a tire iron that I've had for forever that my father gave me when I first started driving. I leave the bag and tire iron sitting off to the side and head back in to make myself presentable.

I shower, dress, and take a little more time with my hair and makeup, I really need to see about getting a Minnesota driver's license. When I'm ready, I head back to my office to see what I'll need, if we have time to do that today. The DMV page shows that I just need my current license, and my birth certificate, I return to the garage to rifle through my totes that were brought up from Tennessee.

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