Part 20

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With Prince on his way to Paisley, I load our plates into the dishwasher, then check the locks on all the main floor before heading upstairs. I get the water running, add some Epsom salts, then take a moment to relight a couple of the candles in the bedroom that Prince had used earlier that morning. A smile crosses my face as I pass by the ottoman and chair on my way back to the bathroom. I've been stepping around the rose petals that are still scattered on the floor, but after the soak, I need to take the time to sweep them up before they start to stick to the wood floors.

Setting out a nightie on the vanity chair, I turn off the water and climb into the tub. As I sit relaxing in the hot water I can't help but miss my bathing partner, my eyes glance towards my closet where my toys are hidden. I contemplate a solo playtime, then decide against it, it would be so much better if Prince were here to watch, and I know where that would lead, I grin.

What's wrong with me? I think, we had just made love this morning, and I still can't get enough, my sex drive seems to be stuck in high gear. I've always had a great libido, borderline nymphomaniac to be honest, but this is ridiculous, I'm almost 42 years old! I reach under the water, cupping my breasts, and these things, damn, they feel like they're getting bigger, and I don't ever remember my nipples being this sensitive. I know we've been careful, so I doubt I'm pregnant, the only thing that's changed, other than eating vegan, is that I went off my birth control pills. I add researching that to my 'to do' list after sweeping up the rose petals.

I lay my head back and relax for a bit longer until I feel the urge to doze. I flip the drain with my foot and crawl out before I get too sleepy. I dry off, slipping on the nightie and covering with the matching robe, I make my way downstairs to get the dustpan and broom from the garage.

Rose petals up and broom returned to the garage, I go back upstairs to my office. This is probably only the second time I've been in here and when I turn on the light, I see a new addition to my desk. Since my office has a window that overlooks the garden, my desk faces that direction, not facing the doorway like Prince's desk. Now the drawing by the woman who visits Paisley Park has been been framed and carefully positioned on the corner of my desk. I smile and shake my head in awe, how did I get so lucky to attract such a thoughtful, sweetheart of a man?

I fire up the computer, man, this baby is fast I think, as I sit in the chair it's already up and ready to go. I go to Google and type in BREASTS LARGER AFTER STOPPING BIRTH CONTROL. A screen full of info appears and I start scrolling, clicking and reading. It takes less than ten minutes to discover, yes, this is a real thing, as well as the overly-sensitive nipples and increased libido. Learning that my body seems to be functioning properly, I feel more at ease about these changes. I type in PREGNANCY AFTER STOPPING BIRTH CONTROL, some of the information here makes me frown, conception could take up to 4-5 months?! Wow, okay, I mean we aren't really in a rush, but we aren't getting any younger either. I decide not to share this info with Prince, but I start to wonder if the condoms are really necessary.

Yawning, I shutdown the computer and turn off the light on my way out, making my way back to the bedroom. I know I'm supposed to go get my new car tomorrow, but I don't know what time. I hang my robe in the bathroom, pee, blow out the candles, and then crawl into bed. I'm tired, exhausted really, but I just can't get comfortable, I miss Prince. How on earth did he change me from being Ms. Independent so fast? I pull his pillow sideways behind me, lining it up along my back, it's not even close to the feel of his body, but somehow it comforts me enough that I do finally drift off.


"GET OUT!!!" I scream before I jolt awake.

"Dana! Sugar! Baby, it's me!"

Instantly, Prince is on the bed and scoops me into a tight embrace as I try to get my bearings. My heart is pounding a mile a minute and I'm genuinely terrified as I cling to him. Now that I'm awake, I know it was just a bad dream, but Prince looks as scared as I feel right now. I take his hand and place it on the hollow of my neck, his widened eyes meet mine as he feels my frantic heartbeat. He takes my hand and places it in the same location on him, his heart is in his throat, too. I cling to him even tighter, still trying to separate myself from the dream.

"Just a nightmare, Sugar, it can't hurt you," he whispers trying to soothe me.

"I know, but Prince...." I can't find the words, I just stare, this wasn't just a typical bad dream.

He pulls back, cupping my face in his hands, "You're okay, now." He laughs, "You almost gave me a heart attack, though." When I fail to laugh and glance warily toward the bedroom door, he asks, "Want to tell me about it?" I nod, staring down at the bed, almost as if I'm in shock, he pets my hair. "Sugar?"

He's really concerned now, and I hope I can convey the dream enough to rationalize my reaction, it's more the feeling I got from the dream than the actual dream itself. "It felt evil, and I felt very threatened," I explain.

"Okay?" He waits for more information.

I take a deep breath, "Okay, I was out in the garden working, no big deal. I came into the house and was standing in the kitchen, looking towards the foyer." I pause because here's where it goes south, and my stomach knots just thinking about it. "I'm looking toward the foyer, and standing by the hall table is a man, but, it's not a man."

Prince frowns at my description, but I continue, "It's more like this black mass, but it's shaped like a man, he has no features. Him being there scared the hell out of me, I felt very afraid. I screamed at him: GET OUT! turned toward me," my breathing quickens, just relaying the dream fills me with fear.

Prince sees that I'm physically reacting to the dream again and pulls me close, "I know you were scared, I would rather die a million deaths than to hear you scream like that again."

"I screamed out loud?"

He nods, "Blood curdling," he confirms. "I had just went into the bathroom when I thought I heard you whimper, when I stepped back into the doorway, you screamed 'get out'." He shakes his head as he remembers, "Every hair on my body stood on end."

I hold him closer, but change the subject, I need my adrenaline levels to drop, "Did you just get home?"

"Um, hmmm," he nods into my shoulder before pulling back to kiss my forehead. "I was just getting ready to join you. Do you think you can fall back asleep?"

"I need to," I move to get out of bed, "as soon as I pee."

Prince follows me to the bathroom but disappears into his closet, giving me privacy to use the toilet. As soon as I flush, he reappears, nude and sockless, I smile at the sight before returning to the bed. When I get to the bed, I slip my nightie over my head and let it drop to the floor before climbing in. Once he's pressed against me, I do my best to clear the bad dream from my mind and focus on the feel of his skin. He snuggles closer, and his breathing slows, within minutes I hear the tiniest of snores before my exhaustion takes over.

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