Chapter 1

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Hey guys, so this is my first ever fanfiction- I started it a few years ago now but I've edited and changed it to publish on here. I hope you like it!

Harry was under his invisibility cloak walking down the cobbled stone floor of the great hall. His eyes searched the crowd of survivors until they found the girl they'd been searching for. Ginny was sitting with her mother, Neville, Luna and George at a table. He changed course and immediately began thinking about what he wanted to say to her.

Tapping her shoulder lightly while still under the cloak, he grabbed her hand. Ginny jumped lightly in surprise and stood up.

Still under his cloak to avoid unwanted attention, Harry lead her out of the hall. He noticed Mrs Weasley and the others exchange looks of confusion at her sudden exit.

It was only when they'd left the hall that Harry realised they didn't have anywhere to go. For a few minutes they just walked in silence and Harry instinctively lead Ginny up to the remains of his old dormitory.

They perched on his old bed and Ginny slowly extended a hand up to gently pull away the cloak that was hiding his body.
"Harry" her voice cracked. Her eyes watched the floor as she spoke in a quite, soft tone.

The tone of her voice caused Harry's heart to shatter into a million pieces, "Ginny I'm so sorry..."
"Harry you left me not knowing if you were even alive!" She tried to sound angry but Harry could see in her face that she was anything but. Instead, she looked upset.

For the first time since the wedding at the Burrow all those months ago, Harry was able to lose himself in her beautiful, watery chocolate brown eyes.
Internally he fought to restrain himself from the urge to lean in a kiss her. To wrap her in his arms and never let her go again.

If Harry knew one thing on that moment, it was that he was still irrevocably in love with Ginny Weasley.

Clearing his throat Harry finally spoke, louder than he intended "I know. I never meant to hurt you, I meant to keep you safe"
He yearned for her to understand why he left her for so long.

Ginny's eyes lit up with a flame of anger as she flared up "safe from what! You?"
When he stayed silent her expression dissolved into a frown and her eyes welled up with tears.
"Exactly..." Harry finally spoke.

Ginny's mind tried to comprehend everything and she, probably for the first time in her life, didn't care about crying. She let the tears fall down her cheeks and only half tried to wipe them away.

When she opened her mouth to reply, all that came out was a stammered and barely audible "w-what?"
Harry took a deep breath and Ginny felt his hand lace itself around hers; she wasn't prepared for whatever he was going to say.

"If Voldemort knew I cared about you he would definitely attempt to use you in some way. He possessed you before and that was only because you were Ron's sister, imagine what he would've done if he knew about us".

Ginny fumed. What didn't he get? She loved him. She didn't care about that, she just wanted him. To know he was alive and returning to her in the end.

"I couldn't give any hints to Voldemort... Gin I'm so sorry, will, will you take me back?" His free hand gently brushed a tear from her cheek. He let it linger for a moment and Ginny felt his thumb caress her cheek.

Suddenly all her half-hearted anger vanished and she couldn't pretend anymore. She launched herself at him, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. Overwhelmed by having her in his arms again, Harry squeezed her body against his so securely Ginny couldn't help but smile.

Overcome with emotion, Ginny pressed her lips against his with such hunger and force she took him by surprise. They melted into each other's embrace and everything just felt right.

Harry gently tugged on her lower lip and Ginny deepened the kiss. Their tongues danced together for a while before they parted reluctantly. Their mouths remained mere centimetres apart as Harry whispered hopefully "is that a yes?"

Ginny looked into his enchanting, emerald green eyes. "In every language"

And then they were kissing again. Except this time it was slower and more sensual, less rushed and hungry.

When they finally pulled apart, they just held each other in a comfortable embrace.
"Ginny" Harry broke the silence. "I'm not sure I have the strength to face your family yet"

"Harry, listen, it wasn't your fault! Mum keeps saying how she is so proud of you and George understands it wasn't your fault."
"I don't know Gin..." he trailed off.

Sternly, Ginny pulled away and took both of his hands. She looked directly into his eyes "promise me Harry, one thing, you will never blame yourself for this ever again" when Harry didn't say anything, she repeated "promise me Harry"
Slowly he nodded "I promise I'll try"

"Good enough. Now promise me this too. Never leave me like that again" she hugged him again pulling him as close as possible.

Harry smiled in to her hair, "the easiest promise I can make"

Thank you so much for reading the introduction to Electricity! Please vote and comment what you think! I have big plans for this book and I hope you enjoy reading!

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