Chapter 9

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Ron and Hermione had been in Australia for a couple of days. Before they started looking for Hermione's parents, they visited the Australian ministry of magic. Kingsley had been in contact with them and together they had managed to track her parents down.

The aim of today was to meet them and lift the spell Hermione had put on them.

They had spent the entirety of the previous day in the library, researching the most efficient counter spell for the job. Ron knew how much this meant to Hermione and how she wanted it to go perfectly; all he wanted to do was help her, the way she helped him practically every day.

They apparated to an alley near a small dentist clinic and made their way to the main entrance. Ron took Hermione's hand in his and felt her shaking. Making their way to the front desk, Hermione asked politely for Wendell and Monica Wilkins. The woman at the front desk looked down her pinched nose at them.

"If you want to make an appointment you need to book in advance" she looked at her computer screen, "if it's an emergency then we can get you in, but our hygienist and dentist Austin Matthews does those"
She pushed her glasses up her nose, turned her head and looked up at them.

"Oh, no we don't want an emergency appointment, we've got news from home, we- er, have a message from their family" Hermione said.

"And what is this message?" The lady behind the desk asked dully.
"Sorry we can't tell you, it's confidential"
"Chase!" The moody woman called over a younger man with a white coat. "I want you to show these two to Wendell's office, apparently they have a family emergency"

'Chase' swiftly directed the couple up the small hall, turned left and stopped after a couple of doors. "Wendell's office is that one. I'd knock first, he may be with a patient". With that he hurried away, back to reception.

Ron squeezed Hermione's clammy hand in reassurance.

Hermione lifted her fist and knocked quietly on the door. No answer. She knocked again, this time a little louder. A muffled voice was heard from inside.

The door swung open and a bright, smiling face greeted us. The happy man invited them inside while looking at his clipboard.
"Hello, how may I help you both?"

Hermione's hand started to shake so Ron took it in his again.
"Wendell, we were wondering if we could have a word with you and your wife Monica?" Ron asked. Wendell nodded his head and popped into the room next door, returning minutes later with his wife in tow.

Pictures were hung around the office, scattered on every surface, plastered on every wall. Hermione gasped at the photos. Several of them were blank, almost as if they were magic portraits and the resident had just wondered off.

Once the two dentists were inside, Ron flicked his wand and locked the door. Simultaneously, Hermione muttered some silencing charm so no one else could hear in. All the while, Wendell and Monica Wilkins stood, rooted to the spot, confused and astounded.

"My name is Hermione Granger, and I'm a witch" Hermione pulled out her wand and held it up for them to see. Their mouths hung open and they both looked a little scared.
"Look I'll demonstrate a simple spell to prove it to you" she transfigurated a pencil holder from the desk into a small pocket watch which immediately began ticking.

Mr and Mrs Granger jumped back in fear. Both were too shock to speak. Without any hesitation after that however, Hermione pointed her wand directly at her father and closed her eyes in concentration. She muttered an incantation under her breath. A silver wisp flew out of her wand and as soon as it touched him, he closed his eyes, as if in a trance.

"No!" Monica shrieked hysterically, "what have you done to him! Who are you people?"
She opened her mouth to speak again, but before she could a silver mist hit her and she too closed her eyes.

Hermione looked at Ron with tears in her eyes and whispered, "whenever I want to, I can wake them up, and they should remember everything..." she trailed off. He pulled her into a hug and stroked her hair gently.
"What if it doesn't work" she whispered into his chest.

"Hermione, if it doesn't work, we will try again, I promise you that we won't give up until it's done" Ron comforted. She pulled away, smiled at him and re-closed her eyes. Muttering something once more, her parent's eyes fluttered open.

Hermione opened her eyes and smiled as she saw her parents. "Hi mum, hi dad" she whispered.
"Hermione? What's going on? Where are we?" Mrs Granger questioned. Hermione laughed and ran to hug them both, tears streaming down her face as she did so.

Ron let them have their moment until Hermione addressed him.
"Ron get over here!" She opened his arms for Ron to join their hug. He felt tears form in his own eyes and quickly blinked them away.

The four of them simply held onto each other for about a minute until Hermione stood back and took Ron's hand firmly in hers.

"Mum, dad, I'll tell you everything later, I promise, but first... Ron is my boyfriend now" she blushed furiously as she waited for a response.
Mrs Granger looked like she might burst with excitement. "Oh I'm so happy for you both" she squealed hugging the two of them again. Mr Granger, smiled and joined in the hug again.
"Don't hurt my little girl Ron, I'm trusting you to look after her" he warned, but was smiling proudly.

"I wouldn't worry about that Mr Granger, besides, if anything she looks after me! She's strong and I wouldn't have survived last year without her!"
Mr Granger frowned, "what happened last year?"
Hermione laughed "I said I'd tell you later! Anyway let's go, you have some jobs to quit!"

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