Chapter 14

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Ginny rolled over and her eyes fluttered open. A crack in the curtains cast a golden ray of sunlight across her pillow. She noticed her fiancé was absent from his place in their shared bed and sat up contently.
"Harry?" She called.

Moments later a shaggy haired man hurried into the room, "yeah Gin?"
Ginny stuck out her bottom lip and gave him 'puppy eyes' "can you bring me a coffee in bed please?"
Harry kissed her temple, "of course love. Good morning"
He returned later with a steaming mug and set it beside her on her side table.

She seldom drank coffee but today Ginny felt she needed the extra energy boost. Today, she was shopping for a wedding dress. A surely tiresome affair.

In addition to choosing her white gown, Ginny was also tasked with choosing Hermione's maid-of-honour dress and Luna and Fleur's bridesmaid dresses. In Ginny's mind she pictured a gorgeous golden frock for Hermione and scarlet red dresses for the two other girls.

'Gryffindor' was evidently the colour scheme.

Clutching her purse, Ginny ran downstairs.
"Bye Harry" she trilled as she entered their come-and-go room. She grabbed a fistful of floo powder and stepped into the fireplace.
"Bye love!" Harry shouted as she vanished in a cloud of green smoke.

Ginny stepped out into the bustling Diagon Alley and was immediately ambushed by her friends.
"Oo zees is so exciting! I love weddings" Fleur squealed. "Eet will be ze best day of your life"

"I agree" clapped Hermione, "let's not waste time! Let's get shopping"
The four girls linked arms as they approached the bridal shop.
"I always knew you would marry Harry" Luna wistfully sung in a melodic voice.

"Oh wow look at those dresses" Fleur breathed, her mouth hung open.
"It's gorgeous" Luna admired the crimson dress selection.

"You both look around and see if any of them take your fancy. I'd rather you choose so you're comfortable in them" Ginny gave them the freedom to browse. "Hermione could you pick out a few gold dresses you like?"

About 2 hours later, all but Ginny's dress had been purchased and she was growing increasingly anxious about finding one. It seemed she had tried on every dress in the store- it sure felt that way.

"Merlin help me" Ginny muttered as she started at her reflection in a mirror. The ivory dress that currently hung on her body did nothing for her. So off it came, on the next one went, then off it came.

If she liked one on a hanger, it didn't flatter her body when she tried it on. If Hermione liked it, Ginny didn't. If Luna liked one, Fleur didn't. Ginny longed to find a dress that made her feel beautiful. For one day in her life she wanted to dress like a princess.

They tried every shop in the alley until they finally gave up and left the wizarding world. They walked around muggle London, Hermione acting as their navigator, locating muggle wedding boutiques.

Ginny was losing the will to live when she finally saw a beautiful white gown hanging a the corner. Hermione saw the admiration in Ginny's eyes "try it on"

Carrying the delicate fabric to the dressing room, Ginny couldn't even bring herself to check the price tag. Nothing was going to ruin this moment for her.

The smooth material slid over her skin with ease. It's stunning lace bodice modestly shaped her chest as Hermione buttoned it up. When Hermione was finally finished she took step backwards and gasped.
"You look absolutely stunning Ginny! Harry will faint at the sight of you"

Cheeks tinting a rosey pink, Ginny allowed herself to smile. "You think so?"
Hermione nodded profusely, "most importantly, how do you feel about it?"

Before Ginny could give an answer, the curtain was thrown back and Fleur clapped her hands delightedly "oh eet eez beautiful Ginny! Absolutely beautiful! I remember when I first saw my dress! I fell in love with eet at once!" Fleur smiled and circled around the bride-to-be, looking at her gown from all angles.

"This is the one. I can feel it" Ginny couldn't take her eyes of her reflection.

"Ooh I have the perfect charm, you can wear with
that dress. It's a bonus too, because it keeps away the nifflers!" Luna said eagerly.
Ginny looked hesitant, "oh erm, how big is this charm?"
She loved Luna dearly, but didn't fancy wearing a broccoli necklace to her wedding.
"Oh don't worry, it just clips onto any normal bracelet, look!"

Luna pulled up her sleeve to reveal a dainty charm bracelet. She pointed at a tasteful silver charm hanging from it.
"You can borrow it, but I must ask for it back, it's very dear to me"
Ginny kissed Luna on the cheek "it's beautiful, thank you"

Back at home, Harry and Ron were in the middle of an intense game of exploding snap. Ron was dominating the game, also having previously won at least 2 prior games.

"You're terrible at this!" Ron gloated, "what time will the girls be?"
Harry threw his cards onto the table in defeat.
"No idea, Ginny wants to get her dress today, so I guess, as long as it takes to find one"

Ron nodded, Harry could tell he was holding back something he wanted to say.
"I can't understand what you see in her. Why her? Why my sister?" Ron asked him.
Harry turned scarlet, "Well what do you see in Hermione? Like, when did you notice you no longer liked her as just a friend?"
"I dunno, when I was with Lavender, I just felt like I'd rather be kissing her instead... Hey! You dodged my question!"

"You can't deny she's attractive-" Harry scratched the back of his neck.
"Harry! Please! She is my sister, of course I don't think she's attractive!" Ron grimaced.
"Ok, well she is. Anyway, her personality is amazing, I love her feisty spark and daring nature. To me, she's everything I could ever hope for in the world"

Ron rolled his eyes, "Ok Mr Romantic..." he laughed and Harry joined in.
"I'm home!" Ginny skipped into the room. "I left all the dresses at Ron and Hermione's house"

She plonked herself onto Harry's lap and looked at her brother "Hermione said to tell you to come home"
Ron sighed and slapped his legs as he stood up, "right, I guess I should go sooner rather than later then"

As he was leaving, Ginny massaged her feet that throbbed from walking around all day. When she heard Ron floo home, she looked up at Harry.
"You're so cute"
Harry kissed her nose, "you're cuter"
"No I mean everything you said about me. You're my world too"

Harry blushed and Ginny repositioned herself on his lap so she was straddling him. Her right hand tangled itself in his thick black hair. "You need a haircut" she observed, moving a lock of hair away from his eyes.

Harry chuckled lightly, leaning in to kiss her. Arching her back to reduce the distance between them further, Ginny cupped his cheeks with her hands. Harry's hands pressed against her backside.

He picked her up and carried her to their bedroom where they enjoyed the rest of their undisturbed night.

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