Chapter 18

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Ginny's POV

I woke up the morning after our appointment and suddenly ran to the toilet to be sick. Seconds late Harry was rubbing circles on my back and holding my hair back. Merlin how am I lucky enough to have him?

Together we headed downstairs, collecting Teddy on the way. As I suspected, the morning papers featured none other than a full page of Harry and I. Thankfully, I didn't look to bad in the photo, and of course Harry looked gorgeous, but it was the caption that angered me.
'Rumour has it that Ginny Potter, wife of the boy who lived, is pregnant after a one-night stand with somebody else's baby. The cheat refused several interviews whilst her husband merely watched on. No news yet on how Harry Potter is taking this latest blow, but it wouldn't be surprising if divorce was in the near future for this seemingly happy couple. Read more on page two...' -Rita Skeeter

I was furious. Fuming. And then, all of a sudden, I was crying. A lot. I fell into a ball on the floor and rocked myself. The world thinks I'm a cheat. What if Harry believes it? I broke down and cried harder. Then Harry rushed into he room and wrapped his arms around me. He picked up the paper and read it over my shoulder, his arms still tightly around me. When he finished, he threw the paper on the floor and pulled away from me. This is it. He's going to ask for a divorce. I braced myself.
"I don't believe a word of it Gin. I know that you would never even dream of doing such a thing. Don't upset yourself over it, who cares what they think. I can't imagine many actually believe all rubbish anyway! Come on love, I'll help you up..." he stood up, and pulled me to my feet again. He always knows just what to say. I sniffed and wiped my nose. He kissed the tip of my nose lightly.
"Come on Harry! Come on Ginny! I want breakfast!" Teddy called from the other room. We chuckled and went to the kitchen.

3 months time skip. Ginny is now 4 months pregnant.

Harry's POV

I was sat at my desk in my shared office. Ron sat across from me and we were both sorting through piles of papers and documents.
"Potter", I looked up and saw my boss, Auror Strickland poking his head around the door. "Can I borrow you for a moment"
I stood up, gave Ron a confused look, and followed him to his office across the hall. "What's the matter sir?" I asked.
"Potter." He stated. "I have been offered a job in Canada, it would be a step up from head auror and earn more money. Of course, the money is not my motivation here at all, I've always wanted to move to Canada anyway. My point is, should I accept this job, my spot here as Head Auror would need filling. And I if you accept, I would love for you to take over" he paused, leaning forwards waiting for me to respond.
"Wow. Sir I'd be honoured to be Head Auror. Congratulations on the job in Canada by the way!" I smiled. "But sir, if you don't mind me asking, why me? I didn't apply or anything..." I asked.
Strickland smiled at me, I'd never seen him smile before. He always seemed so uptight and focused on his job. "I've been wanting you closely since the first day you stepped foot in this office. You have potential Mr Potter, I think saving Wizard kind proved that" he held out his hand for me to shake and I did. "The pay would be higher of course, but you wouldn't have any more hours than you already do"
"Thank you so much for this opportunity sir! I really appreciate your confidence in me" I nodded my head slightly to show my gratitude.
"Don't worry about it Potter, you deserve it. You start Monday. Anyway, I shan't keep you from your work any longer, you may go" he smiled at me, and opened the door for me. "Good luck Potter, I know my faith in you isn't misplaced"

Later that day, I headed home for the day. I can't believe it, it seems all my dreams are slowly coming true! I have the girl of my dreams as my wife, the job of my dreams, a son, and another baby in the way. Maybe the universe didn't hate me after all...

Ginny's POV

When Harry walked in the door after his work, I knew something was up. He was grinning like a madman, you would think the sun shone out of his arse. "Hello love! Nice day?" He practically sung.
"Pretty average, but something tells me that yours had a particular highlight. Go on spill" I ordered while laughing.
"So Auror Strickland asked me to go into his office for a chat" he started.
"What, that moody old guy? For a chat?" I questioned, surprised. Harry had told me many stories of his 'grumpy old boss'.
"Yeah, well he's not all moody, mainly just focused. Anyway your making me go off track! He said he's leaving and that, if I wanted, I could become Head Auror. Of course I accepted it at once!" Harry gabbled excitedly. I opened my mouth to speak, but he spoke again. "And the best bit, is that it's no more hours than I do now! That means I can still see you, Ted and this little one lots!"
"Well done love! I'm so happy for you!" I kissed him on the lips passionately. My small, big noticeable bumps was pressed right up against his body. "Oh that reminds me! At tomorrow's appointment, we can find out the gender!" I smiled.
"I know, I'm so excited for little Potter" he said and kissed me again.

Teddy wondered into the room, clutching his favourite toy, a wolf called Moony. "Yuck! Moony says that your disgusting!" He exclaimed to the amusement of both us, and his parents who watched on from their frames. It had been Harry's idea to get him that toy, honestly, he was so thoughtful.

Harry's POV

The three of us stepped into the fireplace as Teddy was coming too, amd flooed to Saint Mungo's. Once again, we were swamped by paparazzi, but this time, I took Ginny's hand and lifted up Teddy, (although he was five, I didn't want him getting lost in the crowd).

We walked up to the familiar front desk and checked in. We made our way to the maternity ward and entered the room where Healer Gilbert was waiting. "Hello Ginny! Hello Harry! Who's this little fella?" She asked kindly, as I set Teddy down.
"I'm Teddy and imma be a big brother" he said proudly.
"Ah I see!" She smiled.
"He's not ours biologically" Ginny said, "but he's part of the family, and we raised him" she ruffled Teddy's turquoise hair.

Minutes later, we resumed the same positions as last time, Teddy sat on my lap, as I squeezed Ginny hand from the he chair by her bed.
"Would you like to know the gender?" She asked.
"Yes please" Ginny answered.
"Ok" Healer Gilbert smiled. I held my breath... "congratulations! You're having a boy!"
A boy. I was going to have a son. Wow.
Ginny squealed and I smiled a big grin at her.
"I'll leave you guys to celebrate while I take these papers to my office" Healer Gilbert said kindly, leaving the room.
"I can't believe we're going to have a son!" I smiled. I wasn't ashamed that a few tears escaped my eyes.
Ginny too, was crying. "Harry" she laughed wiping away some of my tears. "You're going to be an amazing dad and our little James will love you so much!"
I staggered back a bit. "James?" I choked.
She laughed at my reaction, the tears still spilling down her cheeks, "Yes, we said I could pick the first name if it was a boy. And I want James"
I had nothing to say, except, "thank you Gin. For everything."

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