Chapter 15

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Ginny stared at her reflection for the last time as Miss Ginevra Molly Weasley. The chaos that erupted around her was dulled as she focused on her image. She was vaguely aware that Hermione was swatting Ron with a satin scarf, probably shooing him out of the room.

In the corner of the cosy room, Luna was pondering over the seating plan, double and triple checking the arrangements. She claimed to have a natural gift for organising seating plans, due to some 'aura' or sixth sense.

Fleur painfully prided and pulled on Ginny's ginger locks attempting to style it. Every few minutes she would untangle it with the sigh "no, no zat is not working"
After more stabbing with hair pins, she twirled the bride around and took a step back, "magnifique" she declared proudly. " 'ermione I zink she eez ready for you"

Hermione hurried over, "oh you look gorgeous Ginny! Her hair is lovely Fleur!"
Hermione took a makeup box. Under direct instructions to keep it looking natural- Ginny was not a fan of wearing makeup- she set to work.

Hermione daintily applied minimalistic makeup, tapping a pink tint to Ginny's cheeks.
"I won't apply too much blush" Hermione commented, "I have a feeling you'll be doing enough of that on your own today"


Harry groaned. Why did his hair hate him? Why won't it tame?
Surrounding him, Neville (his groomsman) and Ron (his best man) were both as perplexed. The three of them had tried every trick in the book. Literally.

"Just give up mate. Except defeat. We've tried everything!" Ron whined.
"I'm sure Ginny will like it anyway" Neville tried to reassure Harry.
"Great" huffed Harry, "I'm going to be standing at the altar looking like I just rolled out of bed"

Ron snickered and Harry swatted him with a tie. As the couple had decided to marry on the grounds of Hogwarts, (where else?), Harry had stayed the night in one of the dormitories.

Thankfully there were no students as it was the summer holidays- this was a deliberate decision on Harry and Ginny's part. They didn't fancy having thousands of gawking students watching them marry.

There was an abrupt knock at the door and Arthur Weasley popped his head round the door. "I thought I'd check how you were getting on! How are you feeling Harry?"
"Nervous, mainly. But excited too. And happy. To be honest, I'm a big of an emotional wreck this morning..." Harry confessed, fumbling with his wand.

"Ah, don't worry I felt the same way before I got married. I was petrified to be honest. But it was also the happiest day of my life" he smiled.
Ron coughed loudly.
"Besides the birth of all my children obviously" he added chuckling, "but seriously, you'll be absolutely fine." He patted Harry on the back, excused himself and then left the room.

Harry positioned himself at the end of the aisle. His heart was beating so fast that his hands were clammy with nerves. McGonagall, who had agreed to officiate the wedding, walked over to stand beside a shaking Harry.

Ginny gripped her fathers arms so tightly her knuckles were whitening.
"Don't let me fall dad" she whispered. Her feet stumbled with every step in her white heels, so much that she was scared she'd topple over. They reached the end of the aisle and paused.

Arthur Weasley firmly patted his daughter's hand "never"

The music started and Victoire started to walk down the aisle as the flower girl. Throwing some petals around the aisle, she walked a metre or two in front of the bridesmaids, Fleur and Luna.

Then it was time. Ginny gave her fathers hand one final squeeze before the two of them began their slow walk. Ginny could feel her heart hammering against her ribs and felt like it was going to Juno right out of her chest she was so nervous.

Her worries we're dismissed the second her eyes landed on her man at the altar. Her man with eyes as green as a pickled toad and hair as dark as a blackboard. He was grinning at her sheepishly.

Ginny couldn't help but smile back at him, all the while she was getting closer and closer until they were close enough to touch.
"Who gives this woman to this man?" McGonagall asked.
"I do" Arthur Weasley took Ginny's hand and placed it into Harry's.

"Dear friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Harry James Potter and Ginevra Molly Weasley in marriage. Through their time together, they have come to realize that their personal dreams, hopes, and goals are more attainable and more meaningful through the combined effort and mutual support provided in love, commitment, and family; so today, they will begin their life together, as husband and wife." She started.

"True marriage is more than simply joining two persons together through the bonds of matrimony. It is also the union of two hearts and the blending of two families. It lives on the love you give each other and never grows old, but also thrives on the joy of each new day. Marriage is, and should be, an expression of love. May you always be able to talk things over, to confide in each other, to laugh with each other, to enjoy life together, and to also share those moments of quiet and peace, when the day is done. May you be blessed with a lifetime of happiness and a home of warmth and understanding."

Then came the vows.

Harry took both of his brides hands and looked directly into her eyes. He didn't need the parchment he'd prepared his vows on.

"Gin, I remember the first time I ever saw you. When I was stranded on that Kings Cross platform with no idea how to get onto platform 9 3/4. You were that little girl who wished me good luck. I never forgot that. Then I grew close to Ron and you suddenly became off limits so I tried to suppress my feelings for you- it never worked. I love everything about you, from your nature, fiery personality, beautiful brown eyes and blazing hair. Everyday with you is it's own adventure and I can't wait to see what our future looks like. I love you Ginny, with all my heart"

Dapping a few start tears on her cheeks, Ginny took a deep breath.

"Harry, I don't know where to start apart from I love you. I always have. Even when I was a snotty little six year old wearing her under where on her head, when I was first told the story of 'The Boy Who Lived'. I said 'he sounds like a brave boy, I'm going to marry him'. Of course all my brothers laughed at me, telling me to keep dreaming. When my brothers brought you to my house in the summer, my heart froze, a little warning would have been nice."

She turned her head quickly to glare at her brothers who were all lined up on the front row. A light ripple of laughter echoed from the quests, she re-focused on her groom. "I wanted to look perfect for you. But before then, I'd never wanted to look perfect for anybody. I knew that I loved you then. But not in the way my six year old self did. No, I loved you for your brave and selfless personality, not because of some story I'd heard. Over the years my love for you just grew. I honestly can't believe I'm stood here today, marrying the man I have always loved. I feel like the luckiest woman alive"

For what seemed like minutes, (it wasn't), no one said anything. The couple were lost in the other's glistening eyes.

McGonagall spoke up, "and now for the rings". Teddy ran over, clutching a cushion with the rings in it. You could tell from the look on his face that he was thoroughly enjoying his roll a ring bearer.

He handed over the small cushion with two gold rings on them. One had the inscription 'always' the other 'forever'.
Harry took a ring, took Ginny's hand in his and said "I Harry, give you Ginevra this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you."

He slid the ring onto her finger and Ginny picked up the second ring.

"With this ring, I wed thee and with it, I bestow upon thee all the treasures of my mind, my heart, and my hands."

"And now, by the power vested in me, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride" McGonagall smiled.

A short and beautiful kiss sealed their marriage and commitment to one another before they walked down the aisle as husband and wife.

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