Chapter 19

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Ron's POV

I clutched the tiny box with a sweaty hand. I carefully dropped it into my pocket just in time for Hermione to come out of the bathroom.
"Morning love" I smiled at her.
Her hair was wrapped up in a towel turban above her head. A bigger towel covered her middle. "Morning to you to" she smiled.
"I want to take you on a date today. We haven't had one in a while" I blurted out suddenly.
She looked up from her drawers where she was licking an outfit, and smiled at me, again. "Ok! What sort of date is it? What should I wear?"
"Wear whatever you want to love, you look beautiful in anything" or nothing I thought.

Later that day, Hermione and I were sat in a booth in Florean Fortescue's, waiting for our ice creams to arrive. Our knees were touching under the table and our hands were interlocked. Just getting here had been difficult, from the moment we apparited to Diagon Alley cameras started flashing blindingly in our faces. It's been years and neither of us actually finished off Voldemort. I just feel bad for Harry, he must get it worse than us, and we get it bad.

Our sundaes came and we tucked in happily. Hermione had a strawberry surprise, and I had a mint chocolate deluxe. Occasionally we swapped and I fed her some of mine and vise-versa. When the end of our date was nearing, I stood up and got down on one knee.

"Hermione Granger, we both know I'd be lying if I said I have loved you ever since I first saw you. But I'm not lying when I say I feel my love for you over the last couple of years has made up for the years lost. Muggles have a saying that opposites attract. And in our case, they couldn't be more right. I love you so much Hermione, and I couldn't live without you. So Hermione Jean Granger, will you marry me?"

She blinked a couple times, tears streaming down her face. I gulped, have I just made a terrible mistake?

"Yes Ronald Weasley! Of course! I love you so much" she threw herself onto me and kissed me. We stayed like that until a flash interrupted us. Oh. In the moment I'd forgotten about the paparazzi. I guess we know what the headlines will read tomorrow morning...

I slid the ring onto her finger and laughed giddily. I payed for our sundaes, left a massive tip reflecting my ecstatic mood, and apparited us to the burrow to tell the family. In my happy state, I conjured a patronus charm with ease, and sent it to other family members, telling them to come to the burrow. Hermione kept her hand out of sight so the ring won't give it away.

About ten minutes later the whole family had gathered in the living room of the burrow.

Ginny's POV

I was washing the dishes (something to do), when a jack Russel materialised infront of me. My idiotic brothers voice echoed about the room. "Meet us at the burrow, family meeting in ten minutes"

"Harry!" I called him and he came running downstairs. Teddy was right behind him, clutching Moony the toy tightly. "Ron needs us at the burrow in ten minutes" I informed. He opened his mouth to speak, "I don't know" I spoke again, "he only said there was to be a family meeting"
"Oh" he said confused. Then he turned to Teddy, "shall we go and find you shoes then?" Teddy nodded, "race you!" Harry smiled as Teddy ran off. Harry ran after him making sure he was always behind Teddy and therefore 'losing'.

I smiled after my boys and subconsciously rubbed my bump which was getting bigger by the day. At my last appointment, Healer Gilbert told me little James was the size of an avocado already. I laughed at that, imagining the size of me when I'm am ready to burst in 5 or so months.

When we were ready, we all stepped inside the fireplace and flooed to the burrow. When we walked into the living room, we noticed we were some of the last to arrive. We sat down on the sofas, and as there was limited room left, I sat on Harry's lap. Teddy and Victorie had already run off to play somewhere in the house. I love how close they are, Victorie may be a year younger, but you wouldn't be able to tell, she's quite a mature 4 year old. Most of us think she has the ability of becoming a Ravenclaw, much to her fathers discretion.

Once the last of us had arrived, Ron and Hermione stood up, holding hands. "We have some exciting news" Ron grinned.
Hermione held up here hand so we could see a small, shiny diamond on her finger, "we're engaged!" She almost yelled.
Harry was the first to jump up and congratulate his friends, (though I did have to get off him first), and he walked over to Ron.
He winked at me and then looked at Ron "If you hurt her, I'll make you pay, she's like my sister" he said, very seriously. Then his face cracked a smiled and he burst out laughing, "Ron, mate, I was joking!" He laughed and then stopped abruptly, "but seriously, if anything happens, I'll have to take her side". He gave a very confused and slightly intimidated Ron a hug and then turned to Hermione and gave her a hug as well. "Congratulations guys, I'm so happy for you!" He smiled and then stepped back so Mrs Weasley could trap them both in a famous hug.

Suddenly I burst into tears. I'm not quite sure why but I did. Harry immediately looked concerned. "Gin what's wrong? Are you ok? Is it the baby?" We had agreed to keep the name James a secret until his birth.
I hugged him and sobbed onto his shoulder whilst everyone in the room watched. "I don't know. I guess I'm just happy for them... it must be the hormones more than anything else"
"I think I'd better take her home, congratulations again guys! I'll owl you soon!" Harry excused us. He found Teddy and we flooed home. I really miss the speed and ease of appariting, but it's not recommended when pregnant, and the last thing I want is to hurt James.

Teddy looked at me after handing me a tissue. "Ginny, can you read me a story?" He asked.
"Of course Teddy, what book did you have in mind?" I answered dabbing at my eyes with the tissue.

Ten minutes later, we were snuggled up on mine and Harry's bed reading a book. Harry had joined us, and we both took turns in reading for Teddy. It just made me more excited to have little James. I can't wait, I'm ready for the next chapter of my life.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! Don't forget to comment and vote if you liked it! Love you all!

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