Chapter 12

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The next morning Harry awoke before the sun had risen. He rolled onto his side and faced the sleeping beauty beside him. Ginny's red locks were spread across her pillow as she snores softly. The moment the sun streamed into their bedroom Harry leapt out of bed.

Ginny stirred in her sleep "come back to bed" she mumbled, still half asleep. She reached out her arm in his direction but didn't have the energy to hold it in the air so it flopped back onto the mattress with a thump.
"Gin I'm only going to have a shower" Harry promised her. "We can cuddle when I get out, ok?"
But Ginny was already snoozing again.

A few hours later they were snuggled up on their sofa watching Teddy play when there was a knock on the door. Ginny jumped up to answer it.
"George!" She said surprised, "what are you doing here?"
"Well little sis" he exclaimed, "I thought we could go for a picnic?"
Ginny narrowed her eyes, "what are you up to?" she questioned.
George gasped dramatically and clutched a hand to his heart. "Why I just want to spend time with my only sister of course"

"Why?" Ginny asked, trying to read what his intentions were. This was strange, he was never this spontaneous.
George looked at Harry over Ginny's shoulder and drew a blank, "because it's a special day!" Harry almost thought his game was up when George continued, "don't you remember that day when mum's toffee pudding exploded because Fred and I stuffed an unopened howler in the bowl? Yeah well that was ten years ago" he proudly stated. "Still one of my proudest achievements and as my partner in crime cannot be here, I want my next favourite sibling to celebrate with me"

Ginny smiled "aw George, of course I'll come"
"Don't be too flattered" George commented, "there's quite a big gap between you and him but I'll take what I can get"

Ginny rolled her eyes playfully. Both of them walked into the living room to see Harry and Teddy sitting together on the floor. Teddy was laughing hysterically as multi-coloured smokes blew from the tip of Harry's wand.
"Harry is it ok if I go for a picnic with George?" Ginny leant down to ruffle Teddy's messy hair.

Harry smiled, quickly glancing at George who was giving him a thumbs up over Ginny's shoulder.
"Of course love, have a great day"
"Brilliant I'll go get ready"

She ran upstairs, tying her hair up in a ponytail. While she was upstairs Ron and Hermione arrived at the front door. Harry let them in quietly so Ginny didn't hear.
After several min had passed George grew impatient, "seriously how long does it take? Are you sure you want her as your wife Harry? It's not too late to say no!"
"Yes I'm sure George" Harry chuckled, "I love her with all my heart"
Ron grimaced, "hey man I get you're getting married and a,l that but could you stop with the sappy love things around me"

Then Ginny appeared in a new outfit. "Oh Ron, Hermione when did you get here?"
"I invited them over when you said you were going out" Harry kissed her on the cheek, "have a good day, I'll see you later"
"Bye" Ginny kissed him quickly much to Ron's disgust, "bye little man" she waved at Teddy.
"Bye bye Gin-Gin" Teddy waved, toddling over and hugging her legs.

As soon as the siblings had gone, Hermione squealed in excitement p. She clapped her hands while jumping up and down "I'm so excited!" She declared, "oh Harry this is all so romantic!"
Ron frowned at her "gees your acting like its you getting engaged!". Then he turned to face Harry "girls" he muttered rolling his eyes.

Harry laughed, "you guys are like an old married couple"
"Well we are a couple but we're not married..." Hermione pointed out.
"Or old!" Ron interjected.
Folding her arms, Hermione spun to look at Ron, "I was about to say that Ronald, would you stop interrupting me"

Harry put his head in his hands. "This is my point exactly... Anyway, may I talk now?" Silence followed. "Good! Ok, so George has got her until noon right and Hermione you will take her shopping until about 3, and then Ron, will..."
Hermione put her hands on his shoulders to silence him. "Breath Harry. Calm down everything will be perfect no matter how things turn out"

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