Chapter 7

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As usual Hermione woke up early and decided to head downstairs to help with breakfast. She was greeted by a smiling Mrs Weasley. "Morning dear, did you sleep well?" she asked cheerfully.

"I did thank you Molly" Hermione responded politely. She aided Mrs Weasley in setting the table for breakfast. Shortly after they had finished, Mr Weasley trudged into the kitchen, grabbed a piece of toast before kissing Molly on the cheek. He then waved a quick goodbye before flooing to the Ministry for work.

Hermione had always admired Mr Weasley and how he worked so hard despite earning so little. She felt a pang in her heart as she remembered her own father and how a little boy had once bitten him at work as a dentist.

Waiting for breakfast to cook she picked up the Daily Prophet, sat on the sofa and skimmed her eyes across the pages. With every page turn, she wished more and more that she could see her parents again. By the time she had reached the final page Hermione had made up her mind.

She was going to Australia. As soon as possible. She needed her parents back.

She longed to be able to hug her mum tightly and tell her how much she had missed her over the last year. Her mind drifted towards Ron. Would he want to come? What would he say? Then she thought about what her father would say once she reversed her enchantment. Hermione had never had a boyfriend before, how would her parents react?

She decided to ask Ron about it when he woke up and came down for breakfast.

As if on cue, the welcoming smell of bacon wafted into her nostrils and she heard the clatter of clumsy footsteps on the wooden staircase. Sure enough her boyfriend stomped into the room and smiled.

"You're up early Ron" Hermione pointed out.
"I smelt bacon" he responded, sitting beside her.
Hermione giggled at his typical yet adorable response and took a deep breath.
"Ron I want to go to Australia to find my parents"
Ron beamed "that's a great idea, when are you going?"
"Well that's the thing... I was sort of hoping the question would be 'when are we going?' And as soon as possible"
"I'd love to come with you Hermione" Ron wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. Hermione leant her chin on Ron's shoulder, breathing a sigh of relief.

Meanwhile in Grimmauld Place, Ginny squinted, rubbing her eyes as the morning sun shone brightly onto her pillow. As her eyes adjusted to the light she noticed that she wasn't alone. Harry lay beside her, snoring softly as he slept. His messy black hair covered his eyes as he let out the soft, gentle snores that made Ginny's heart jump for joy.

Ginny kissed him gently on the lips and smiled as his eyes fluttered open.
"Morning sleepyhead" she whispered, her mouth still centimetres from his.
"Morning beautiful" Harry said groggily, cupping her cheek with his hand. After another short and admittedly one sided kiss, they pulled apart and Ginny grabbed Harry's hands. She made an attempt to pull him up and out of bed- obviously to no avail.

"Nooo Gin I'm too tired, let me stay in bed a little longer" he whined. Merlin why was he so sexy when he talked like that?

After a few minutes Ginny finally coaxed Harry downstairs for breakfast. While they were eating their cheeri-owls an owl flew in the window and dropped a letter in front of Ginny. Curiously she opened it and Harry leant to read it over her shoulder.

Harry and Ginny,
We have some news,
please come to the burrow a soon as possible
Lots of love,
Ron and Hermione xxx

If it hadn't been Hermione, they might have jumped to a different assumption of their potential news, however Harry and Ginny were left with no guesses. As soon as they had finished their breakfast, they apparated to the burrow. Ginny noticed that nearly her entire family was crammed into the living room.

"Well everyone, we wanted to tell you all this news together, to save us repeating ourselves" Hermione began. "So for those of you who don't already know, before the war I sent my parents off to Australia. As far as they are currently concerned, they do not have a daughter and magic does not exist" She hiccuped a bit as she held back the tears. Ron rubbed her shoulder comfortingly.

Ron clapped his hands together, "basically Hermione and I are going to Australia to find her parents and bring them back"
Hermione continued "of course, we don't know how long we'll be gone, or when we'll be back, but we do know that we'll be leaving later today"

Later that day everyone gathered around an old bottle in the garden. Kingsley had joined them and handed the bottle to Hermione.
"This is your portkey" he explained, "it will get you to Australia safety. I had some of my workers do some research about your parents Hermione, and I wrote it all down in this document. It has information about their location and a few spell that might be useful when undoing yours, you did a nightly complex one" he chuckled lightly. "Good luck to the both of you"

Then, Ron and Hermione held tightly to the bottle and soon vanished into thin air.

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